
Rock Island Today

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met June 27

Webp 42

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

Sangeetha Rayapati - City Of Moline Mayor | City Of Moline

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order

PRESENT: Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati (Chair)

Alderperson Debbie Murphy (Ward 1)

Alderperson Abdur Razzaque (Ward 3)

Alderperson Matt Timion (Ward 4)

Alderperson Jessica Finch (Ward 5) ~electronically

Alderperson Daniel McNeil (Ward 6)

Alderperson Anna Castro (Ward 7)

Alderperson James Patrick Schmidt (Alderperson At-Large)

ABSENT: Alderperson Alvaro Macias (Ward 2)

STAFF: Bob Vitas, City Administrator

Stephanie Murphy, City Clerk

David Rowatt, Information Technology Manager

Chris Mathias, Director of Community and Economic Development

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Manager

Tara Osborne, Grant Project Accountant

OTHERS: Joshua Shimkus, Dispatch/Argus

Mayor Rayapati called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Approval of Remote Electronic Attendance

Alderperson McNeil, seconded by Alderperson Timion, moved to approve the remote electronic attendance of Alderperson Finch due to employment purposes. Motion passed on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt; nays: none.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Macias.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Questions on the Agenda


Agenda Items

6.1 A Resolution authorizing the proposed amendment, Substantial Amendment 2, to the City of Moline’s 2023 Annual Action Plan, Substantial Amendment 1, that was approved by City Council at the City Council Meeting held on November 14, 2023, Council Bill/Resolution No. 1199-2023, for the purpose of program funding reallocation; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to the program activity set forth in the City of Moline’s 2023 Annual Action Plan, Substantial Amendment 2, upon the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) approval of said Amendment 2.

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Manager, thanked Council for coming in for the special meeting. Whitely shared that one of the reasons she requested this is the special meeting is the 2024 annual action plan is due to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on July 6, 2024 and the next regularly scheduled council meeting is July 9. The amendment is to take the money in the Homebuyer Assistance Program project line and move it to neighborhood infrastructure projects. The City has a timeliness test on November 2, 2024. This test is taken 60 days before the program year end date and includes available grant balances undisbursed by Line Of Credit Control System (LOCCS) and CDBG program income the City has on hand. The Homebuyer Assistance Program is not being eliminated but rather the 2023 program funds will be re-allocated to the 2023 Neighborhood Infrastructure Program (NIP). Currently there is $180,000 in that program and there approximately 12 applications in the pipeline. A motion was made by Alderperson Schmidt to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Timion. Discussion held. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt; nays: none.

6.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to make application, to enter into an agreement, and to execute all necessary assurances and certifications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for CDBG entitlement funding under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, of certain projects and programs for fiscal year 2024; and approving projects and program recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Council on Urban Policy (CACUP) for the use of 2024 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and the 2024 Annual Action Plan, which contains said projects and programs; and authorizing the Mayor to implement those approved projects and programs upon the approval of the City of Moline 2024 Annual Action Plan by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and to exercise any and all powers required to obtain such funding and to implement those approved projects.

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Manager, thanked the Council for accommodating staff’s request for a special Council meeting and advised the reason for the request. The 2024 Annual Action Plan (AAP) is due to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on July 6, 2024 (2024 allocation notification received May 6, 2024) and the next regularly scheduled council meeting is July 9, 2024. Whitley advised in accordance with the City’s Citizen Participation Plan, CACUP met on June 20, 2024, and approved the 2024 APP Plan. After Council’s review and approval, the 2024 AAP will be submitted to HUD for review and approval. Once approved by HUD, a contract will be provided to the Mayor for signature, thereafter, HUD will provide the City with an Authority to Use Grant Funds. A motion was made by Alderperson Timion to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt; nays: none.

Adjournment of the Committee-of-the-Whole and Council Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance


There was no Invocation.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Macias.

Non-Consent Agenda


11.1 1092-2024 A Resolution authorizing the proposed amendment, Substantial Amendment 2, to the City of Moline’s 2023 Annual Action Plan, Substantial Amendment 1, that was approved by City Council at the City Council Meeting held on November 14, 2023, Council Bill/Resolution No. 1199-2023, for the purpose of program funding reallocation; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to the program activity set forth in the City of Moline’s 2023 Annual Action Plan, Substantial Amendment 2, upon the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) approval of said Amendment 2.

Approved. Alderperson Castro,seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to approve Council Bill 1092- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt; nays: none.

11.2 1093-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to make application, to enter into an agreement, and to execute all necessary assurances and certifications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for CDBG entitlement funding under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, of certain projects and programs for fiscal year 2024; and approving projects and program recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Council on Urban Policy (CACUP) for the use of 2024 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and the 2024 Annual Action Plan, which contains said projects and programs; and authorizing the Mayor to implement those approved projects and programs upon the approval of the City of Moline 2024 Annual Action Plan by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and to exercise any and all powers required to obtain such funding and to implement those approved projects.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve Council Bill 1093- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Murphy, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt; nays: none.

Miscellaneous Business

Mayor Rayapati attended a special meeting of the Youth Commission today, June 27, 2024. The commission has received over $27,000 in funding requests, but has only $10,000 of funding to work with. Rayapati will talk to the Finance department and City administrators to discuss future plans and options for strategizing, and as well as possible amendments to the Moline Code of Ordinances. Additionally, Mayor Rayapati brought back information for staff from the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Alderperson Razzaque reported he hosted the 3rd Ward meeting on June 19, 2024 at City Hall. Razzaque thanked Bob Vitas, City Administrator, for taking him on a tour to visit the solar farm project area.

Alderperson Timion congratulated the City for being part of the River’s Edge Redevelopment Zone (RERZ). Timion shared that the zone eligible for funds spans almost 1,500 yards. With the TIF and the future plans for downtown, he views this as a great opportunity for the City of Moline.

Public Comment

There was no additional public comment.

Adjournment of City Council

Upon motion of Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Timion, the Council meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.
