
Rock Island Today

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Governor Pritzker signs largest spending bill in Illinois history

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State Representative Daniel Swanson (IL) | Representative Dan Swanson (R) 71st District

State Representative Daniel Swanson (IL) | Representative Dan Swanson (R) 71st District

Governor J.B. Pritzker has signed the largest-ever spending bill in Illinois history into law. The $53.1 billion budget, passed by the House at around 2 a.m. on the final day of the session, required approximately $1 billion in tax increases to fund. Representative Dan Swanson noted that the bill allocates almost four times as much on undocumented immigrants as it does on services for Illinois veterans. "I voted No, along with every other Republican," Swanson stated.

Swanson highlighted that with this new bill, the state budget has surged from $40 billion four years ago to over $53 billion today, marking an increase of $2.6 billion compared to last year alone. He expressed concerns about sustainability and rising taxes and costs for Illinois residents.

In another legislative development, Senate Bill 3571 was passed to require Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in all school attendance centers in Illinois. Supported by the American Heart Association, this bill mandates AED accessibility during both school hours and extracurricular activities held on school grounds. Swanson expressed pride in joining the unanimous vote for this legislation.

The Department of Public Health (IDPH) has issued warnings about a potentially severe tick season ahead due to milder spring weather. Maureen Murray from Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo indicated that warmer temperatures could lead to increased tick activity earlier in the year. IDPH advises precautions such as wearing light-colored clothing, using bug repellant with DEET or similar substances, and treating clothing with permethrin.

Representative Swanson also attended the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Illinois state convention in Springfield where he received their Representative of the Year award. He thanked State Commander Brett Nila and members of Orion VFW for their support.

Additionally, Swanson reported a successful Veteran/Senior Fair at Seminary Village in Galesburg, featuring health screenings, door prizes, and information on programs for seniors and veterans.

Further news includes updates on bowhunters' roles in tracking bobcat populations in Illinois, housing scam alerts issued by IHDA, safety advisories from Illinois State Police during ‘100 Deadly Days of Summer,’ incentives for outdoor activities through Free Fishing Days, tech grants for rural libraries amounting to $2 million, and extensions to Meals on Wheels facilitated by bipartisan action.