The Rock Island Milan School District #41 Board of Education met Nov. 29 to prioritize secure entrance projects.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
"The Rock Island-Milan Board of Education consists of seven community members chosen by school district voters on a non-partisan ballot. Board members are volunteers receive no compensation for their service."
November 29, 2016
A special meeting of the Board of Education of the Rock Island-Milan School District was held Tuesday, November 29, 2016 in Room 23 of the Administration Center. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Linda K. Dothard.
Roll Call
Members Present: Dr. James E. Bishop, Ms. Linda Dothard, Mr. Kevin Nolan, Mr. David Rockwell, Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris, Mr. Earl L. Strupp, Jr. (arrived at 5:52 p.m.), and Mr. James E. Veasey (arrived at 5:46 p.m.)
Others Present: Dr. Michael Oberhaus, Mr. Robert Beckwith, Mr. Egan Colbrese, Ms.
Carmine Draude, Dr. Kathy Ruggeberg and Ms. Alicia Sanders
Work Session
The Board of Education reviewed the 2014 Facility Study, and received a proposed three-year prioritized capital projects list. There was discussion regarding the use of a part the facilities sales tax revenue to abate part of the bond and interest payments on outstanding debt, using accumulated reserves to pay down principal on callable bonds, refinancing the bonds as current interest rates are significantly lower than the coupon rates on the outstanding bods, and using reserves to begin projects in the summer of 2017, if the accountants will approve the transactions as being in accordance with applicable standards.
At the December 13th Board meeting, the property tax levy will be presented for approval. The levy will change from the original presentation on November 8th. The change will be to remove the $0.05 levy for Fire Prevention and Safety.
The Board members agreed that prioritizing the outstanding secure entrance projects at five schools was appropriate. They inquired about other projects and potential need to update the 2014 plan. Mr. Beckwith indicated that the plan would be reviewed and updated annually as circumstances can change which may result in changes in priorities for projects.
The administration will take the questions and requests for additional information and will report back to the Board members in the future.
A motion was made by Mr. Earl L. Strupp, Jr. and seconded by Mr. Dave Rockwell to adjourn the meeting. All members present voting “Aye”, the President declared the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Ms. Linda Dothard, President Mr. Robert Beckwith, Clerk