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Friday, November 22, 2024

East Moline Committee of the Whole discusses financial budget

Budget 02

The City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Monday, June 6.

"Committee of the Whole Meetings: The regular meeting of the committee of the whole shall be held in the city council room on the first and third Monday of each month, immediately following the city council meeting. If the regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, or on Martin Luther King's birthday, the meeting shall take place on the next business day at the same hour and place. (Ord. 10-01, 1-19-2010)"

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the City of East Moline Committee of the Whole:


MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016


Mayor Thodos called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed DeJaynes, Humberto Aguilar, Robert Cheffer, Gary Westbrook, and Mayor John Thodos. Absent: Helen Heiland. 7:21 p.m.



UPGRADE RADIO SYSTEMS (Mr. Lambrecht, Maintenance Services Director)

The Maintenance Services Department. needs to upgrade the radio system to the P25. These radios will work on the present system plus work on the new P25 Network the Cities are working on. Harris is the only radio manufacturer that has a radio that will work on both systems. Secondly Harris has a trade in program going on now that will give you a couple of hundred dollars per old radio traded in. The radios need to be dual mode P25 700/800MHz and EDACS 800MHz EDACS for now and through the transition the P25 Trucking after; Harris is the only manufacturer that has a unit capable of doing both modes. Having radios with both modes of operation at the same time allows our department to easily migrate from one system to the other with a push of a System Button, from one system to the other, saving time, labor, loss of interoperability within the department and other agencies as radios are changed out. Our current radios are no longer supported or serviceable. We need to have radio that can talk on EDACS 800Mhz until that migration for the entire Quad Cities is completed. Mr. Lambrecht stated that a Representative from Raycom is in attendance to answer any questions that the Council may have.


This is a budgeted item

Amount Budgeted: $150.000 Actual Cost: $148,917.25

Under/ (Over): $1,082.75

Funding Sources: Street Capitol Improvement

CIP Project Number: MTSR-16-01


Mr. Lambrecht recommendation is to purchase the system through RACOM COMMUNICATION for $148,917.25 as the system is the only one to work on both 700/800MHZ and is the same system used by the other agencies.

A lengthy discussion followed with regards to how long it would take for the various City Departments to convert over to the P25 radio system, Sam from RACOM stated that the migration would take approximately 18 months to 2 ½ years. After much discussion, comments, and questions;

A motion was made by Alderman Cheffer, seconded by Alderman Aguilar, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor:

Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried. VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1 TON DUMP WITH PLOW - (Mr. Lambrecht, Maintenance Services Director)

Per the 2014 CIP, the Maintenance Services Department advertised and conducted a bid letting for a new Super Duty 4x4 1 Ton Dump Truck with plow and spreader. This truck is to replace a 2002 Super Duty 1 Ton Dump that is failing and unable to plow with. Bid packets were sent out to area truck dealers and a bid notice was advertised in the newspaper. On May 17, 2016 at 10:30am two sealed bids were opened at the Engineering and Maintenance Services Building. The bids received for the proposed 2017 Super Duty 4x4 with plow and spreader is shown below.

- Reynolds Ford $73, 261.35 (less trade-in $3500.00) = $69,761.35

- Bonnell Industries $79,900.00 (less trade-in $1500.00 = $78,400.00


This is a budgeted item.

Amount Budgeted: $72,000.00 Actual Cost: $69,761.35

Funding Sources: Departmental Projects CIP Project Number: DRAN 14-02


To purchase the truck from the respected low bidder, Reynolds Ford for $69,761.35

Additional Comments:

Two trucks had been planned for replacement in FY 2014. Due to the budget, we purchased one and worked the second truck back into the CIP

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Aguilar, to concur with the recommendation to purchase the Super Duty 4x4 1 Ton Dump Truck with plow and spreader, from Reynolds Ford in the amount of $69,761.35, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document, and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried.


Possible amendment to the East Moline Liquor Ordinance Sec. 3-7-35 to allow the sale of wine in 187ml containers.


This is not a budgeted item.

Line Item#: N/A Title: N/A

Actual Cost: $0.00 Actual Cost: $0.00 Department: Legal


Approve Ordinance

A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried.


In preparation of the possible move of the Library to the Triumph Community Bank building, both the Library and Triumph Community Bank are asking for the Triumph property is added to the Downtown TIF area. By including this property in the TIF area both the Library and Triumph would be able to benefit from reimbursement of TIF eligible expenses. In order for the property to be included, a TIF District Amendment must be prepared. Ehlers, Inc is the firm that completed the TIF study for the current Downtown TIF District and their proposal to complete the amendment is attached.


This is not a budgeted item.

Line Item: 162-4600-300.1 Title: Professional Services

Amount Budgeted: $0 Actual Cost: $8,250 – $13,250 Under/Over: ($8,250. - $13,250)

Funding Sources: Downtown TIF


Approve proposal as submitted by Ehlers Inc.

Additional Comments:

The Library Board has approved to pay for half of the contract with the City paying the other half. Mayor Thodos gave additional background information regarding this issue. Everyone assumed that the bank was included in the original Downtown TIF District. Triumph plans to donate their current building, to the Library if the TIF agreement is amended to include the banks property.

After much discussion was held regarding, comments, questions and various aspects about this issue, a motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried.


Officer Stacey Bollinger is retiring on July 20, 2016 after 21 years of service leaving a vacancy. The police department request permission to hire a replacement off the current established East Moline Fire and Police Commission eligibility list. The new hire will attend the University of Illinois Police Training Institute starting June 26, 2016. The anticipated hire date for the new officer is June 24, 2016. This position is budgeted for the current fiscal year.


This is a budgeted item.

Line Item#: 007-4200-110.1 Title: Salaries (Police)


Approve the hire of a police officer.

A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried.

2016 PAVEMENT MARKETING PROGRAM (Mr. Kammler, Director of Engineering)

In order to maintain safe traffic movement on City streets, pavement markings must be refreshed on a regular basis. Engineering staff have compiled pavement marking quantities for a city-wide program that includes most major streets. It is the intention of our department to have a pavement marking “program” on an annual basis so that major streets and intersections have markings repainted on a two to three year rotation, depending on fund availability. East Moline’s pavement marking program has been a routine and necessary project for many years The Engineering Department has solicited bidders for our pavement marking program from all over the state for the past two years, but each time have only received one bid: Peterson Parking Lot Striping (Carbon Cliff). After discussion with the owner, Peterson has offered East Moline the same unit pricing as bid last year, assuming East Moline contracts with them. Illinois statute (65 ILCS 5/8-9-1) provides that a municipality may award a public improvement project without bid letting simply by approval of two-thirds of the alderman holding office.

The 2016 CIP has budgeted $50,000 in NHR funds for this year’s program – please review the attached map showing proposed project areas for reference. Inspection for this project is anticipated to be performed by staff in-house.


This is a budgeted item.

Line Item: 021-4300-312.3 Title: Non-Home-Rule- Street Marking

Amount Budgeted: $50,000 Actual Cost: T.B.A. Funding Source: NHR Sales Tax

Department: Engineering CIP Project Number: ENGR-13-09


Authorize award of construction contract for East Moline’s 2016 Pavement Marking Program to Peterson Parking Lot Striping in an amount not to exceed $50,000.

A brief discussion was held regarding the quality of the paint that is used for pavement markings. A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to concur with the recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Westbrook, to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, and Almblade. Motion carried 8:05p.m.

Minutes taken and submitted


Arletta D. Holmes, City Clerk