
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Lewistown City Council met Feb. 13

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Welcome to Lewistown sign | City of Lewistown / Facebook

City of Lewistown City Council met Feb. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chairman Brad Ward, Alderperson John Spotloe, and Jim Long, and Mayor Doug Lafary.

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Ward, Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Kendall Miller and David Levingston, Mayor Doug Lafary, Administrative Assistant Levi Peitzmeier, and City Clerk Cindy Goddard.

ABSENT: Alderperson John Spotloe

BUSINESS Two quotes presented to the council to look at, one quote from Thomas Dodge for $41,800.00 and one from Galena Chrysler for $44,285.00. The public works department would like to have the Dodge Durango that the police department has now. New equipment that would be needed is estimated at around $7,932.00. An Expedition is around $70,000.00, price out of range. Chief Ford would like to take the money out of the salary fund since they are way under budget. Recommendation by Alderperson Long to go with the V8 2024 Dodge Durango Pursuit AWD that Thomas Dodge has which is the cheapest one. All agree to present to City Council during the Council meeting.

Committee meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m. motion by Chairman Brad Ward.

The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Douglas Lafary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Invocation: Pastor Paul Walmsley

ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Brad Ward, Kendall Miller, David Levingston, and Mayor Doug Lafary. Also present: City Clerk Cindy Goddard, Administrative Assistant Levi Peitzmeimer, Public Works Director Evinn Palmer, Police Chief Chris Ford and City Attorney Nathan Collins.

ABSENT: Alderperson John Spotloe and City Treasurer Deb Brown.



Alderperson Clark made a motion to approve the minutes of January 23, 2024, second by Alderperson Long, the motion carried all ayes.

Report- Nothing tonight.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Debbie Brown. Absent.

ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Nathan Collins. Regarding the C1 zoning there is no mentioning of gas station in the zoning. He has reviewed and advised Casey's and we this new Casey's makes three right now. If the aldermen want to revise C1 zoning they can. He would like on agenda next time so it can by discussed and approved. Alderperson Levingston asked what happens now with the Henderson property, Attorney Collins needs estimate and bill for tearing it down.

ENGINEER'S REPORT: Keith Plavec. No Engineer present.


Casey's Sr. Site Development Manager Richard McMahon would like to thank the community for having Casey's in our community.


Finance/Insurance/Zoning - Alderperson Clark: Had budget meeting Monday will be presented at later time.

Sewer - Alderperson Spotloe: Absent.

Streets & Allies - Alderperson Levingston: Nothing to report.

Police/ESDA- Alderperson Ward: Later in meeting.

Water - Alderperson Miller: Nothing to report.

Utilities/Publications - Alderperson Long: Nothing to report.

Public Buildings & Grounds - Alderperson Long: Nothing to report.

Tourism - Alderman Miller: Havana has a Development Director and would like to have them here to give us some advice on how to develop our downtown. American Legion is having a fish fry on Friday night and they are donating half money to a family for medical bills.

Tax Increment Financing - Alderperson Spotloe: Absent

Citizens Committee - Amanda Sutphen not present.

Christmas Committee - Kenny Haacke The Christmas Committee is having a Spaghetti dinner on March 23 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., along with silent auction. The amounts are adults $7.00 and children $5.00.


Evinn Palmer Director still working on lead line inventory with the grant money we received. Still working on getting ground storage estimates to get that started.


1. Discuss/Act Upon Acquiring New Police Vehicle - Police committee meeting before this meeting, Chief wants to purchase a 2024 Dodge Durango for $41,800.00 from Thomas Dodge. Motion by Alderperson Brad Ward to purchase a 2024 Dodge Durango for $41,800.00 from Thomas Dodge and second by Alderperson Clark, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.


1. Discuss Mike Osborne speaks about locally managing our Public Website and providing a stronger online Presence – Packet handed out, he has a local company called Bald Man Marketing. Would like to help get our website more up to date it is over 10 years old, previous administrator set it up. Has around 16 years experience with the school, and he is right here in town. Logo needed along with accessibility being simpler. It also needs to be available to the handicapped citizens to manipulate thru. Cost is for a rebuild, around $14,750.00 then an ongoing maintenance plan starting at $395/$595/$795 per month once complete. Table at this time.

2. Discuss/Act Upon Resolution for Christmas Parade on December 7 at 2:00 p.m. – Motion by Alderperson Miller to approve Resolution 2024-01 for the Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30p.m., second by Alderperson Clark, motion carried all ayes.


Alderperson Long made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderperson Clark roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.

CLOSED SESSION: No closed session


Alderperson Ward made a motion to adjourn at 7:02 p.m.; Seconded by Alderperson Miller motion carried all ayes.
