
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of East Moline Library Board met August 10


City of East Moline Library Board met August 10. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

I. Business Meeting Called to Order

Vice-President Koeller called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Platinum Room of the

Moline Public Library.

II. Roll Call, Sue Wheatley, Recorder

Roll call was taken with Koeller, Blackall, Bull, Sommers, Waldron, Nelson and Runnels

present. Absent: Smith and Rafferty

III. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

IV. Approval of Minutes 13 July 2017 Regular Board Meeting

Waldron moved to approve the minutes from the 13 July 2017 regular Library Board

meeting previously distributed by e-mail/mail to each Trustee. The motion was seconded

and passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes 25 July 2017 Executive Committee Meeting

Blackall moved to approve the minutes from the 25 July 2017 Executive Committee

meeting previously distributed by e-mail/mail to each Trustee. The motion was seconded

and passed unanimously.

V. Correspondence

In packet.

VI. Director’s Report (Lear)

 Lear reported July highlights:

- 2,500 people signed up for the Summer Reading Program with over half of

registered children finishing the program.

- 1,901 books were read by adults

 The annual lemonade stand held by two young patrons, Willa and Henry McKamey,

raised $245.

 The City’s Annual Appreciation Breakfast was held at the Library in July.

 Lear encouraged the Board members to check out the new art exhibit on the blue


 The IT email merge will be completed in August.

 Reminder – the Library will be closed on Thursday, 24 August so staff can attend the

annual library in-service.

 Bull commended the Children’s Department for the SRP program/decorations.

VII. Financial Reports

The Board of Director’s reviewed the list of library bills as of 31 July 2017. The payment of

the individual bills, totaling $44,058.48 was approved and ratified upon the motion of

Nelson. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

VIII. Committee Reports

A. Executive Committee (Smith, Koeller, Blackall)

The committee met on 25 July to review the FY2018 budget draft. The committee met

again before the Board meeting to discuss the Director’s goals.

B. Building and Grounds Committee (Bull, Koeller, Waldron)

No meeting.

C. Policy and Public Relations Committee (Runnels, Rafferty, Sommers)

No meeting.

D. Art Committee (Nelson, Rafferty, Runnels)

A meeting will be scheduled after Zahn proposes meeting dates. Nelson attended the

Library Art Tour by David Zahn. With three people attending the tour, Zahn did a great

job. Lear reported the QR Codes should be in place by the end of the year.

IX. Unfinished Business

A. Other

Runnels inquired about the Krista Kruse memorial fund. Lear will contact Joy Boruff at

the Moline Foundation for an update.

X. New Business

A. FY2018 Budget draft presentation (Lear)

Lear presented the draft FY2018 Budget. Lear will meet with the City Administrator and

City Finance Manager in September for review.

B. RAILS Standards Review

Lear reviewed the RAILS Standards which will become effective in July 2018. After

discussion, we need to completed a few policies and a few other small standards to be in

full compliance.

C. Appointment of Nominating Committee

Koeller appointed Nelson and Blackall to serve as the Nominating Committee. The

Committee will report a new slate of officers at the September Board meeting. The new

officers will take their seats at the October Board meeting.

D. Library Closing Schedule 2018 (motion to approve)

After review, Runnels moved to approve the 2018 Library Closing Schedule as presented.

The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

E. Other


XI. Public Comment


XII. Executive Session


XIII. Adjournment

There being no further business brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at

1:12 p.m.
