
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of East Moline City Council met May 20

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City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline City Council met May 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Reggie Freeman led the City Council and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed the City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz, to call the roll. The following Alderpersons were present: Olivia Dorothy, Nancy Mulcahey, Adam Guthrie, Rhea Oakes, and Lynn Segura. Absent: Jeffrey Deppe and Jose Rico.




Mayor Freeman read and presented the following Proclamation, proclaiming May 2024 as “Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.” Mark Rothert accepted the Proclamation. Mr. Rothert thanked Mayor Freeman and City Council for the Proclamation.

Mayor Freeman read the following Proclamation, proclaiming, May 2024 as “Mental Health Awareness Month.”


City Clerk Roberts-Bontz read the Consent Agenda that included the following:

a. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2024.

b. Approval of Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2024.

c. Approval of Salaries as of May 10, 2024 in the amount of $482,640.80.

d. Approval of Overtime as of May 4, 2024 in the amount of $20,382.47.

e. Approval of Bills as of May 20, 2024 in the amount of $1,085,370.91.

A motion was made by Alderperson Dorothy, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

f. Mayoral Committee Appointments:

Mayor Pro Tem Lynn Segura 

Grievance Jeff Deppe

Nancy Mulcahey

Lynn Segura

Parks and Recreation Lynn Segura

Adam Guthrie (Alternate) 

Personnel Commission Nancy Mulcahey

J.R. Rico

City Administrator Rothert

Solid Waste 

Rhea Oakes 

Olivia Dorothy (Alternate)

Swimming Pool

Adam Guthrie

Staff: John Showalter

A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve the Mayoral Committee Appointments as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

Mayoral Committee Appointments:

Fire and Police Commission Luis Puentes 3 years

Library Board James Hoffman 3 years

Library Board Pam Muehling 3 years

Library Board Van Thompson 3 years

Parks and Recreation Board Lauren Tague 2 years

Parks and Recreation Board Belinda Rusch 2 years

Parks and Recreation Board Michael Spencer 2 years

Police Pension Board Mike Van Hoe 2 years

Pool Board John Showalter 1 year

SSA Larry Anderson 1 year

SSA Martin Corey 1 year

SSA Dan Guerrero 1 year

SSA Patricia Hansen 1 year

SSA Michelle Horton 1 year

SSA Lyndsay Smith 1 year

SSA John Stopoulas 1 year

SSA Joe Perez 1 year

Zoning Appeals James Hoffman 5 years

Zoning Appeals Dan Van Hoe 2 years

A motion was made by Alderperson Dorothy, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve the Mayoral Committee Appointments as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.


ORDINANCES – 1st Reading - None

ORDINANCES – 2nd Reading - None


24-33 7th Street Sidewalk Extension

A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to approve Resolution 24-33 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

24-34 Illinois DNR Bicycle Path Grant

A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve Resolution 24-34 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

24-35 Pump Room HVAC Unit Condenser Replacement for Water Filtration Plant

A motion was made by Alderperson Mulcahey, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy, to approve Resolution 24-35 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

24-36 Basin Repair Projects for Water Filtration Plant

A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve Resolution 24-36 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

24-37 Employee Manual Update

A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Oakes, to approve Resolution 24-37 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, Segura, and Dorothy. Motion carried.

24-38 Intergovernmental Agreement for Solid Waste & Recycling Services

Matt Pivit, Sales Representative from Republic Services stated that they are working on a program to notify homeowners of weather delays and special pickup delays.

In response to questions from Alderperson Dorothy, Matt Pivit, from Republic Services stated Scott County Recycling is the primary recipient of East Moline recycled waste and likely to remain so for the duration of the East Moline contract. Mr. Pivit pointed to new contract language that sets recycling rates based on pricing from Scott County as a commitment to continued use of the local facility.

Alderperson Dorothy requested Annual report from Republic Services on where Recycling items are going and percentage of items recycled. Mr. Pivit agreed to provide such reports upon request.

A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie, to approve Resolution 24-38 as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Guthrie, Oakes, and Segura. Opposed: Dorothy. Motion carried. 4 - 1


Each City Staff member present was given the opportunity to inform the City Council and those in attendance of events in their departments:

Mark Rothert, City Administrator – Mr. Rothert informed the City Council he met with Congressman Eric Sorensen concerning one of the projects submitted for Congressionally funded related to the Clear Well in the Water Treatment Plant for $1 Million Dollars. No guarantee that it will be funded.

Wanda Roberts-Bontz, City Clerk – Ms. Roberts-Bontz informed the City Council and Department Heads that there will be an email being sent out to everyone that has not turned in their Statement of Economic Interest (yellow form) into the County Clerk.

Jeff Ramsey, EMPD Chief – Chief Ramsey informed the City Council the 55th Anniversary of Officer Richard Morton Jr. who died in the line of duty. There will be a grave side memorial service at Riverside Cemetery on Friday, May 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Chief Ramsey stated that the annual Youth Fishing Derby will be held on June 2, 2024 registration at 9:00 a.m., fishing from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. located at lower Butterworth Park food and prizes.

Antrena Trimble, WWTP Director – Ms. Trimble informed the City Council of an update from the EPA requesting a one-year extension for Local Limit was approved.

Tim Wymes, Community Development Director – Mr. Wymes is meeting with Department heads and staff, familiarizing himself with the City.

Brianna Huber, Director of Water Filtration – Ms. Huber informed the City Council that she will be out of the office next week from May 28 - 31, 2024 contact the Water Plant if anyone needs anything. Ms. Huber will be at a training seminar June 3 - 6, 2024.

Derrick Anderson, Battalion Chief EMFD – Battalion Chief Anderson informed the City Council that on Monday, May 13, 2024 there was a Memorial Service for Retired Firefighter Fiona Arrizza.

Mr. Anderson informed the City Council that the two new hires are progressing well in their training.

Alderperson Oakes asked Ms. Huber what year would a house be built that would not have lead pipes?

Ms. Huber stated a home built 1986 and later would not have lead pipes.

Alderperson Oakes asked if every address should have received the letter?

Ms. Huber stated that every address should have received the letter. The lead pipe letter went out to the current resident. Ms. Huber stated that if she knew of anyone that did not receive the letter to let her know and Ms. Huber would resend the letter again.

Alderperson Mulcahey stated that Megan has a wonderful relationship with the people up in the Hillcrest area. Several people were complementary of the CSO’s and property managers.

Alderperson Mulcahey stated she wanted to make sure the Rest Rooms located at Beacon Harbor will be open to the public, there will be a ½ marathon occurring. Alderperson Mulcahey knew that Living Lands and Waters purchased the building, but there was a discussion regarding the use of the Rest Rooms being open to the public.

Mayor Freeman stated that Mr. Kammler will follow up regarding the rest rooms being open.

Alderperson Dorothy informed the City Council that she received a tour of the Water Treatment Plant, highly recommends everyone have a tour. The facility is beyond its life expectancy.

Alderperson Dorothy was visited by the new lead service line hire going house to house, very polite and easy process by snaping a few photos.

Alderperson Dorothy reminded everyone that the Summer Reading Kick-off is Thursday, May 30, 2024 at Runner’s Park from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Alderperson Dorothy encouraged everyone to participate.

Mayor Freeman informed the City Council that this weekend at Runner’s Park is the 1st Music in the Park concert from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Segura, to adjourn the City Council meeting. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. 7:26 p.m.
