
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Rock Island County Public Works and Facilities Committee met May 13

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Larry Burns (D), Board Member - District 3 | Rock Island County

Larry Burns (D), Board Member - District 3 | Rock Island County

Rock Island County Public Works and Facilities Committee met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order & Roll Call:

Chairman Burns called the Public Works & Facilities meeting to Order at 8:30AM.

A Roll call was taken as follows:

Members present: L. Burns, D. Adams, R. Morthland, T. Foster, B. Westpfahl.

Members absent: C. Layer, CBC Brunk.

Public Comment: Evan Ortiz

Others Present: J. Grafton, G. Thorpe, J. Boudi, L. Geiger, N. Camlin, C. Reise,

Approval of Minutes: from the April 8th 2024 Public Works & Facilities Committee Meeting

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: T. Foster

Voice Vote

Motion Carried

Reports to Committee:

Greg Thorpe gave his report from Zoning and Building

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: T. Foster

Voice vote

Motion carried

Josh Boudi gave the GIS report

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: R. Morthland

Voice vote

Motion carried

Lisa Geiger gave the Highway report

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: R. Morthland

Voice vote

Motion carried

Jim Grafton gave a report on the stripping and waxing of the floors in the County Office Building on the 3rd floor and the gutter repair needed along with re-roofing half of the Roof in the county Office Building

Motion to approve: R. Morthland Second: T. Foster

Voice vote

Motion carried

Nick Camlin gave a report on the Tax report

Consider temporary reassignment Engineering Tech III to Interim County Engineer at the RICO Highway Department

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: T. Foster

Voice vote

Motion carried

Rock Island County

Public Works & Facilities

Monday May 13th, 2024

Consider request to enter into Agreement with Hutchison for County Engineer Services

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: T. Foster

Voice vote

Motion carried

Consider MFT Resolution for $300,000.00 for the reconstruction of County Highway 63 from Mercer County line to Knoxville road.

Motion to approve: D. Adams Second: T. Foster

Voice vote

Motion carried

Consider ARPA request of $12,027.00 for new County Administration Building doors.

Motion to approve: B. Westpfahl Second: D. Adams

Voice vote

Motion carried

Consider Utility Agreement with Vero Fiber Optic Networks, LLC

Motion to approve: B. Westpfahl Second: R. Morthland

Voice vote

Motion carried

Consider Rock Island County Jail Kitchen Project in the amount of $253,000.00 from ARPA Funds

Motion to approve: B. Westpfahl Second: R. Morthland

Voice vote

Motion carried

Consider Zoning Board of Appeals Cases

a. RZ-24-103 Sandra Bridge-Chase AG-1 to SE-2 CO

b. SU-24-205 Fowl Solar, LLC Com Solar Energy Facility CR

Motion to approve: R. Morthland Second: D. Adams

Voice vote

Motion carried

No Closed session

No comment from Committee member

Motion to adjourn T. Foster Second. D. Adams

Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 8:53am
