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City of Lewistown City Council March 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Douglas Lafary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Mayor Lafary
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Brad Ward, Kendall Miller, David Levingston, John Spotloe and Mayor Doug Lafary. Also present: City Clerk Cindy Goddard, City Treasurer Debby Brown, Administrative Assistant Levi Peitzmeier, Public Works Director Evinn Palmer, Police Chief Chris Ford. ABSENT:
Alderperson Long made a motion to approve the minutes of February 27, 2024, second by Alderperson Clark, the motion carried all ayes.
Report- Waiting on window estimates, and still looking for someone to do the floor in the Visitors Center.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Debbie Brown. Treasurer's report presented to council members for February.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Nathan Collins. Absent.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Keith Plavec. Later in meeting.
PUBLIC COMMENTS AND PETITIONS: Erin Ahart, owner of Sycamore Acres, since 2021 renovating the old nursing home. She has apartments, dance class, paint classes and small businesses in there at this time. Plans are for a bar and a restaurant, along with a flower stand. They have also purchased some houses to renovate and resell here in town. Mrs. Ahart is a member of the Chamber now and wants to bring businesses to town and bring everyone together to accomplish this. Maybe follow Havana, they got together and got buildings renovated. Alderperson Miller asked if could create a group to maybe accomplish this. Mike Osborne joined the Chamber also and is hoping to revitalize it. Mr. Osborne says there are 90 businesses in town and is trying to contact all of them to get them to join the chamber. Yes, a group is what he would like to organize. Economic Development Group says there is grant money out there for the businesses to use.
Finance/Insurance/Zoning - Alderperson Clark: Nothing to report.
Sewer - Alderperson Spotloe: Nothing to report.
Streets & Allies - Alderperson Levingston: Nothing to report.
Police/ESDA – Alderperson Ward: Nothing new to report., there is police business later.
Water Alderperson Miller: In new Business.
Utilities/Publications - Alderperson Long: Nothing to report. In new Business
Public Buildings & Grounds - Alderperson Long: Later in meeting.
Tourism Alderman Miller: Would like to create a new committee called Economic Development Committee that anyone can speak during that time. Would like on the agenda next meeting. Mayor Lafary said he would create this committee, maybe combine with Citizens Committee. Alderperson Miller reminded everyone that The Governor wants to do away with the grocery tax maybe need to think about it. Alderperson Clark reminded everyone that the American Legion is having their last fish fry for the season 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. this coming Friday night.
Tax Increment Financing - Alderperson Spotloe: Nothing at this time.
Citizens Committee – Amanda Sutphen not present but sent message that regarding the Bustros grant we are just waiting on Keith Plavec to finish the estimate for the information they need.
Christmas Committee - Kenny Haacke March 23, 2024, at VFW is the Spaghetti supper for the Downtown Christmas along with the silent auction. Meeting is the 20th to get last minute items discussed. Everyone is welcome.
WORKS DIRECTOR'S REPORT – Evinn Palmer Director have been street sweeping, patching and have been working on budget.
1. Discuss/Act Upon Ordinance amending 153.131 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lewistown to include Vehicle Service & Fueling Stations - Motion by Alderperson Levingston, to approve Ordinance 2024-01 amending 153.131 to include Vehicle Service & Fueling Stations, second by Alderperson Miller, motion carried all ayes.
1. Discuss/Act Upon Quincy Compressor purchase for Waste Water- The filter room runs under climate control, cannot get parts for the compressor they have now, have to have one, the Quincy compressor is equivalent to what we have It is a Quincy Compressor for $8,774.00. Motion by Alderperson Levingston to approve the purchase of the Quincy Compressor for Waste Water for $8,774.00, second by Alderperson Long, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
2. Discuss/Act Upon acquiring heads for Jetter (Vac Truck) - Public Works is demonstrating one at this time there are different heads for the Vac Truck that is used on sewers, cuts thru tree roots, and one available that has a camera, three heads total to keep truck working properly and efficiently. Moton by Alderperson Levingston to purchase all three heads for the Jetter only if the camera head is liked by Evinn Palmer, second by Alderperson Clark, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
3. Discuss/Act Upon Withdraw from MTU-7 - Still belong to MTU 4 (Mobile Training Unit), have to pay annual dues on both, MTU-7 and MTU-4 don't need to have both. Motion by Alderperson Ward, to withdraw from MTU-7 and only belong to MTU-4, second by Alderperson Spotloe, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
4. Discuss/Act Upon Equipment for the new Durango - Some equipment is $400.00 more than had been approved at previous meeting. The decals are about $1,000.00 which is $300.00 more than expected. So a total of $700.00 more is needed to get the new Durango ready. Motion by Alderperson Spotloe to approve the extra $700.00 for the new Durango for equipment and decals, second by Alderperson Ward, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
5. Discuss/Act Upon Shotgun Conversions & Less Lethal Ammunition Purchase - The police department has a part-timer hired from Sheriff's office that is trained regarding Less Lethal equipment already. At this time we have no Less Lethal equipment. Would like to convert two shotguns and purchase some ammunition will cost about $500.00 to $600.00. Motion by Alderperson Spotloe to approve $600.00 for Less Lethal equipment needs and ammunition, second by Alderperson Clark, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
6. Discuss FY Budget (First Viewing) – Beka Schultz presented current version of the budget, today added the rest of the ARPA money $227,000.00 so not on the sheet that was presented to the council. With the Water improvements that are going to happen, storage tanks, will probably need IEPA loan and the grant of $600,000.00 was added in, some expenses won't hit till next year. Lead service lines will need to be replaced. Need planning study done. Everything has to be planned before IEPA loan is applied for and has to be by March 31. The new pump station is going to be $900,000.00 to a million for final cost. Water storage tanks need repainted have to do a study. All is included in the budget. Waste Water will have a significant expense. A salary sheet was presented to the council with different pay increases from 5%, up to 20% pay increase. Also compared pay with union pay in other towns. First let's discuss wages. Alderperson Levingston, believes that Evinn Palmer being a department head with the weight of the entire town on his shoulders, should be making the same as the Police Chief. Mayor Lafary wants them to pick a percentage. Has to be published by March 24, 2024. All agree our city employees are very good and wear many hats and deserve a raise. Alderperson Miller said that we should have a wage hand book created. Alderperson Long would like 10% raise for the employees. General Fund has $2,000.000.00 in it. If part-timers get raise now then they don't get one in January because they will be over the minimum wage. Beka will update the budget to present to the council at the next meeting. She needs a decision on pay increases. Alderperson Miller made a motion to give all employees a 10% pay increase, second by Alderperson Clark, roll call vote motion carried all ayes.
Alderperson Levingston wanted to know why south end of town is not getting more attention to clean up properties.
Alderperson Miller made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderperson Clark roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.
Motion to go into closed session by Alderperson Spotloe, second by Alderperson Miller, to discuss salaries for one or more employees, motion carried all ayes at 7:48 p.m., doors closed.
Doors opened back up at 8:05 p.m., public to come back in, motion to resume regular session.
Alderperson Spotloe made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 p.m.; Seconded by Alderperson Miller motion carried all ayes.