City of Moline Historic Preservation Advisory Commission met March 22.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Commission:
• Sears Warehouse – “The Q” - Depot Clock- Commissioner Senatra provided a project
checklist and an outline of construction work for the depot clock monument.
Commissioners discussed the documents and how they might provide a framework for
selection and design. The issues of change order work remain at the site along with
determining funding, maintenance and other unresolved issues. Commissioner Potter
offered to provide the documents to Janet Mathis at Renew.
• Wilson House - Commissioner Ege reported that he had contacted the owner, Eric
Trimble, and that the property remained unsold.
• Sylvan Island bridge- The bridge remains on the list for early 2017 bid letting. The
design may resemble the current bridge.
• Prospect Park pavilion- Commissioner Potter provided a email report from Lori Wilson,
Parks and Recreation Director. A false wall was removed from the lower level and the
restrooms were removed. Reports from Shive Hattery will result in additional beam
support and additional drainage work in-house. Bids for repair of the wooden pillars are
awaiting bid specs. The drain system for the back of the wall will probably be in the 2018
• Collector Center site –Discussed was the approximate expiration date of the RFP for the
site. General consensus was that one year is approaching and developer should report
• Downtown Heritage tour - No update
• National Geographic Mississippi River Geotourism - No new information was available
and consensus was to remove item from the agenda. Commission is mindful that
additional sites may be added and future discussion may be necessary.
• Chase Building- Construction continues and commissioners expressed a desire to tour
the building when possible.
• Scottish Rite Cathedral- The building remains for sale and item will be removed from
regular agenda until new information becomes available.
• Spiegel building- Staff continues to discuss the project with the developer. Developer
has expressed interest in coordinating this with proposed redevelopment area to the
west when the new I-74 bridge is completed.
• Other
Old Business:
• John Deere House
• Main Street/Façade rehabilitation- The facade committee continues review of the
projects in the 1700 block of 5th Ave.
• Garfield School
• Future development of Ray’s Appliance
• List of Moline’s historically and architecturally buildings –survey/inventory
New Business:
Announcements: The Chairman stated the next meeting would be March 13, 2017
Adjournment: Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.