
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Aledo Ordinance & Police Committee met Sept. 23

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Chris Hagloch - Mayor, City of Aledo | City of Aledo

Chris Hagloch - Mayor, City of Aledo | City of Aledo

City of Aledo Ordinance & Police Committee met Sept. 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

I. Approval of Minutes: No Minutes.

II. Public Comment: (Note: Each Speaker shall confine comments to five (5) minutes or less, restrict remarks to matters relevant to the governance of the City, avoid repetitious statements and refrain from vulgar or otherwise inappropriate language or references.)

III. Old Business:

A. Discussion regarding Adoption of the 2021 Building Codes – Status Update.

B. Aledo Police Department Personnel - Status Update.

C. Discussion concerning hours of the Community Service Officer – Status Update.

D. Discussion regarding an Ordinance Adding a new Chapter 17 to Title 13 of the City Code of the City of Aledo, for the Purpose of Imposing a Hotel and Motel Room Renting Tax – Status Update.

IV. New Business:

A. Discussion regarding the Implementation of an Ordinance concerning the Regulation of Yard (Garage) Sales in the City of Aledo.

V. Adjournment:
