Rock Island County Committee of the Whole met March 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1) Call to order and roll call
Committee members present: Chair Larry Burns, Nick Camlin, Luis Moreno, Robert Reagan, Jeff Deppe, Bob Westpfahl
Committee members absent: Richard Morthland, Ed Langdon
Others present: Kenneth Maranda, Mike Steffen, Josh Boudi, Fred Neece, John Massa, Greg Thorpe, Bill Long
2) Public Comments
There were no public comments.
3) Approval of the minutes from the February 13, 2016 meeting
Motion to approve: Bob Westpfahl
2nd: Luis Moreno
Voice vote
Motion carried
4) Reports to the Committee
Mr. Thorpe, Zoning and Building Director, gave his monthly report. They had 56 receipts for a net revenue of $48,556.40. The estimated value of work was just under $700,000. The February 2016 totals were 150 permits for $11,362 with an estimated value of $151,000. The contractor registration activity was started a month earlier than this year. Year to date was 276 receipts (15-16) to 145 receipts (16-17). Year to date fees was $29,700 (25-16) to $67,000 (16-17) and 2 new residences compared to 5. They did an MOU with the airport that, instead of creating building detention, they would pay us a fee in money that we could use elsewhere in the County to do storm water projects, basically the Rock River water shed. This month was $37,440 which takes us to a running total of $43,560. We haven’t spent any of that money but there has been talk of getting together on the drainage projects in South Moline Township.
We received an Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Program Round 2 grant from the Illinois Housing Development Authority for $40,000 for demolition projects. We have been sitting in some webinars learning what we have to do for that and the committee will likely see the resolution next month to enter into the agreement with them. It is a reimbursement program so if we spend it, we get it back.
Mr. Westpafhl asked where the money can be spent.
Mr. Thorpe explained that it can be used for unincorporated areas of the County. We submitted 10 properties that are on the list of run down houses.
Mr. Steffen asked for an update on the Barstow subject and what precipitated the public meeting on April 5th.
Mr. Thorpe explained that there is a lot of misinformation being told to the residents so we thought we would get out and let them ask the questions. The residents have been given notices but we have only heard from one. We thought we would hold a public meeting and bring in some resources.
Mr. Thorpe added that Wednesday and Thursday was the Illinois Association of Storm Water and Floodplain Management Conference. At the conference, Doug Moslehi, Zoning Investigator, was awarded the Floodplain Manager of the Year Award and Mr. Thorpe accepted and was nominated for the Certification Chair. The Floodplain Manager of the Year Award recognizes outstanding individual efforts and contributions at the local level. The Certification Chair is responsible for coordinating and testing education professionals involved in various aspects of the floodplain and storm water management.
Mr. Burns congratulated Mr. Thorpe.
Motion to approve report: Bob Westpfahl 2nd: Luis Moreno/Robert Reagan Voice vote Motion carried
Mr. Boudi, GIS Director, gave his monthly report. They are still waiting to receive word on the Enterprise Zone Application. They are anticipating by the end of this month. They created and updated several maps for both Hillsdale Fire Protection as well as the Hampton Police Department. They label all the house addresses with the aerial photography and the police officers and fire fighters would have that in their vehicle that they can take out in the field when they receive confusing calls for addresses that don’t exactly line up with where it is supposed to be so that is very helpful to both police and fire. Arsenal Island had several major addressing errors for the 911 dispatch on database. They spent quite a bit of time going through and fixing that to where the ranges make sense now and are accurate. Lastly, the department received $15,800 in recorder fee revenue for the month of February. Hopefully things will pick up when the weather warms up. Mr. Steffen asked if the maps are electronic copies or paper.
Mr. Boudi explained that they receive both. They do a big 3x4 wall map that they can display in the fire station or police station and then also smaller ones for the field and a pdf copy that they are able to pull up on their laptops.
Motion to approve report: Luis Moreno
2nd: Robert Reagan
Voice vote
Motion carried
Mr. Massa, County Engineer, gave his monthly report. They have a bid opening today at 1:30 for resurfacing/cape seal project for general maintenance for this year. They will also have another construction project on the Joy Road, County Highway 44, bridge construction project that was let last fall and will probably start in the next month or so. Mr. Maranda asked if that would be a road closure. Mr. Massa confirmed that it would be a road closure.
Motion to approve report: Luis Moreno
2nd: Robert Reagan
Voice vote
Motion carried
5) Review and award bids received on Monday, March 6, 2017
a. Equipment bid for two tandem axle snowplow trucks
Mr. Massa explained that they had bids last Monday. They bid it two different ways Option 1 and Option 2. Option 1 is just two new trucks. They had four different body companies bid: Henderson, Monroe, Bonnell, and Tri-State. Option 2 is two new trucks with both of the trade ins. Mr. Massa recommended going with the Thompson Truck & Trailer which is the International. For Option 2, they gave us $35,000 for each truck totaling $221,954.00 for two new trucks with the trade in. It is 150 days until delivery for Tri-State. Mr. Massa recommended going with the international. The last couple of years, they have had some trouble with international trucks but they didn’t have the Cummins engine on it. They have been putting this engine in for about 6 months. The recommendation is to go with Option 2 with Thompson Truck & Trailer.
Mr. Westpfahl asked if the trucks are out of warranty.
Mr. Massa added that they are because they are 2012’s.
Mr. Westpfahl asked about keeping the old ones.
Mr. Massa explained that they have to see what they do next year. They are considering keeping them.
Mr. Reagan asked if they are replacement trucks.
Mr. Massa explained that they are replacing two 2009 trucks that are close to 100,000 miles and they will be traded in. Sometimes they sell them out right and do okay but it’s a lot easier to trade it in and they gave a good price for the trade ins.
Motion to accept the low bid: Nick Camlin
2nd: Luis Moreno
Voice vote
Motion carried
b. Equipment bid for Mobile Lifting System
Mr. Massa explained that this is for a mobile lift system. It is basically just a hoist in the garage. They are four mobile columns that you move under the tires for the heavy equipment. They currently have an in ground one that has to be inspected every year and every couple of years it has corrosion to it and something has to be repaired so we put it in the budget for a year from now and moved it up. We only received one bid from Standard US for $35,015.24. They brought us a demo to see it and it is pretty impressive. It is all remote controlled and wireless.
Mr. Moreno asked where the bid falls with the estimates.
Mr. Massa explained that they put $50,000 in the budget for it so it is under what was put in for an estimate.
Mr. Steffen asked what they will do with the old hoist.
Mr. Massa explained that they will keep it and use it.
Mr. Neece added that it is rougher to use it with the tandem trucks than it is the smaller. It will still serve its purpose but it is about to the end of its useful life.
Mr. Deppe asked if they were installing it.
Mr. Massa added that they are just mobile units so they can be moved around with no installation.
Motion to approve the bid: Jeff Deppe
2nd: Bob Westpfahl
Voice vote
Motion carried
c. Material bid for hot poured joint sealer
Mr. Massa explained that this is just for tar joint sealer that they fill all of the joints and cracks in the roads with. It’s the number one preventative maintenance for purposes of keeping water and small non compressible materials out of the small joints just to keep them sealed off so the roads last longer. This would be out of Motor Fuel Tax. The low bid was from River Stone group at $0.46 a pound for the tar.
Motion to accept the low bid: Jeff Deppe
2nd: Nick Camlin
Voice vote
Motion carried
Mr. Massa noted that on the sheet, Stetson should be $0.465 instead of $0.46.
6) Consider ZBA cases
a. RZ-17-105 – Floming, B-1 to R-1, Cordova Township
Mr. Thorpe explained that this is a request to consider a rezoning from B-1, Neighborhood Business District, to an R-1, Single Family Dwelling District. The hearing was March 8th, there were no objectors present, and the board’s recommendation was to grant the request.
Motion to approve: Luis Moreno
2nd: Jeff Deppe
Voice vote
Motion carried
7) Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made)
There were no brief comments.
8) Adjourn
Meeting adjourned by Jeff Deppe at 8:56 a.m.
Future scheduled meetings on April 10, May 8, June 12, and July 10