
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Rock Island Parks and Recreation Board met Aug. 20

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Judith Higgins Gilbert - Third Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island

Judith Higgins Gilbert - Third Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island

City of Rock Island Parks and Recreation Board met Aug. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

2. Attendance

Members Present: Fred Dasso, Mike Foley, John McEvoy, Bill Anderson, Paul Hansen Members Absent: Venessa Taylor

Staff Present: John Gripp, Executive Director; Todd Winter, Assistant Director; Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager

Staff Absent: none

Audience: none

3. June Park Board Minutes

Mr. Anderson motioned to approve the minutes. Mr. Foley seconded. All voted yes. 4. Correspondence

We have a thank you from Hampton Elementary School PTA, Rally for Breast Cancer, and Habitat for Humanity were recognized.

5. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of June

Finances are through June. There has been little tax disbursement so more still to come. Transfers will happen for Schwiebert to make it whole as the end of the year. Saukie expenses will be up as bills for the new clubhouse start to turn in. Significant amount of funds were saved by using in house drafting services. Revenues compared to last year are down almost 1 mil because of the Highland Springs Construction.

6. Approval of the Bills for the Month of July for $207,198.83

Mr. Dasso: Aye Mr. Foley: Aye Mr. McEvoy: Aye Ms. Taylor: Abs Mr. Hansen: Aye Mr. Anderson: Aye

7. Director’s Report and other reports

Douglas Park sustained a lightning strike that damaged irrigation and bathroom electrical. It has been submitted to insurance. There’s been high amounts of rain in July. Council approved ARPA funds usage to build a shelter structure next to the Highland Springs Clubhouse. RIFAC pool is shut down for repairs to the ceiling, gutters, and family locker rooms are having work done as well. Budget process is underway. The last of the minimum wage increases will take affect in 2025. This steady increase has caused significant strain on services. A request for tax support has been requested to make up the difference. However the tax support in the past has not kept for over 10 years and that has also caused strain with inflation prices for materials. The community has voiced an importance of the parks though.

The Saukie Clubhouse is up for approval for the demolition and construction of the new clubhouse. There is a temporary trailer that will be brought in and will arrive potentially next week. Items are starting to be taken out of the old clubhouse to get ready for this. There are a variety of golf events taking places that are all well attended. Some clinics are still going on and have been very successful. Working through software glitches and issues with the increased golf play. There have more golf cart repairs needed this year than previously.

Preschool has started up again. It is mostly full. Whitewater Junction season is winding down. The last day is Labor Day. It has been a pretty decent year. There was a small decrease due to the other pools open but it still went well.

Greens are being aerated at both golf courses. The holes at Saukie are being rerouted to accommodate construction. Working through equipment usage as many items are getting older. Working with the City Manager to potentially get a new tractor in 2025.

There has been minimal mowing at the Complex. Douglas Park is all set for fall sports. Marc has helped with nature signs at MLK Jr. Park. Stump grinding work continues.

8. New Business

Met with MidAmerican Energy for prep on the demolition of Saukie Clubhouse.

The Saukie Stone House is not viable to use due to an extremely high expense to prepare it.

The Labor Day Parade is coming up and the parks department will be walking in it to hand out candy.

Red, White and Boom is coming up on September 7th as the reschedule date from the flood.

Paul has commended Nikki Carr for making the LEAD basketball program fun.

Mr. Anderson moved to adjourn. Mr. Foley seconded. All said yes. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.
