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City of Kewanee City Council met May 28

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City of Kewanee Officials | City of Kewanee | Facebook

City of Kewanee Officials | City of Kewanee | Facebook

City of Kewanee City Council met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The May 28th, 2024, Council Meeting was called to order at 6:01pm.

Councilmembers Colomer, Baker, and Komnick were present along with Mayor Moore, City Manager Gary Bradley, City Attorney Justin Raver, and City Clerk Kasey Mitchell. Councilmember Faber was absent.

A motion to go into Closed Session to discuss Personnel Section 2(c)(1) and Discussion of Closed Session Minutes Section 2(c)(21) was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 4-0.

A motion to adjourn to regular session was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Motion passed 4-0 and Closed Session adjourned at 6:23pm.

The May 28th, 2024, Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers.

Councilmembers Colomer, Baker, and Komnick were present along with Mayor Moore, City Manager Gary Bradley, City Attorney Justin Raver, and City Clerk Kasey Mitchell. Councilmember Faber was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence for our troops.

The Consent Agenda was presented with the following items:

A. Minutes from the Council Meeting on May 13th

B. Minutes from the Closed Session on May 13th

C. Payroll for the pay period ending May 18th in the amount of $217,333.14.

D. Staff Reports

E. Bock Report

A motion to approve the consent agenda items was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Motion passed 4-0.

Bills for the Council Meeting of May 28th were presented in the amount of $382,711.43. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

Public Comments:

Heather Frykman, 2024 Illinois Ultimate Elegant, addressed the Council regarding her platform, PBA=J, People Bonding with Animals equals Joy. Her goal is to have a doggy pageant to raise funds for seniors, the disabled, and veterans living on a fixed income so that they can keep their pets healthy and home with them. She has worked with local organizations to start this process. She is asking for Council’s support, enthusiasm, and advise while she organizes the event.

New Business:

A. Consideration of Bill 24-45 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a TIF redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and The Players Edge. Tax Increment Financing, or TIF, gives the city opportunities to use incremental increases in property tax revenue from within the TIF District to fund public infrastructure improvements or reimburse property owners for qualifying improvements made to properties within the district. The Players Edge, located at 1516 Burlington Ave., has requested to rehabilitate an existing building to start a new business.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: The owner told the Council that they would be manufacturing sport flooring for various sports. He hopes to employee close to a dozen people. Motion passed 4-0.

B. Consideration of Bill 24-46 Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to James Hunt DBA PhatBoys BBQ for property located at 300 W Third St.

Special use permits are required when a business or homeowner wants to use property for reasons outside what is allowed by right under city ordinances. The matter is first heard by the Planning Commission, and their recommendation is then passed to the council for a final vote. James Hunt, DBA PhatBoys BBQ has requested a special use permit at 300 W. 3rd St. They are requesting a beer garden at their soon to open, PhatBoys BBQ Restaurant. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: The Mayor said they have a great space and he thinks there are great things to come. Motion approved 4-0.

C. Consideration of Bill 24-47 Ordinance granting a special use permit to Juan Contreras Jr for property located at 1100 Lake St.

Juan Contreras Jr. is requesting property located at 1100 Lake St. be used as a multi family dwelling.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: Motion approved 4-0.

D. Consideration of Bill 24-48 Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to HVN Capital, LLC for property located at the Southeast corner of Railroad Ave and Cole St PIN 20-27-427- 007.

HVN Capital has requested for property located at the southeast corner of Railroad Ave. and Cole St. be used as a cannabis craft growing facility.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Colomer. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

E. Consideration of Bill 24-49 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and Wethersfield Community School District.

This specific agreement relates to the City using TIF funds that, but for the existence of the TIF, would have potentially flowed to the Wethersfield School District, to fund public infrastructure improvements that were made in the 100 Block of East Garfield. A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

F. Consideration of Bill 24-50 Resolution awarding the Lyle Street/Elm Street Reconstruction Project to Advanced Asphalt Company.

Several years ago, the State of Illinois started a Rebuild Illinois Project. Under the parameters and guidelines of the project, the City of Kewanee submitted a request to rebuild Lyle St. from Main St. to Elm St. After approving the project, the state is finally moving forward and the contract for work was let out for bids. The lowest bid for the project was Advanced Asphalt.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: The bid came in under the engineer’s estimation. Many people will be happy to see this get done. Motion passed 4-0.

G. Consideration of Bill 24-51 Resolution to affirm the Mayor’s recommendations for appointments to various commissions and boards.

The city has several boards that are filled by a recommendation from the mayor and approved by the entire council. At times it becomes necessary for members of these boards to be reappointed or vacancies filled.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Komnick and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

H. Consideration of Bill 24-52 Resolution to declare certain vehicles and equipment excess and no longer required in the operations of the City of Kewanee and directing the City Manager to dispose of the same.

There are times when equipment used by the city becomes obsolete or is replaced with new. With there being no reason to keep most of this old equipment, it becomes necessary to dispose of it; usually by selling it. It is necessary for the city council to pass ordinances to dispose of the old equipment in the interest of transparency.

A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Baker and seconded by Councilmember Komnick. Discussion: None. Motion passed 4-0.

Council Communications:

Komnick: None

Colomer: Kids are out riding bikes. Keep an eye out when driving.

Baker: None.

Mayor’s Communications:

He recently met with John Taylor and Jason Bates of Crossroad Cultural Connections. They bring in live music from all over the world and people have come from other states to hear the acts. They often use Kewanee hotels for the performers. They are interested in partnering with Kewanee to bring these events here. This would be a great opportunity, especially if a band shell can be built in Kewanee. He would like both CCC and the band shell organizers to attend the next Council meeting to make a presentation.

In honor of Public Works Week, he had the privilege of having lunch with our Public Works crew. They are a very hard-working group and they often do not get the appreciation they deserve. If you see them out working, tell them thank you.

Announcements: The City-Wide Clean-Up this Saturday June 1st from 7am to Noon at the old hospital site. Residents should bring photo ID and Utility Bill.

A motion to adjourn was made by Councilmember Colomer and seconded by Councilmember Baker. Motion passed 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:26pm.




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