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City of Lewistown City Council met Nov. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Douglas Lafary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Pastor Paul Walmsley
PRESENT: Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Brad Ward, Kendall Miller, David Levingston, John Spotloe and Mayor Doug Lafary. Also present: City Clerk Cindy Goddard, City Treasurer Debby Brown, Administrative Assistant Levi Peitzmeier, Public Works Director Evinn Palmer, and Police Chief Chris Ford ABSENT:
Alderperson Spotloe made a motion to approve the minutes of October 22, 2024, second by Alderperson Clark, the motion carried all ayes.
Report- Just sending the reports to keep grants up to date.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Debbie Brown. Nothing tonight.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Nathan Collins. Absent.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Keith Plavec. No Engineer present.
1. Discuss/Act Upon - Discuss/Act Upon Approval of the Amounts of Money, Exclusive of any Portion of the Levy Attributable to the Cost of Conducting an Election Required by the General Election Law, estimated to be Necessary to be Raised by Taxation Upon the Taxable Property in the City of Lewistown's Taxing District - Property tax levy, three different percentages in packet, 0%, 1%, 2%, for each percent it increases around a $169,400.00 a year, same as last year. Every percent is around $1,700.00 increase. Alderperson Long doesn't think we should leave zero. Alderperson Levingston said as an example when he was with township they did not increase their tax levy so couldn't get grant, for security sakes maybe need to raise. Motion by Alderperson Long to leave as is 0% for tax levy, second by Alderperson Miller, roll call vote Alderperson Clark yes, Long yes, Ward yes, Miller yes, Levingston no, Spotloe yes motion carried.
2. Discuss/Act upon Proposal submissions for the City of Lewistown Website Redevelopment Project - Discussed keep local, which is Baldman Marketing, Initial fee $13,000.00 to set up, optional $125.00 a month maintenance. Motion by Alderperson Ward, to hire Baldman Marketing to create a new website and maintain, second by Alderperson Spotloe, roll call vote Alderperson Clark yes, Long yes, Ward yes, Miller yes, Levingston no, Spotloe yes motion carried.
Clark questioned the bill from Quincy Compressor why so long, and not paid. Levi Peitzmeier said he did not receive the bill. Mayor Lafary said he talked to Levi and said he just got behind. Also questions why new printer was purchased and if old contract was taken care of and asked if still paying on old one. Said he received a check to pay off old contract. Alderperson Levingston suggested any expense that is going to be $500.00 should be brought before the council first, Mayor agreed. Electric bills were questioned why a $32,596.25 total is being paid, Levi Peitzmeier explained that the billing by the energy provider got changed and he didn't understand it so bills didn't get paid because he had to get a hold of them.
Alderperson Levingston made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderperson Clark roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.
CLOSED SESSION: No closed session
Alderperson Ward made a motion to adjourn at 7:15 p.m.; Seconded by Alderperson Miller motion carried all ayes.