
Rock Island Today

Thursday, March 13, 2025

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Nov. 4

Webp 40

City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed the City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz to call the roll. The following Alderpersons were present: Olivia Dorothy, Jeffrey Deppe, Nancy Mulcahey, Adam Guthrie, Rhea Oakes, Lynn Segura, and Jose Rico. 6:50 p.m. 



Bend Streetscaping – Final Plans, Specifications, and Engineering (Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering) 

Construction plans and specifications have been prepared by the city's engineering consultant Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT) for bidding and construction of this first phase of RAISE-Grant funded improvements in East Moline. Proposed improvements at The Bend focus on making it easier to get to the area’s entertainment, businesses, and riverfront as well as creating a place residents and visitors want to stay and enjoy. Construction plans and specifications have been prepared consistent with the designs presented, reviewed and refined through project advisory committee meetings and public informational meetings earlier this year. Work is to include the construction of new concrete multi-use trails, sidewalks, and site furnishings within The Bend mixed-use subdivision development. The Bend includes the area north of 12th Avenue between 1st Street and 7th Street, including Bend Boulevard and Mississippi Parkway. An exhibit showing a graphic of the proposed construction is attached for reference.

Proposed improvements at Bend Boulevard: 

• 10’ multi-use paths

• Enhanced crosswalks; one w/flashing beacon

• Bench Seating

• Canopy trees

• Flowering trees

• Wayfinding signs

• Waste receptacles

Proposed improvements at Mississippi Parkway: 

• 6’ sidewalks

• Street trees

• Enhanced crosswalks

Note: Due to the complex nature of the plans for this project, staff are requesting review and comment prior to the COW meeting if possible.

The complete set of construction plans, specifications and bidding documents are available for review at the East Moline Engineering & Maintenance Building. Pending Council approval on November 18, the project will proceed to a state bid letting in January 2025. IDOT will conduct the formal bid advertisement and letting process. Per IDOT's procedure for federally funded projects, the project will be automatically awarded to the low responsive bidder unless the amount bid exceeds the engineer's cost estimate ($876,868) by more than 5%. Once available from IDOT, staff will provide a bid tab and other post-bid information to Mayor Freeman and the City Council.

Please note in the funding section below, the IDNR Bike Trail grant the city was just awarded will provide $200,000 in State funds - eligible for use as non-federal match - that the city had not forecasted. This helps the component's budget substantially, bringing the estimated remaining local match down to $68 a funds may be required to cover the expense of any unforeseen construction if encountered.


Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds

Amount Requested




$24.7 M



IDNR Grant





Local MFT







If this is a CIP Project, identify project number: RAISE Grant Phase 1 of 4

RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: Approve Plans & Specifications for Bidding (IDOT)

A motion was made by Alderperson Deppe, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Presentation on Wastewater Treatment Plant Study and NPDES Compliance (Antrena Trimble, Director of Wastewater Treatment) 

Strand Associates will present much-needed critical wastewater treatment facility upgrades so that we can meet our NPDES permit limits.

Special Condition 18 of the permit mandates that the permittee (City of East Moline) prepare and submit to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency a Phosphorus Feasibility Study that identifies the method, time frame, and costs of reducing phosphorus levels in its discharge to a level consistently meeting a potential future effluent limit of 1.0 mg/l, 0.5 mg/l, and 0.1 mg/l.

The study shall evaluate the construction and O&M costs of these limits on a monthly, seasonal, and annual average basis.

Special Condition 20(B) of the permit mandates a written plan, preliminary engineering report, or facility plan no later than January 1, 2025. Limits shall be met by January 1, 2030. Strand Associates has completed our Phosphorus Feasibility Plan and is awaiting a submittal date from the City of East Moline.

Our current NDPES permit Expiration Date: August 31, 2025.

The permit renewal application submittal is due 180 days before the expiration.

We are currently "monitoring only" Ammonia Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, and Total Nitrogen. The permit renewal may add limits on all three nutrients, including some language reference to PFAS according to the state regulator.

If that is the case, the treatment process must be modified to a Biological Nutrient Removal Plan, which will treat both Phosphorus and Nitrogen.

In addition, Strand Associates is preparing a WWTP Project Plan for the entire plant that includes critical deteriorating infrastructure due to aging. Obtaining IEPA approval of the Wastewater Project Plan is the first step in obtaining future IEPA low interest loan to help fund the project.

Presentation Only 

Presentation on Wastewater Treatment Facility Study (Briana Huber, Director of Wastewater Treatment) 

As council is aware, our water treatment facilities and much of our distribution system infrastructure are 70+ years old. A Water Master Plan has been underway throughout 2024 to better understand the current condition of our facilities and infrastructure, and create a plan to maintain and sustain said facilities and infrastructure moving forward to continue ensuring high-quality and reliable potable water to our community. In addition, our utility must address the lead service line replacement and PFAS legislative mandates that became effective in 2024. Strand will present an overview of the water utility facilities and infrastructure condition, legislative mandates, and overall needs of this critical infrastructure moving forward for utility reliability and sustainability.

Presentation Only 

Transfer of City-owned Property to Quad City Land Bank Authority for Demolition (Timothy Wymes, Community Development Director) 

The City of East Moline is a member of the Quad Cites Land Bank Authority. In 2023, the QCLBA received a $268,000 grant from the Illinois Housing Development Authority to undertake activities such as land acquisition and demolition of properties located in Rock Island and East Moline. The City recently took possession of three properties that are in substandard condition. Part of the goal for the IHDA grant is to identify properties that have been abandoned, neglected, dangerous and unsafe to the community.

In partnership, the City of East Moline and the QCLBA secure derelict properties for demolition for potential home buyers to rebuild within the community. The three (3) properties were selected as part of the IHDA grant includes the following:

1355 12th Ave - City owned and vacant.

717 23rd Street - City owned and vacant.

334 22nd Street - City owned and vacant.

For the QCLBA to use its IHDA grant funds for demolition purposes, it is requesting ownership of the properties. Attached are photos that demonstrate the substandard conditions for each property.

The request before the City Council is to approve the transfer of land ownership of the listed three properties to the QCLBA. The QCLBA can then utilize its grant funding to demolish the dilapidated structures and market the properties for redevelopment, thus putting back on the tax rolls and into a higher and better use. The City will continue to work with the QCLBA to address the issue of abandonment, neglect, dangerous, and unsafe structures.


A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Disposition of Surplus Property (personal) (Jim Graham, Director of Maintenance Services) 

The Maintenance Services Department has updated vehicles over the past year; therefore, the old vehicles no longer have any use as they are outdated, or have expired.

2001 Ford Ranger 4X4 super cab pickup

2004 Ford Crown Vic, Car

2008 Ford Crown Vic, Car

2001 Dodge Grand Caravan

2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty ¾-ton pickup

2007 Ford F-550 Super Duty 1 ton

2007 Ford F-550 Super Duty 1 ton

2004 Ford Ranger 4x4 super cab pickup

2007 Sterling L7500 Large Dump Truck

2004 Ford Crown Vic, Car

2007 Ford F-450 Dump Truck

We would like to sell these vehicles on a public auction site and any that do not sell to be scrapped. 


A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Long term support (2025 – 2029) of regional organizations via IGA – Grow Quad Cities (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

This is being brought back after being tabled at the October 7, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting

A motion was made by Alderperson Mulcahey, seconded by Alderperson Segura to remove from table Long Term Support (2025 – 2029) of Regional Organizations via IGA – Grow Quad Cities. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy to concur with the recommendation as presented as a one-year contract. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Opposed: Dorothy. Motion carried.

Long term support (2025 – 2029) of regional organizations via IGA – Visit Quad Cities (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

This is being brought back after being tabled at the October 7, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting

A motion was made by Alderperson Mulcahey, seconded by Alderperson Segura to remove from table Long Term Support (2025 – 2029) of Regional Organizations via IGA – Visit Quad Cities. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy to concur with the recommendation as presented as a one-year contract. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Opposed: Dorothy. Motion carried.

Budget Presentation (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

Presentation of the FY2025 budget.

Special Ad Valorem (Property) Tax within the East Moline 15th Avenue Special Service Area (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

Each year the City must approve and certify a property tax levy regarding the City’s 15th Avenue Special Service Area (SSA) to the County Clerk by the last Tuesday in December. Approval of the proposed 2024 SSA Levy will provide for the collection of approximately $60,000 in property taxes in 2025 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025. The Taxes are to be levied at a rate not exceeding $1.35 per $100 of equalized assessed value of taxable property within the SSA.

A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Rico to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Abatement of Ad Valorem property taxes levied to pay principal of and interest on certain outstanding general obligation alternate bonds, Series 2010E, 2011, 2014, 2020, and 2021 and concerning related matters (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

The City currently has the following bonds issued through an obligation of general fund revenues:

• Series 2010E (#2830 and #3065) Water Utility

• Series 2011 (#0329) Wastewater Utility

• Series 2014 Refundings Water and Wastewater Utilities

• Series 2020A Port of Call TIF (Bend) • Series 2020B Port of Call TIF (Bend)

• Series 2021 Pension Obligation Bond

Language within bond ordinances when initially approved by the City Council make assumptions that the City’s property tax levy may be necessary to provide the funding for the payment of principal and interest on the bond. However, the City has sufficient sources of funds from other revenue sources to make bond payments for the following bonds:

• Series 2010E

• Series 2011

• Series 2014

• Series 2020A

• Series 2020B

Therefore, the levy and collection of a direct annual tax for the total payment of and interest on the bond due annually, is not necessary and needs to be abated.

The remaining bond (Series 2021) relates to the pension obligation bond issued in 2021. This is a partial abatement as some of the debt service for this bond is paid through property taxes.

Ordinances are attached authorizing that real estate taxes be abated and not be levied against taxable real property in the City of East Moline in the annual amount due each year.

Staff recommends approval.


A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Rico to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Approval of 2024 Property Tax Levy, collectible in 2025 (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

Each year the City must approve and certify a property tax levy to the County Clerk by the last Tuesday in December. Approval of the proposed 2024 Levy will provide for the collection of $7,447,981 in property taxes in 2025 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025. A breakdown of this levy amount, with comparisons to previous years, is attached.

Staff recommends approval.


A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Rico to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Adoption of 2025 Budget (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) 

Attached is an ordinance to formally adopt the Fiscal Year 2025 budget.

Because an ordinance requires two readings, this ordinance is coming before the Committee of the Whole meeting in November in preparation of the budget being adopted in December.

Budget discussions are planned at the Committee of the Whole and Council meetings in November and December. Additional special meetings on the budget can also be scheduled if needed.


A motion was made by Alderperson Dorothy, seconded by Alderperson Mulcahey to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Segura, Rico, Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, and Oakes. Motion carried.

Alderperson Dorothy would like to request at the November 18, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting a discussion showing the different Pros and Cons of a Home Rule City.


A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Oakes to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. 8:13 p.m. 




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