
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rock Island County Board Committee of the Whole met Dec. 11

Webp 10

Melissa M. Baker (D), Board Member - District 2 | Rock Island County

Melissa M. Baker (D), Board Member - District 2 | Rock Island County

Rock Island County Board Committee of the Whole met Dec. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Committee of the Whole of the Rock Island County Board met on Wednesday December 11th at 5:30pm in the County Board Chambers on the third floor of the County Office Building located at 1504 3rd Ave, Rock Island, IL. Meeting minutes are as follows:

1. Call to order and roll call:

Chairman Richard Brunk called the meeting to order at 5:32pm and asked to call the roll.

Members present: Richard Morthland, Melissa Moreno-Baker, Porter McNeil, Drue Mielke, Dave Adams, Tim Foster, Edna Sowards, Kai Swanson, Bob Perkins, Dr. Luis Moreno, Richard “Quijas” Brunk, Larry Burns, Carla Enburg, Enyo Dewith, Chuck Layer, Dr. Rodney Simmer, Johnnie Woods, Bob Westpfahl. Chairman Brunk noted that Brian Vyncke has had shoulder and is unable to attend in person, can I get a motion to allow Brian to attend remotely.

Motion by: Dave Adams Second by: Drue Mielke

voice vote

Motion carried

Others Present: County Administrator Jim Grafton, States Attorney Dora Villarreal, Sheriff Darren Hart, County Auditor April Palmer, County IT Director Kurt Davis, Jim Nelson

2. Public Comment: Chairman Brunk made three calls for public comment:

There were no requests for public comment.

3. Approval of the minutes from November 13th, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting

Motion to approve as presented: Johnnie Woods Second: Bob Perkins

Voice vote

Motion Carried

4. Condition of Funds Report: County Auditor April Palmer noted that the conditions of funds report via email and she is here for any questions of changes. Auditor Palmer noted that the Fiscal Year just ended on November 30th and now her department is beginning to work with Baker & Tilly to Start the 2024 Audit.

5. Staff Reports: Sheriff Darren Hart noted that Thursday December 12th at 4:00pm they will hold their annual “Shop with the Sheriff” program for about 50 Children at the Silvis Wal-Mart. Sheriff Hart also reminded everyone to lock their cars due to a rash of break-ins going on right now. Sheriff Hart reported that the Justice Center construction project has stopped the outside work due to the cold weather. Sheriff Hart also noted that the Heating project should be done within the next couple of weeks. We are also trying to fill some positions both in corrections and Law Enforcement. Dr. Simmer asked where the burglaries have occurred. Sheriff Hart answered that they are going on in almost every community that they serve. Sheriff Hart also noted that it is not just rural Rock Island County but the inner Cities are also having the same problem. The Sheriff reported that the Sheriffs Office is running some special details using quite a bit of staff about 10 extra deputies. It is tough when they are hitting one community and all of the sudden they move to yet another community that same night. Sheriff Hart thanked the Board Members for the investment in gun lockers for all the squad cars. Board member Dewith asked if they breaking into the vehicles. Sheriff Hart noted that the people breaking into the cars are just looking for vehicles that are unlocked. Sheriff Hart said stolen vehicles are from people who just leave keys in their cars. I would say leave your vehicle in a well-lit area, remove your valuables and lock your car. Items that have been stolen are personal computers, construction equipment, purses, wallets, firearms mostly from unlocked vehicles. Sheriff Hart told the board members to call right away if they need to report a theft don’t wait 2 or 3 days.

6. Finance & Personnel Report:

Finance & Personnel Chairman Dr. Luis Moreno read the Finance & Personnel report as follows: The Finance & Personnel Committee met on Tuesday December 13th at 8:30am County Board Chairman Richard Brunk asked to please consider US Marshalls per diem rate project with Summerill Law Firm

Auditor April Palmer reported on the upcoming Audit with Baker Tilly

Finance Director Ryan Berger reported the FY25 budget last month and he will be busy wrapping up ARPA and the report is due the end of January

Sheriff Darren Hart explained that the are working on raising the Per Diem with the US Marshalls from $55 to $85 per day with a Law Firm from Washington DC Summerill Law Firm

All Routine Reports were approved

Seventy-one Delinquent Tax Resolutions are presented.

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-17-203-017 Tax payer ID#(07) 2629 SM

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-17-203-016 Tax Payer ID# (07) 2630 SM

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-108-058 Tax Payer ID# (09) 290 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-120-001 Tax Payer ID# (09) 4905 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-312-001 Tax Payer ID# (10) 489 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 06-29-401-007 Tax Payer ID# (03) 472 CC

•Permanent Parcel Number 10-28-201-009 Tax Payer ID# (04) 397 ZU

•Permanent Parcel Number 0919305015 Tax Payer ID# (06) 2078-4 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 0919303006 Tax Payer ID# (06) 2645 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 0930321009 Tax Payer ID# (06) 2747-S HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 1804301010 Tax Payer ID# (06) 4113-T HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 0919106010 Tax Payer ID# (06) 5502 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 18-04-401-001 Tax Payer ID# (06) 6249 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-03-301-007 Tax Payer ID# (07) 630 SM

•Permanent Parcel Number 08-34-120-001 Tax Payer ID# (08) 1636 MO

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-139-011 Tax Payer ID# (09) 455 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 07-34-409-007 Tax Payer ID# (09) 1921-A RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 07-34-441-009 Tax Payer ID# (09) 2272 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 1603209005 Tax Payer ID# (09) 2837 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 0735216002 Tax Payer ID# (09) 6550-A RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 07-35-128-005 Tax Payer ID# (09) 6955 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 1603215001 Tax Payer ID# (09) 7554 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-312-008 Tax Payer ID# (10) 494 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-15-201-011 Tax Payer ID# (10) 1275-72 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 1611301003 Tax Payer ID# (10) 2690 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 1625104086 Tax Payer ID# (11) 1053-6-A BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-29-101-002 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4270 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-020 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4611 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-021 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4612 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-022 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4613 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-023 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4614 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-024 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4615 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-025 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4616 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-026 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4617 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-027 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4618 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-028 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4619 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-029 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4620 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-031 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4621 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-032 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4622 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-033 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4623 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-016 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4624 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-015 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4625 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-014 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4626 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-010 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4629 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-009 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4630 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-008 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4631 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-26-406-007 Tax Payer ID# (11) 4632 BH

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-26-300-030 Tax Payer ID# (12) 178-6-1 CV

•Permanent Parcel Number 06-29-403-020 Tax payer ID#

•Permanent Parcel Number 08-25-205-067 FKA 070206744 Tax Payer ID# 070206744

•Permanent Parcel Number 08-25-205-071 FKA 070207144 Tax Payer ID# 070207144

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-22-202-426 Tax Payer ID#

•Permanent Parcel Number 09-19-103-006 Tax Payer ID# (06) 4974 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 09-33-202-014 Tax Payer ID# (06) 5669 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-06-100-045 Tax Payer ID# (09) 90 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-201-009 Tax Payer ID# (09) 862 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 1602133005 Tax Payer ID# (09) 4319 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 0735309007 Tax Payer ID# (09) 7455 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-03-403-048 Tax Payer ID# (10) 1421 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-03-410-003 Tax Payer ID# (10) 4600 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 08-25-205-050 FKA 070205044 Tax Payer ID# 070205044

•Permanent Parcel Number 17-30-303-035 Tax Payer ID#

•Permanent Parcel Number 18-05-112-004 Tax Payer ID# (06) 5055 HA

•Permanent Parcel Number 08-36-111-013 Tax Payer ID# (07) 3668 SM

•Permanent Parcel Number 07-36-326-001 Tax Payer ID# (09) 317 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-02-129-019 Tax Payer ID# (09) 404 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 07-36-309-009 Tax Payer ID# (09) 1277 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-03-240-003 Tax Payer ID# (09) 7531 RI

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-10-412-010 Tax Payer ID# (10) 2609-2 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 16-14-109-006 Tax Payer ID# (10) 3276 SR

•Permanent Parcel Number 22-13-200-010 Tax Payer ID# (15) 139-W EG

• An Agreement with Evergreen Solutions for Consulting Services related to County Finance Department at a cost of $55,000

• A Sheriff’s Office request for the purchase of MailSecure 300 Portable Detection System Utilizing Opioid Settlement funds at a cost of $123,238, to include training and a five-year service & maintenance warranty

• An Opioid settlement funds allocation for Court Services to continue to cover the cost of drug testing supplies and services, and for Problem Solving Court Program participation and access, involving a new money appropriation in the amount of $59,830

• Authorization for the county board chairman to execute an agreement with Visit Quad Cities for the purposes and dollar amounts presented; to invest in the securing of events to take place in our county- generating millions of dollars in economic impact, and in regional advertising to draw tourism from drive in markets in the Midwest.

• An Intergovernmental Agreement facilitated by Bi-State Regional Commission regarding Consultant Services for implementing Enterprise Zone updates

The following items for the Fleet Service Center, coming from Public Works & Facilities, were also recommended after review:

• Replacement of the overhead doors at a cost of $29,896

• Interior wall painting for $25,876

• And fencing to secure the back lot at a cost of $28,649 .

• Appropriations Resolutions for Funds & Transfer of Appropriations

• Claims in the amount of $ 2,404,732.11

• Treasurer’s Disbursements at $4,668,814.85

• And, the Board Member Per Diem/Mileage

This concludes the December report of the Finance & Personnel Committee

7. Governance Health & Administration Report:

Governance Health & Administration Chairman Carla Enburg gave the December report: The Governance, Health and Administration Committee met on Monday December 9th2024 at 10:00am

• Captain Mindy Meyers reported on the “Shop with the Sheriff” program which will take place on Thursday December 12th at 4:00pm at the Silvis WalMart

• County Recorder Kelly Fisher reported on an Ordinance under consideration this month, that will clean up language related to a bill signed by the Governor about a year ago related to predictable fees, this neglected to address the fees we charged for State Agencies. This Ordinance will align the County with the State action, allowing the County to charge State agencies a regular fee.

• Rock Island County Clerk Karen Kinney reported on vital records and a report on the upcoming Municipal Elections. The Consolidated Primary will be on February 25th, 2025, and will involve the City of Silvis. The Consolidate Municipal Election will be on April 1st, 2025.

All routine reports were approved by the Committee

The Committee considered and recommended for approval the following:

• Two Sheriff’s Office Intergovernmental Agreements.

One with the Village of Carbon Cliff for policing services and one Intergovernmental Agreement with the Board of Education for Sherrard CUSD #200 for a liaison officer.

• An ordinance related to Recorders Predictable Fee Schedule referenced earlier in this report

• An ordinance to increase in GIS Fee to $21, which is based on a statewide fee study.

• Two proclamations:

One for mentoring Big Brothers -Big Sisters Month and one for Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

• And 2025 County Holiday Schedule

The Committee considered and forwarded to Finance & Personnel for further consideration the following:

• An agreement with Evergreen Solutions for Consulting Services related to the County Finance Department within the Administration Office

• A Sheriff’s request for the purchase of MailSecur 300 Portable Detection System - Utilizing Opioid Settlement Funds

An OPIOD settlement funds allocation for Court Services to continue to cover related costs Both of these items were recommended by the OPIOD Focus Group

Also considered and forwarded were:

• Consider authorizing the county board chairman to execute an agreement with Visit Quad Cities for the purposes and dollar amounts presented.

• Consider an Intergovernmental Agreement facilitated by Bi-State Regional Commission Regarding Consultant Services for Implementing Enterprise Zone updates

This concludes the December report of the Governance, Health & Administration Committee

8. The Public Works & Facilities Committee Report

The Public Works & Facilities Committee met on Monday December 9th at 8:30AM

• Zoning and Building Director Greg Thorpe gave his report on activities and building statistics for last month, including 21 building permits for new residences, year to date.

• GIS Director Josh Boudi and Highway Engineer Matt Miller reported on routine activities.

• County Administrator Jim Grafton gave a report on Facilities at the COB and Fleet Management The committee considered and recommended approval of one Zoning Board of Appeals Case as follows:

a. SU-24-215 Rock River Camp RV LLC Expand Campground HA

b. RZ-24-113 Larry & Kathryn Lievens AG-1 & B-4 to SE-1 CO

c. SU-24-218 Larry & Kathryn Lievens Major Home Occupation CO

d. SU-24-216 Transformative Lives LLC Large Res Care Home SR

e. SU-24-217 Todd & Sharl DeClercq Major HomeOccupation CO

The Public Works Committee also considered these items and forwarded them to Finance & Personnel

Consider Overhead Door replacement for Fleet Management

Consider Interior re-painting of walls for Fleet Management

Consider Bids for Purchase of a fence to secure back lot of 1429 4th Avenue

This concludes the report of the Public Works & Facilities Committee

9. Approval of the County Board Agenda

Chairman Richard “Quijas” Brunk asked for a motion to approve the County Board Agenda for Tuesday November 19th 2024

Motion: Luis Moreno Second: Dave Adams

Voice Vote

Motion Carried

10. Closed Session – None

11. Consider action based on closed session-None

12. Committee member opportunity for brief comment:


13. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn: David Adams Second by: Dr. Moreno

Voice Vote

motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 5:54 pm



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