
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Moline Public Art Commission met June 17

Webp 7

Dan McNeil, 6th Ward Council Member | City of Moline

Dan McNeil, 6th Ward Council Member | City of Moline

City of Moline Public Art Commission met June 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

1. Call to Order / Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes: May 20, 2024 Meeting

3. Public Comment

4. Information Items

5. Action Items

a. Place Making/Art Projects

1) Floreciente Neighborhood Mural potential at proposed Veterans Memorial

▪ Design Concept has been shared with City Staff and PAC

▪ Update by Staff, K.J. Whitley, and Commissioner Salaverria

2) Leading Light at The Q Parkway - Northeast Corner of 12th Street and 4th Avenue

▪ MetroLINK interest to support with matching funds; Update on Board Meeting and meeting with Mayor Rayapati by Commissioner VanHecke

▪ Review and discussion of revised Draft RFQ for Sculpture Installation and Public Mural.

▪ Discuss next steps

3) Greeting From Moline Mural – Project Potential

▪ Building owner Ryan Wade on board with a mural project on his building

Any person with disabilities who wishes to attend the meeting who requires a special accommodation or any other person requiring a special accommodation in attending the meeting should notify Savanna Cruz, Department of Community & Economic Development, 309-524-2029.

▪ West façade preferred, with removal of trees and addition of low landscape and lighting to accent and frame mural

▪ Next steps

4) Bass Street Toilet Building mural or other art on blank walls of new facility

▪ Partnering with Moline Parks & Recreation Department for an interactive mural on the new Toilet Building

▪ Building under construction, staff update on completion date

▪ Prepare to issue RFP with Quad City Arts. Determine dates

5) Public Sculpture Program with Quad City Arts

▪ 5 of the 6 sculptures installed! Commissioners to do a walk-by and provide feedback

6) Heritage Natural Foods mural potential

▪ Danielle Pennington has an interest. Any further update by Commissioner Salaverria

▪ Propose to remove existing billboard. Update from Staff

7) Bloomberg Asphalt Art Initiative 2024 (Commissioner Hartley)

▪ Project on hold, Pending a call for submittals

8) Moline Centre Alleyways

▪ Alley behind former Watermark Corners and River House

▪ Project on hold

b. Upcoming City Projects – 2% PAC Funds

▪ Moline Riverfront Master Plan with consultants MKSK. PAC would like to be engaged as design progresses. Update from City staff

c. Art Maintenance Program Application

▪ Final review by legal, Staff update status. Prepare to publish on City website

6. Other Business

a. Workplan Projects 2024 In Progress and Projects 2025, review documents

b. Budget Status, staff to provide summary spreadsheet

7. Announcements

Next Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 15, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

8. Adjournment
