
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Chicago Tribune endorses McGuire in District 72 state House race

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Brandi McGuire, Republican candidate for the District 72 state House seat, recently received the endorsement of the Chicago Tribune editorial board.

“I am proud of receiving the endorsement of the newspaper with the history and reputation of the Chicago Tribune, our state’s largest newspaper,” McGuire said.

The newspaper spoke highly of McGuire's pro-business platform, intended to jumpstart the economy while dismissing her opponent, Democratic candidate Michael Halpin, as "running on a status-quo Democratic talking-points platform: Rauner bad, Democrats good."

Brandi McGuire | Contributed photo

McGuire continues to support property tax reform and reducing workers' compensation costs to encourage businesses and residents to stay in Illinois. As a small-business manager, McGuire sees the issues that drive businesses out of the state. The high taxes, onerous business regulations and difficulty in finding skilled workers are major concerns to large and small businesses.

McGuire's platform of "Reason. Respect. Responsibility" resonates with voters, including her pledge to refuse a state legislator pension and her opposition to all sales and income tax increases.

McGuire wasn't afraid to fight the bureaucracy that tried to illegally block her daughter's service dog from her school classroom – and she won.

"If you like what you're getting in Springfield, vote for Halpin," the Chicago Tribune editorial said. "If you want change, vote for McGuire."