Moline City Council is Moline’s Legislative body and is comprised of the Mayor, one member from each of the seven wards within the City, and one that represents the City at-large. | City of Moline
Moline City Council is Moline’s Legislative body and is comprised of the Mayor, one member from each of the seven wards within the City, and one that represents the City at-large. | City of Moline
City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Feb. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Remote Electronic Attendance (if necessary)
Approval of the remote electronic attendance of certain elected officials.
4. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to speak in person should sign in on the public comment sign-in sheet. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. Council will not respond to public comment during the meeting. When appropriate, Council will refer the issue to the appropriate committee or staff member for further consideration. Those wishing to submit emailed public comment must send comments to 30 minutes prior to the published meeting time, with “Public Comment” in the subject line. Comments will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the City Council meeting.
5. Questions on the Agenda
6. Committee-of-the-Whole Agenda Items
6.1 A Resolution approving the special event application for The Cities Spring Classic event scheduled for Saturday, April 19, 2025, that is sponsored by Empowering Abilities, closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic, and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event.
6.2 A Resolution declaring vehicles and non-motorized assets as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as surplus property and authorizing the disposal of said vehicles and non-motorized assets by the Assistant Director of Public Works through the legal disposal process that is most advantageous to the City, whether sealed bid, auction, negotiation or otherwise.
6.3 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Langman Construction, Inc., for Project #1481, 2025 Patching Program, for the amount of $1,239,653.00.
6.4 A Resolution approving Change Order No. 2 and Final with Langman Construction, Inc., for Project #1370, 16th Street and Avenue of the Cities Intersection Reconfiguration, for the amount of $21,386.66.
6.5 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to execute an Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification between the Federal Government and the City of Moline Police Department setting forth the requirements for participation in the Equitable Sharing Program and certifying all receipts and expenditures of federal forfeiture funds, property, and interest during the last fiscal year.
Suggested Action: This item will also appear on the City Council Agenda on February 18, 2025, under “Items Not on Consent."
6.6 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, “OFFENSES MISCELLANEOUS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by increasing the number of Class B Incidental Tobacco Dealer’s Licenses in the City at the request of ODC QC LLC, d/b/a ODC QC.
6.7 An Ordinance vacating a 1,830 square foot platted drainage and utility easement at 2930 41st Street.
6.8 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with NBI Plus, LLC, for property located at 700 15th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 08-32-419-001), for a purchase price of $10 plus the installation of an asphalt parking lot, with an estimated cost of $43,500, at NBI Plus, LLC’s adjacent property located at 1514 7th Avenue, Moline, Illinois; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: This item will also appear on the City Council Agenda on February 18, 2025 under “Items Not on Consent.”
6.9 An Ordinance authorizing the City of Moline to borrow funds from the Illinois Public Water Supply Loan Program to finance Lead Service Line replacements for the next 18 years.
6.10 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Licensing Agreement with Pathway Church to construct, install, use and maintain a sign for advertising/identification purposes only at 4330 12th Avenue that is located in public right of-way.
7. Council Call to Order
8. Pledge of Allegiance
9. Invocation – Alderperson Timion
10. Roll Call
11. Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes and Appointments
All items under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after the Omnibus Vote.
11.1 Committee-of-the-Whole, Council and Executive Session meeting minutes of February 4, 2025 and Council meeting minutes of February 11, 2025.
Suggested Action: Approval
12. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to speak in person should sign in on the public comment sign-in sheet. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. Council will not respond to public comment during the meeting. When appropriate, Council will refer the issue to the appropriate committee or staff member for further consideration. Those wishing to submit emailed public comment must send comments to 30 minutes prior to the published meeting time, with “Public Comment” in the subject line. Comments will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the City Council meeting.
13. Consent Agenda - Resolutions
13.1 A Resolution approving the special event application for the TBK Quad Cities Marathon and road races scheduled for Saturday, September 27, 2025, and Sunday, September 28, 2025; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event.
Suggested Action: Approval
13.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to apply for a State Highway Permit from the Illinois Department of Transportation and to execute the necessary forms for temporary closure of the ramp along I-74 eastbound to Third Avenue (River Drive) in conjunction with the Quad Cities Marathon & Road Race, scheduled for Sunday, September 28, 2025.
Suggested Action: Approval
13.3 A Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 and Final with Langman Construction, Inc., for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section No. 24-00000-00-GM, 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing Program, for the amount of $49,304.04.
Suggested Action: Approval
14. Omnibus Vote
15. Non-Consent Agenda - Second Reading Ordinances
15.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, “OFFENSES MISCELLANEOUS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by increasing the number of Tobacco licenses in the City at the request of Hass Smoke Shop Inc., d/b/a Moline Liquor Tobacco & Vape.
Suggested Action: Approval
15.2 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, “OFFENSES MISCELLANEOUS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by increasing the number of Tobacco licenses in the City at the request of Grace Store LLC, d/b/a Vantage Pointe.
Suggested Action: Approval
15.3 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, “OFFENSES MISCELLANEOUS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by increasing the number of Class B Incidental Tobacco Dealer’s Licenses in the City at the request of JS Liquor & Food Inc., d/b/a Five Star Liquor & Food.
Suggested Action: Approval
16. Non-Consent Agenda - Resolutions
16.1 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to execute an Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification between the Federal Government and the City of Moline Police Department setting forth the requirements for participation in the Equitable Sharing Program and certifying all receipts and expenditures of federal forfeiture funds, property, and interest during the last fiscal year.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with NBI Plus, LLC, for property located at 700 15th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 08-32-419-001), for a purchase price of $10 plus the installation of an asphalt parking lot, with an estimated cost of $43,500, at NBI Plus, LLC’s adjacent property located at 1514 7th Avenue, Moline, Illinois; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.3 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Precision Pavement Markings, Inc., for Project #1477, 2025 Pavement Marking Program, for the amount of $215,300.00.
Suggested Action: Approval
17. Non-Consent Agenda - First Reading Ordinances
17.1 An Ordinance implementing a Municipal Grocery Retailers’ Occupation Tax and a Municipal Grocery Service Occupation Tax.
Suggested Action: Advance to second reading
18. Miscellaneous Business
19. Executive Session (if necessary)
20. Adjournment of City Council