City of Kewanee Officials | City of Kewanee | Facebook
City of Kewanee Officials | City of Kewanee | Facebook
City of Kewanee City Council met March 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Roll Call
2. Closed Session to discuss Personnel Section 2(c)(1), Collective Bargaining Section 2(c)(2), and Discussion of Closed Meeting Minutes Section 2(c)(21)
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Payroll
c. Staff Reports
5. Payment of the bills
6. Public Comments
7. New Business
a) Bill 25-17 Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to Robert and Ruth Barnes for property located at 1047 N Main St.
b) Bill 25-18 Resolution to authorize the City Manager and Fire Chief to amend an agreement with Kewanee Community Fire Protection District to supply EMS coverage to the residents of their district and to charge a fee for said services that will more adequately cover the costs of the Fire Department in providing such services.
c) Bill 25-19 Resolution authorizing the extension of an agreement with the Henry County Humane Society for the maintenance and operation of the Animal Control Facility.
d) Discussion Only: Solar, Fence, Pool Ordinance Review
e) Discussion Only: Westgate Dr
f) Discussion Only: Noon Whistle
g) Discussion Only: Paper of Record
8. Council Communications
9. Announcement
10. Adjournment