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Welcome to the City of Colona Sign | City of Colona
City of Colona City Council met March 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Chief John Swan Upcoming Rescue Tax on Ballot
1. Temporary Cell Tower Erected, barricades in place, cables starting to be Installed
2. IDOT Open House March 18, 2025 at Colona Scott Family Park 1-6 PM Subject: RT 84 Project Road Reconstruction.
3. Mayor signed New Salt Purchase Contract through Joint Purchase Agreement
4. Budgets – Upcoming Project Expenses
5. Money Conversation – Where does the money come from and where does it go?
1. Approve payments of Bills/Claims by vendor report for the period of February 25 – March 10, 2025
2. Approve Payroll for the period February 26 – March 10, 2025
3. Approve Minutes from February 24, 2025 City Council Meeting
1. Motion to remove from table: Approve Ordinance No. O-25-03 – An ordinance implementing a Municipal Grocery Retailers’ Occupation Tax and a Municipal Grocery Service Occupation Tax for the City of Colona, IL (see 2-24-25 packet)
2. Approve Ordinance No. O-25-03 – An Ordinance Implementing a Municipal Grocery Retailers’ Occupation Tax and a Municipal Grocery Service Occupation Tax for the City of Colona, IL (see 2-24-25 packet)
3. Continue Discussion: Capital Improvement Program Water Towers. Find Funding Source and Allocate Funds for Old Tri-Pod Tower Roof Repair and Coating and other Misc. Repairs Temporary Verizon Cell Tower in place ready for cable transfer. Waiting for council to Act.
4. Motion take from Table Centrex Energy Partners – Investment Grade Audit Proposal for Infrastructure and Investment Improvements. Approve entering Contract Phase 1 of Audit, Costs $9,750 – References Submitted to council as Requested via e-mail. Mayor in contact with Contrex, they reduced their price to $4,750.00. (see 2-24-25 packet)
5. Mayoral Appointment of City Collector Position – Withdrawn
6. Approve Non-Home Rule Local Sales Tax increase of .25% material and information provided at Last Council Meeting. (see 2-24-25 packet)
1. Discuss and Approve the Renewal/Redemption of a 6 Month CD, maturing on March 13, 2025, with an estimated value of $543,000. The CD is currently held at BankORION. Rates and terms will be provided at meeting: Approve Mayor: Don Ropp and Alderman: Larry Swemline as authorized signers
2. Approve 12 month Rental Agreement of Café at Colona Scott Family Park for the monthly rental price of $400.00 per month. If approved city attorney to draft contract for council approval and authorize Mayor to Execute Document Upon Approval.
3. Approve Business License for Paints Craft BBQ to operate at Café in Colona Scott Family Park. Owner: Chase Painter, see application and business summary in this packet.
4. Advise Council that the Colona MHC, LLC, and GSMN 2 LLC, formally known as Kershaw Trailer Park has been notified of several code violations on February 2nd, 2025 by the building and zoning officer of the City of Colona. No response or action has been taken by the owners to correct the violations. This inaction places the Mobile Home Park in noncompliance with our city ordinances. Per our city code all current, renewed business or trailer coach park licenses will be denied/revoked and will not be reissued until they are in back in compliance with Colona City Code.
Requested Council Action: Approve and Support this action taken by the administration and staff to enforce compliance with city codes, and authorize city attorney to take any and all measures necessary to enforce the ordinances.
5. Advise Council that Giant Laundromat upon inspection from Fire Marshall have been found in violation of multiple health and safety code violations. They have been notified about the violations and have not responded to remedy the situation. This inaction places Giant Laundromat in noncompliance with our city code. Per our code all current, renewed business licenses will bedenied/revoked and will not be reissued until they are back in compliance with Colona City Code.
Requested Council Action: Approve and Support this action taken by the administration and staff to enforce compliance with city codes, and authorize city attorney to take any and all measures necessary to enforce the ordinance.
6. Discussion on old car wash property on RT 84, disposition, time frame and sales price. Recommend putting property up for sale. City has approximately $150,000.00 invested in property out of TIF funds. Proceeds from Sale of Property must be returned to TIF # III
7. The Glazed Project is Dead and Developer is in breach of their agreement.
8. Questions and Discussion. Mayor/Tiff Administrator to declare Default and Surplus the Ear-Mark Funds that are no longer dedicated to a project.