Jenni Swanson - Fourth Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island
Jenni Swanson - Fourth Ward Alderwoman | City of Rock Island
City of Rock Island Parks Board met Sept. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance
Members Present: Fred Dasso, Mike Foley, John McEvoy, Paul Hansen
Members Absent: Venessa Taylor, Bill Anderson
Staff Present: John Gripp, Executive Director; Todd Winter, Assistant Director; Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager
Staff Absent: none
Audience: none
3. August Park Board Minutes
Mr. McEvoy motioned to approve the minutes. Mr. Foley seconded. All voted yes. 4. Correspondence
We have a thank you from Cursillo in Christianity were recognized.
5. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of July
Finances are two months behind for better reporting.
6. Approval of the Bills for the Month of August for $379,925.26
Mr. Dasso: Aye Mr. Foley: Aye Mr. McEvoy: Aye Ms. Taylor: Abs Mr. Hansen: Aye Mr. Anderson: Abs
7. Director’s Report and other reports
ARPA projects are mostly complete and all have done a great job to be able to even get some extra projects completed. Saukie is underway. The goal is to be up by November. The ARC awarded Advocate of the Year for adaptive programming. The boat launch will be extended into the water thanks to the BAAD grant. The Core of Engineers are dredging at Sunset Park. Staff are working on a new OSLAD grant for Longview Park.
Played in the DARI golf outing. Everyone has complemented Highland Springs. The lights are up at Mel McKay.
Saukie clubhouse has been torn down and now working out of the construction trailer. Staff have worked well together to empty the old clubhouse and storage. The course starts at hole 9 temporarily. Tomorrow is a Girls Conference meet for Rock Ridge. Golf outing planned as well as country meets for both golf courses.
Whitewater Junction is closed and winterized. Staff had a great year with very few issues. Communication was down with Moline and their pool. RIFAC spruce up is finished. Floors were grouted in family locker rooms, pool area had various repairs and the diving board is being repaired. Members were able to swim at Whitewater Junction during this time. Preschool is going great with full classrooms.
Greens were aerated at Highland Springs. A few tines were broken but had some spares. Saukie will be finished soon. Traps and bunker maintenance continue.
Field maintenance is ongoing to have play ready for sports programming. Mowing continues. Downtown plants are starting to be brought in and the plant calendar will continue until the temperatures drop.
8. New Business
Motion to approve Ready to Rock event made by Mr. McEvoy. Seconded by Mr. Foley. All said yes.
Motion to approve RIMSD Jr High X-Country Races event made by Mr. Foley. Seconded by Mr. McEvoy. All said yes.
Motion to approve Paranormal Night at the Park event made by Mr. McEvoy. Seconded by Mr. Foley. All said yes.
Motion to approve Rotary Reindeer Ramble event made by Mr. McEvoy. Seconded by Mr. Foley. All said yes.
Andrew Grau Eagle Scout Project has been completed. The Sunset Park picnic tables have been completed.
Realtor Park has an interested buyer of Mission Bible College to take over the park. Motion to work with CED and Mission Bible College to complete this. Made by Mr. McEvoy. Seconded by Mr. Foley. All said yes.
The Sports Complex land update. Stern Beverage is an interested party to move business into Rock Island. They are interested in utilizing the complex land for a grow factory and also have a location by Bally’s.
Mr. Foley moved to adjourn. Mr. Hansen seconded. All said yes. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.