Chris Hagloch - Mayor, City of Aledo | City of Aledo
Chris Hagloch - Mayor, City of Aledo | City of Aledo
City of Aledo Committee of the Whole met Jan. 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
The City Council of the City of Aledo met in Regular Session in the Council Chambers at the Aledo City Hall building on January 06, 2025. MAYOR HAGLOCH called the meeting to order at 6:43 P.M. The roll was called, whereupon the following answered present:
Also present was MICHAEL CHAUSSE, City Administrator, TREVOR FISK, Interim Chief of Police, JUSTIN BLASER, Director of Public Works & Utilities, TROY BLASER, Parks & Recreation Director, and JAROD DALE, City Clerk.
The media was represented by Jim Taylor, WRMJ.
Invocation: Pastor Russ Young, Grace Evangelical Free Church – Aledo.
Public Comment: No Report.
Communication & Correspondence: No Report.
Requests & Petitions: Mercer County School District: Superintendent Tim Farquer and Julie Wagner – 9/11 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit – October 23 – 25, 2025. The mobile exhibit presented by Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a tribute to all who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, including the 343 members of the Fire Department of New Your City (FDNY) who made the ultimate sacrifice, and all who continue to lose their lives to 9/11 – related illnesses. This high tech, 83-foot tractor-trailer, which transforms into an 1,100 square foot exhibit, is a tool to further educate people across the country about the events of that tragic day.
Wagner reported the mobile exhibit will be an education for local schools and the community. Plans are to set-up the exhibit in the VFW south parking lot (SW 2nd Street). The exhibit will be utilized by the school district on that Thursday and Friday for mercer county classes and other local districts to receive a guided tour through the exhibit. During the evenings and Saturday, community members will also be able to go through the exhibit. Tour guides are retired FDNY who were at Ground Zero that day.
Farquer requested permission to utilize the parking lot at the VFW and invited the Aledo Police Department to help provide an escort into the county / town for the mobile exhibit. Other items requested include: The City assist in securing power for the exhibit; manpower to help set-up on October 22nd and tear down on October 26th; A request to be made to the Aledo Fire Department to display the large American flag at or near the exhibit during the duration of the event; and, Aledo Police Department assist in a security plan.
Public Works Activity Report:
• Streets: Ordered new signage for the landscape waste site; cleaned equipment; assist with the water main valve repair; equipment service.
• Gas: Emergency preparedness meeting with school representatives; Wash trucks; install anode at the water main valve leak & assist with the repair; start inventory; continue installing new radio heads.
• Water: Repair water main valve on SE 8th Ave; wash trucks and equipment; jet two sewer mains; assist the Village of Joy with a sewer jet; inventory.
• Cemetery: One (1) funeral occurred. Tree trimming & cleaning of office.
• DPW: Work consisted mainly of building code adoption. All proposed amendments are completed. DPW would like to schedule a committee meeting for January 13th.
Aledo Police Department Activity Report: CHIEF Fisk reported Officer Jaydon Brown is in his first phase of the Field Training Program. Sgt. Pieper has been assigned to be his Field Training Officer. They will be working a power shift from 3PM to 1AM.
Lt. Baker is currently in week no. 05 of the Northwestern School of Police Staff and Command being held in Peoria, Illinois.
Administrative Report: ADMINISTRATOR Chausse reported on an overview of highlights of what the Administrator (and others) have worked on since the last council meeting:
• Met with REACH (the Ameren EV group) to discuss the council vote and reaction.
• Attended the December Main Street Community Connections Meeting.
• Attended the Historic Preservation Committee meeting.
• Held a bid opening concerning a contract for Pest Control for the city. This is on the agenda under the Consent Agenda for your consideration.
• Met with a landowner and potential developer concerning the County’s potential property tax abatement plan.
• Had numerous emails with Denise Bulat with Bi-State Regional Commission to go over the current and future zoning use maps for the Comprehensive Plan.
• Met with Joey Scott, the LRS General Manager for our area and had a phone call with Steve Ramos – Municipal Service Manager for LRS to discuss the issues experienced after Christmas. LRS will be more forthcoming in letting the City know of delays of service, implemented a plan to inform the public, and systems to recover missed pick-ups.
• Met with Frontier Communications to discuss their infrastructure improvements completed and planned for the city.
CITY CLERK Dale provided quarterly reports for the fourth (4th) quarter of 2024 regarding sales tax comparison for 2023 and 2024. Also, reports for the fourth (4th) quarter building reports were also provided.
CITY CLERK provided a reminder on Tuesday, January 14th, from 4 PM – 6 PM there will an open house meeting regarding 9th Avenue Shared Use Pathway project at City Hall.
Mayor’s Report: MAYOR Hagloch provided the Liquor Commissioner’s Report dated January 1, 2025. Class “A” Club License - 2 licenses; Class “B” Package License – 2 licenses; Class “C” Tavern License – 7 licenses; Class “D” Restaurant License – 4 licenses; and Class “E” Banquet – no license available.
MAYOR reported the Illinois Municipal League has recently reported on the state-wide building code requirements that take effect in 2025. It was noted by the Mayor that the State is mandating if a community currently has no building code regulations requirements on the books that the community would be required to follow at minimum the state mandated codes. MAYOR encouraged the CITY COUNCIL to read the article recently posted in the IML magazine for additional details.
MAYOR introduced Troy Blaser, Parks & Recreation Director to the CITY COUNCIL. It was reported Troy began his position on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025. Troy noted he has been meeting frequently with the Mercer County Y.M.C.A. and thanked the CITY COUNCIL for the opportunity. Troy reported that he is looking forward to creating programs for the kids and park and recreation.
Committee Report: An Ordinance & Police Committee meeting to be held on Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 6:00 o’clock p.m. in the City Council chambers to discuss amendments to building code regulations with update to the 2021 building codes.