Karen Kinney - County Clerk | Rock Island County
Karen Kinney - County Clerk | Rock Island County
Rock Island County Finance and Personnel Committee met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Dr. Luis Moreno called the Finance & Personnel Committee meeting to order at 8:32am
1. Roll Call: Dr. Moreno, Edna Sowards, Kai Swanson, Dr. Rodney Simmer, Brian Vyncke, Bob Perkins
Also Present: Richard Brunk, Jim Grafton, April Palmer, Ryan Berger, Nick Camlin, Tammy Weikert, Bridgette Edgewater, Jim Nelson, Jared VanTieghem, Patty Castro, Sheriff Darren Hart, Captain Mindy Meyers, Karren Kinney
2. Public Comment: NONE
3. Approval of minutes from the Wednesday December 10th Finance & Personnel Committee meeting
Motion to approve: Dr. Rodney Simmer Second: Bob Perkins
Voice vote
Motion carried
4. Reports to the Committee
Auditor April Palmer reported on end of Fiscal Year Activities and the problems the County is having with our Credit Card provider. Auditor April Palmer noted that the County may be looking at a local bank to be the provider for the County’s Credit Cards. County Treasurer Nick Camlin noted that interest revenue was up 5% year over year. Treasurer Camlin also reported on Delinquent Tax Sales being lower and that the remodel in his office is underway. Sheriff Darren Hart reported on the heating project going on at the Justice Center and a report on the construction progress at the Juvenile Justice Center. County Clerk Karen Kinney reported that they have been trained on the new election equipment and Early Voting will begin on Thursday January 16th in the County Clerk’s Office from 8:00am until 4:30pm. Voting will take place in Silvis and Moline for their primaries on February 25th 2025.
County Administrator Jim Grafton reported on placing a heated Air-curtain in the entrance way of the County Office Building due to the draft when new sliding doors opening and closing. Mr. Grafton said another thing he wanted to report on, piggybacking on the work being done in the Treasurer’s Office, ESTES has been out to Animal Control to give us an estimate to put up a wall with a door and provide some security between the folks that come in and the employees behind the counter. At this time, we have no barrier for that purpose, I was hoping I would have a number today, but that would be a change order to the Treasurer’s project. If you recall we asked our Architect John Mahon to go out and give us an estimate to go out and put up that wall and it was like $20,000 just to do the design work and that will be on our next agenda. Mr. Grafton then gave an update on Fleet management. The starting point on this is how many vehicles do we have to service and the frequency of that service. For example, a Sheriff’s car might need to be serviced every month and Court services vehicle might be every three months. So, we plugged that into this formula and the bottom line is it will take about 8,000 hours to service all these vehicles and that will determine how much staff we are going to need. At this point we are working on the job description for the mechanics and part of our approval is some funding to get us started , such as operating supplies and minor repairs I know that was a lot but does anyone have any questions.
5. Consider Delinquent Tax Resolutions
Permanent Parcel Number 16-27-103-079
Permanent Parcel Number 17-06-201-040 Tax Payor ID# (08) 220 MO
Permanent Parcel Number 07-35-302-004 Tax Payor ID# (09) 5336 RI
Motion to approve Brian Vyncke Second: Dr. Rodney Simmer
Voice vote
Motion carried
6.Consider County Administrator Service Agreement
Motion to approve: Kai Swanson Second: Brian Vyncke
Voice vote
Motion carried
7. Consider agreement with Johnson Controls for replacement of Animal Care and Control Shelter’s HVAC System.
Motion to approve: Edna Sowards Second: Brian Vyncke
Voice vote
Motion carried
8. Consider Request for Sheriff’s Office Admin Squad funds
Motion to approve: Kai Swanson Second: Bob Perkins
Voice vote
Motion carried
9. Consider additional funding for Rock Island County Soil and Water Conservation District
Motion to approve: Kai Swanson Second: Brian Vyncke
Voice vote
Motion carried
10. Consider New Money Appropriation for Fleet Management in the amount of $50,000.00
Motion to approve: Kai Swanson Second: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
11. Consider Board of Review Compensation Adjustment
Motion to approve: Kai Swanson Second: Brian Vyncke
Voice vote
Motion carried
12. Consider Fleet Manager Salary Adjustment from $33.93 per hour to $49.11 per hour
Motion to approve: Bob Perkins Second: Brian Vyncke
Voice vote
Motion carried
13. Transfer of Appropriations
• FY 2024--- $217,422.03
• FY 2025--- $242,636.98
Motion to approve: Dr. Rodney Simmer Second: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
14. Consider Appropriations Resolutions for Fund
Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke Second: Kai Swanson
Voice vote
Motion carried
15. Consider Claims
• FY 2024 $1,320,819.98
• FY 2025 $1,140,602.29
Motion to approve: Dr. Rodney Simmer Second: Kai Swanson
Voice vote
Motion carried
16. Consider Treasurers Disbursements
• FY 2024 $888,729.38
• FY 2025 $878,850.70
Motion to approve: Bob Perkins Second: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
17. Consider Board Member Per Diem/Mileage
Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke Second: Dr. Rodney Simmer
Voice vote
Motion carried
18. Closed Session if needed—None
19. Consider Action as necessary based on Closed Session- None
22. Committee member opportunity for brief comment (no decisions will be made)
Board Member Brian Vyncke thanked everyone for allowing him to attend remotely.
Board Member Kai Swanson thanked the Finance Director and the County Treasurer for making wise investments.
23. Adjourn
Motion to approve: Kai Swanson Second: Edna Sowards
Voice vote
Motion carried
The Rock Island County Finance & Personnel Committee meeting adjourned at 9:26am