
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met May 20

Webp 41

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City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met May 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed the City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz to call the roll. The following Alderpersons were present: Olivia Dorothy, Nancy Mulcahey, Adam Guthrie, Rhea Oakes, and Lynn Segura. Absent: Jeffrey Deppe and Jose Rico. 7:27 p.m.



The below topics will be covered by staff for general updating and discussion:

1, Lead Service Line Replacement (Brianna Huber, WTP Director)

Ms. Huber provided a Lead Legislation Update regarding the Lead Service Line Replacement. 1. Lead Service Line Replacement

http://www.eastmoline.com/182/Water-Filtration-Plant, click ‘Lead Service Line Replacement Program.’

Next Steps:

1. Continue pursuing potential funding sources.

2. Determine how to fund expenses not covered through pursued funding (Who pays for what and how).

3. Determine staffing needs and implement.

4. Continue developing marketing and communication plan.

City Goals/Priorities Update (Mark Rothert, City Administrator)

2. City Goals/Priorities Update

a. Priority Goal #1 - Comprehensive Report on Municipal Revenues

b. Priority Goal #2 - Develop and Adopt A 5-Year Staffing Plan

c. Priority Goal #3 –Pursue Funding from State and Federal Sources

d. Priority Goal #4 – Undertake a Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Plan and Initiate a Rate Study to Provide Necessary Funding

e. Priority Goal #5 – Development Master Plan for the Avenue of The Cities Corridor

f. Priority Goal #6 – Develop a Comprehensive Communications Plan for the City

g. Priority Goal #7 – Create A Community Development Department

h. Priority Goal #8 – Create and Adopt a Rental Housing Code & Inspection Program

Economic Development Update (Mark Rothert, City Administrator)

3. Economic Development Update

a. Business Development District

b. Use of Hotel/Motel Tax Funds and EM Loan Fund Reserves

c. New TIF District(s)

Property Maintenance Update (Tim Wymes, Community Development Director)

4. Property Maintenance Update

a. Role of CSO’s

b. Mobile Home Parks

c. Vacant Building Ordinance


A motion was made by Alderperson Oakes, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. 8:18 p.m.
