
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of East Moline City Council met May 6

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City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline City Council met May 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Reggie Freeman led the City Council and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed the City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz, to call the roll. The following Alderpersons were present: Olivia Dorothy, Jeffrey Deppe, Nancy Mulcahey, Adam Guthrie, Rhea Oakes, Lynn Segura, and Jose Rico.




Mayor Freeman read and presented the following Proclamation, proclaiming May 18, 2024 as “River Clean Up Day.” Sergio Mendoza accepted the Proclamation. Mr. Mendoza stated that on behalf of the Clean Advisory Council he thanked Mayor Freeman, City Council and the residents of East Moline for the Proclamation. Mr. Mendoza stated that everyone is stewards of the river and takes part in keeping the river clean and beautiful.

Mayor Freeman read and presented the following Proclamation, proclaiming, May 12, 2024 through May 18, 2024 as “National Nursing Home Week.” Ryan McHaffey, Hope Creek Administrator accepted the Proclamation. Mr. McHaffey thanked Mayor Freeman and City Council for the recognition for National Nursing Home Week. On behalf of 150 plus residents in the senior living community. The is a population that is overlooked in society.


City Clerk Roberts-Bontz read the Consent Agenda that included the following: a. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2024.

b. Approval of Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2024. c. Approval of Salaries as of April 26, 2024 in the amount of $465,296.88. d. Approval of Overtime as of April 20, 2024 in the amount of $14,174.25. e. Approval of Bills as of April 26, 2024 in the amount of $1,240,927.91. f. Mayoral Committee Appointment of Steve McNinch for Planning Commission.

A motion was made by Alderperson Mulcahey, seconded by Alderperson Deppe, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, Rico, and Dorothy. Motion carried.


ORDINANCES – 1st Reading - None

ORDINANCES – 2nd Reading

24-04 Update to Residency Requirement for FOP

A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve Ordinance 24-04 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Deppe, Guthrie, Segura, Rico, and Dorothy. Opposed: Mulcahey and Oakes. Motion carried. 5 -2


24-32 Purchase of 500 water meter heads

A motion was made by Alderperson Dorothy, seconded by Alderperson Rico, to approve Resolution 24-32 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, Rico, and Dorothy. Motion carried.


Each City Staff member present was given the opportunity to inform the City Council and those in attendance of events in their departments:

Mark Rothert, City Administrator – Mr. Rothert informed the City Council about the following items:

a. Approved two new façade grants for 936 15th Avenue in the amount of $1,120.00 and 822 15th Avenue in the amount of $5,000.00.

b. Applying for a Rebuild Downtowns and Main Streets Capital Grant through the State of Illinois up to $2,000,000.00 can be awarded.

c. Received Tourism Grant in the amount of $71,000.00 from the State of Illinois that will be used for improving parking at Jacob’s Park.

d. Cinco De Mayo Festival was great, brought in a lot of people and the weather cooperated.

Jeff Ramsey, EMPD Chief – Chief Ramsey informed the City Council that applications open until May 17, 2024 for new police officers, testing will occur on May 18, 2024.

Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering – Mr. Kammler informed the City Council that there is a public hearing for Ameresco the Natural Gas Plant at the City Council Chambers tomorrow, May 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Brianna Huber, Director of Water Filtration – Ms. Huber informed the City Council of the following items:

a. Received back the first IEPA inspection report.

b. Triennial IEPA inspection have not received the report back yet, but they believe there are no deficiencies. IEPA might need water quality monitoring.

c. Ms. Huber passed out a flyer regarding May 5 – 11, 2024 as National Drinking Water Week.

Antrena Trimble, WWTP Director – Ms. Trimble informed the City Council of the following items:

a. Incident occurred at the lift station and the VFD was replaced.

b. Clarifier #2 gearbox broke and was taken offline, there may be a smell of a strong odor while the clarifier is out of service.

Reggie Freeman, Mayor – Mayor Freeman stated there was a good turn out this weekend at the Cinco De Mayo Festival. Main Street did a magnificent job!


A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to adjourn the City Council meeting. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. 6:52 p.m.
