Bob Vitas, City Administrator | City of Moline
Bob Vitas, City Administrator | City of Moline
City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Mar. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Remote Electronic Attendance (if necessary)
Approval of the remote electronic attendance of certain elected officials.
4. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to speak in person should sign in on the public comment sign-in sheet. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. Council will not respond to public comment during the meeting. When appropriate, Council will refer the issue to the appropriate committee or staff member for further consideration. Those wishing to submit emailed public comment must send comments to 30 minutes prior to the published meeting time, with “Public Comment” in the subject line. Comments will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the City Council meeting.
5. Oath of Office
Oath of Office for regular commissioned appointment as Firefighter/Paramedic to Seth Wallace, effective February 13, 2025. (Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief)
6. Board Appointments
Mayor’s reappointment of Nina Little to the Moline Commission on Youth for a 3-year term to expire March 31, 2028.
Mayor’s reappointment of Joseph Thawn to the Moline Commission on Youth for a 3-year term to expire March 31, 2028.
Mayor’s appointment of Denver Schmitt to the Keep Moline Beautiful Commission for a 3-year term to expire November 30, 2027.
7. Questions on the Agenda
8. Committee-of-the-Whole Agenda Items
8.1 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to an Agreement with Tri-City Electric Company of Iowa for Moline Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Electric Service Improvements, Contract 2024-02, that includes replacement and translocation of transformers at the drinking water treatment plant for the amount of $298,856; and authorizing the Interim Director of Utilities to execute any necessary documents related to this work.
8.2 A Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 and Final with McCarthy Improvement Company, for Project #1451, 48th Street Reconstruction, for the amount of $33,730.90.
8.3 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Porter Brothers Construction, Inc., for Project #1478, 2025 Asphalt Maintenance Program, for the amount of $301,380.00; and approving the expenditure of funds not to exceed the budgeted amount of $350,000.00 for asphalt maintenance projects and said expenditures will be presented to Council as a change order for approval increasing the contract value.
8.4 A Resolution approving the special event application for the Quad Cities Distance Classic event scheduled for Sunday, May 11, 2025, that is sponsored by the Cornbelt Running Club; authorizing a grant to the Cornbelt Running Club for the amount of $500 from the Special Events Fund for event marketing efforts; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event.
8.5 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2, “ADMINISTRATION,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 2-4600, “COMMISSION ESTABLISHED,” by enacting one new Section 2-4600 dealing with the same subject matter.
8.6 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2, “ADMINISTRATION,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 2-2207, “ORDER OF BUSINESS,” by enacting one new Section 2- 2207 dealing with the same subject matter.
8.7 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Metropolitan Towers, L.L.C., for two properties located at 1500 7th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05-144-002) and 1508 7th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05-107-003), for a purchase price of $705,500; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: This item will also appear on the City Council Agenda on March 18, 2025 under “Items Not on Consent.”
8.8 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with 833 Sixteenth Avenue IL Owner LLC, for an unimproved property (vacant lot) located near 7th Street and 16th Avenue, in Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05- 144-004), for a purchase price of $48,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: This item will also appear on the City Council Agenda on March 18, 2025 under “Items Not on Consent.”
8.9 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Hybrid Medical Group, LLC, for property located at 1410 7th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05-144-003), for a purchase price of $460,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: This item will also appear on the City Council Agenda on March 18, 2025 under “Items Not on Consent.”
9. Council Call to Order
10. Pledge of Allegiance
11. Invocation – Alderperson McNeil
12. Roll Call
13. Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes and Appointments
All items under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after the Omnibus Vote.
13.1 Committee-of-the-Whole and Council meeting minutes of March 4 2025, and appointments made at Committee-of-the-Whole on March 18, 2025.
Suggested Action: Approval
14. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to speak in person should sign in on the public comment sign-in sheet. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. Council will not respond to public comment during the meeting. When appropriate, Council will refer the issue to the appropriate committee or staff member for further consideration. Those wishing to submit emailed public comment must send comments to 30 minutes prior to the published meeting time, with “Public Comment” in the subject line. Comments will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the City Council meeting.
15. Consent Agenda - Second Reading Ordinances
15.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, “OFFENSES MISCELLANEOUS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by increasing the number of Class B Incidental Tobacco Dealer’s Licenses in the City at the request of ODC QC LLC, d/b/a ODC QC.
Suggested Action: Approval
15.2 An Ordinance vacating a 1,830 square foot platted drainage and utility easement at 2930 41st Street.
Suggested Action: Approval
15.3 An Ordinance authorizing the City of Moline to borrow funds from the Illinois Public Water Supply Loan Program to finance Lead Service Line replacements for the next 18 years.
Suggested Action: Approval
16. Consent Agenda - Resolutions
16.1 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Emery Construction Group, Inc. for Project #1485, 2025 Sidewalk Program, for an amount of $299,450.00; and approving the expenditure of funds not to exceed the budgeted amount of $350,000.00 for sidewalk projects and said expenditures will be presented to Council as a change order for approval increasing the contract value.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Walter D. Laud, Inc., for Project #1483, 30th Avenue Reconstruction, for the amount of $1,957,886.72.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.3 A Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 with Walter D. Laud, Inc., for Project 1483, 30th Avenue Reconstruction, for the amount of $57,128.40.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.4 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with J.C. Dillon, Inc., for Project #1479, 2025 Inlet Replacement Program, for an amount of $104,880.00.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.5 A Resolution declaring the BCI Burke Playground at Browning Park, a City-owned playground installed in 2006, as surplus property; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Playground Equipment Donation Agreement with Kids Around the World, Inc., an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, for equipment removal and transport; and authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation to facilitate the donation of said playground equipment.
Suggested Action: Approval
16.6 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to submit a Rock Salt Contract Joint Participation Agreement with the State of Illinois Central Management Services (CMS) for 4,000 tons of rock salt obligating the City to purchase a minimum of 3,200 tons and the ability to purchase up to 4,800 tons for the 2025/2026 winter season; and authorizing the City Clerk to attest to the Certificate of Authority by Vote and Certificate of Authority by Bylaws to be submitted with said agreement.
Suggested Action: Approval
17. Omnibus Vote
18. Non-Consent Agenda - Resolutions
18.1 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Metropolitan Towers, L.L.C., for two properties located at 1500 7th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05-144-002) and 1508 7th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05-107-003), for a purchase price of $705,500; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s 4 responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: Approval
18.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with 833 Sixteenth Avenue IL Owner LLC, for an unimproved property (vacant lot) located near 7th Street and 16th Avenue, in Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05- 144-004), for a purchase price of $48,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: Approval
18.3 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Hybrid Medical Group, LLC, for property located at 1410 7th Street, Moline, Illinois (PIN No. 17-05-144-003), for a purchase price of $460,000; and authorizing all appropriate City officials, officers, corporation counsel and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities and enforce each of the City’s expected benefits as referred to in such Agreement.
Suggested Action: Approval
18.4 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Licensing Agreement with 1848 Entertainment, LLC, dba PUB 1848 for use of public right-of-way for use of the Bass Street Landing Public Plaza for the outdoor service of alcoholic liquor and food from April 19, 2025, to September 30, 2025.
Suggested Action: Approval
19. Non-Consent Agenda - First Reading Ordinances
19.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 20-5109, “PARKING TIME LIMITS/RESTRICTIONS ESTABLISHED,” Appendix 16, “ONE-HOUR PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN NONMETERED ZONES,” by including: 1721 5th Avenue, Two On Street Stalls.
Suggested Action: Advance to second reading
19.2 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5, “AMUSEMENTS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 5-1101(c), by increasing the number of Video Gaming Terminal licensed establishments in the City at the request of owners Arlind Celiku and Braim Islami of Denis LLC d/b/a ETA Table and Tap, 2601 52nd Avenue, Moline.
Suggested Action: Advance to second reading
20. Miscellaneous Business
21. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to speak in person should sign in on the public comment sign-in sheet. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. Council will not respond to public comment during the meeting. When appropriate, Council will refer the issue to the appropriate committee or staff member for further consideration. Those wishing to submit emailed public comment must send comments to 30 minutes prior to the published meeting time, with “Public Comment” in the subject line. Comments will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the City Council meeting.
22. Executive Session (if necessary)
23. Adjournment of City Council