
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Western Illinois University trustees hear president's remarks

Webp meeting 06

The Western Illinois University (WIU) board of trustees met Wednesday, April 20.

"The Western Illinois University Board of Trustees originally was appointed in October 1995 by then Illinois Governor Jim Edgar, after the Illinois General Assembly passed legislation creating the individual board, effective Jan. 1, 1996. Previously, WIU had been governed by the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities."

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Western Illinois University board of trustees:



Minutes of the Meeting

April 20, 2016

The meeting of the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University convened at 9:44 A.M. in the Heritage Room of the University Union, WIU – Macomb Campus. Chair Roger Clawson presided.

Chair Roger Clawson stated, Good Morning, if we can call the meeting to order.

The following trustees were present and available to answer roll call:

Trustee Roger D. Clawson

Trustee Lyneir R. Cole (by remote attendance)

Trustee Cathy E. Early

Trustee Carolyn J. Ehlert Fuller (absent)

Trustee Todd Lester

Trustee Michael W. Quigley

Trustee Yvonne S. Savala (by remote attendance)

Also present for the open meeting of the Board of Trustees:

President Jack Thomas

Legal Counsel Representative Rica Calhoun

Administrative Assistant to the Board Kerry McBride

Interim Provost and Academic Vice President Kathy Neumann

Vice President for Advancement and Public Services Brad Bainter

Interim Vice President for Administrative Services Matt Bierman

Vice President for Quad Cities and Planning Joseph Rives

Interim Vice President for Student Services Ronald Williams


President Jack Thomas thanked everyone for being at the meeting. Through campus letters, town hall meetings, and focus groups the campus community has been kept apprised of the University’s budget challenges. More strategies must be placed into action to ensure that the University remains operational and able to meet various obligations to students. Several strategies were put into place to counter the lack of receiving appropriated funding from the state for higher ed. Strategies ranged from retirement incentives, discontinuing non-instructional services, hiring freezes, and furlough programs.

The Leadership Team and the President continue to work diligently to protect all members and stakeholders of the University community. The current strategies in action have resulted in the University continuing to remain operational. Each day of the budget impasse makes it progressively difficult for the University, thus difficult decisions must be made.

The University has depleted income fund accounts and soon to follow are local accounts. Without the state appropriation and MAP funding, the University must temporarily utilize Auxiliary Facility System Funds (AFS) to continue operations in an uninterrupted manner. This is a last resort. The consequences of these actions are tragic but ultimately necessary. This does not lessen the importance and value of those who are impacted by these decisions, and thus there are resources available that individuals and families may utilize during such a difficult time of transition. The hope of the collective is that the budget impasse will be resolved as soon as possible, and Western Illinois University will be stronger and more resilient.

The University will continue to work with legislative and state leaders in an effort to encourage the end of the budget impasse and to receive adequate funding for Illinois’ public colleges and universities. The Leadership Team and President Thomas will continue to present to legislators in Springfield, IL the impact Western and higher education as a whole face as a result of not having a budget.

The President will testify before the higher education committee on April 21, 2016. He encouraged those at the Board meeting to continue to contact state legislators regarding the budget impasse and impact on the campus and community as a result. President Thomas and the Leadership Team will not stop working until the University’s collective voice is heard. He turned the proceedings back over to Chair Roger Clawson.

Chair Clawson stated that Resolution 16.4/1 was up for consideration by the Board of Trustees.

Resolution No. 16.4/1: AFS

Trustee Early moved that the resolution be approved. Trustee Quigley seconded the motion. There was no discussion brought forth.

Roll Call

Trustee Clawson Yes

Trustee Cole Yes

Trustee Early Yes

Trustee Lester Yes

Trustee Quigley Yes

Trustee Savala Yes

The motion was approved.


WHEREAS the Board of Governors created the Auxiliary Facilities System (System) by adopting the Bond Resolution on December 5, 1985; and,

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has several outstanding issues of System Revenue Bonds issued under the authority of the Western Illinois University Revenue Bond Law, 110 ILCS 691/36-1 et seq.;  and,

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has pledged all revenues generated by the System be used for System purposes; and,

WHEREAS the University has not received a State Appropriation for fiscal year 2016 as of the date of this resolution; and,

WHEREAS the University has expended all funds from the University Income Fund that were generated from tuition and other revenue sources; and,

WHEREAS the University will soon deplete all other non-System sources of funds; and,

WHEREAS in order to maintain operational continuity of the University it is necessary to utilize System funds for non-System purposes:

THEREFORE be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University authorizes the University to take all necessary actions to ensure the operational continuity of Western Illinois  University which includes the temporary use of System funds for non-System purposes.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorizes the University to replace System funds after the necessary state appropriation has been received or as soon as financially possible in order to cure this technical default.


No old business was reported.


No new business was reported.

The motion was made to adjourn. Trustee Quigley motioned and Trustee Lester seconded the motion to adjourn at 9:50 a.m.


The next meeting of Western Illinois University’s Board of Trustees will begin in a closed session on June 9, 2016 in Building room 3420A and on June 10, 2016 in an open session in rooms 103 and 104 of the Quad Cities Riverfront Campus, WIU – Moline Campus.

Roger D. Clawson, Chair

Kerry McBride, Administrative Assistant to the Board