
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

East Moline City Council met September 18.


East Moline City Council met September 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:


Mayor Freeman led the City Council and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call:

Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Alissa Sallows, Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed DeJaynes, Gary Miller, Robert Cheffer, Jose Rico, and Mayor Freeman.

Public Comment:


City Clerk’s Report:

City Clerk Holmes passed.

Additions/Corrections to Agenda:


Consent Agenda:

City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes read the Consent Agenda that included the following:

a. Approval of the Committee-of-the-Whole Minutes of September 5, 2017.

b. Approval of Salaries for September 8, 2017 in the amount of $409,649.52

c. Approval of Bills in the amount of $1,835,373.90.

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Sallows, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried.

Report By Mayor:

Mayor Freeman passed.

City Attorney Graham Lee Presented The Following Resolutions: Resolution 17-54: A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of East Moline, Illinois, Approving Blackhawk Bank & Trust For City Banking Services For The City Of East Moline, Illinois.


Mr. Terry Westbrook of 923 23rd Avenue, East Moline, Illinois, addressed the City Council, and made the following comments regarding Resolution 15-54:

“Members of the Council, I was not here when this was discussed last time, and I do not know if it would have made any difference or not, but I just wanted to reiterate the fact that Triumph Community Bank really does not wants to see your banking relationship leave. The fact of the matter is I believe we offered to the City to have a fair portion of the deposits remain here, and we would continue to pledge as we have done in the past securities to keep up to 4 Million dollars here on deposit, for you short term operating amount from day to day, and in addition to the half million dollars, which you would qualify for the

FDIC Insurance, so 4.5 million dollars’ worth of deposits, if that is of any value to you. There were options offered to you at the time when they met with Megan, and Sonya to try and keep the relationship from moving any portion of it. Whatever you do tonight we understand that is part of the ups and flows of the business, just like it was part of the ups and flows in our business to decide to quit pledging securities on municipal deposits. It was not long ago when Megan was at Carpentier Mitchell-Goddard & Company as part of your audit staff, at that time you had millions of dollars deposited in a fund with the State of Illinois. We did not have all the deposits than but in time they migrated back to the bank, because that is what was good for the city. We acknowledge that you need to do what is good for the city. We cannot emphasize enough how much we want to continue to be a strategic partner of the city as we have been for the last 80 years”.

Alderman Mulcahey – asked for clarification regarding how that process works. Mr. Westbrook replied that Illinois State Statues requires that all the city’s deposits be insured by the FDIC or have securities pledged against them, in the event of a default, where there is no FDIC Insurance and that the liquid securities would make the city whole on their deposits. There are other pledging arrangements that banks can make.

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey, to table Resolution 17- 54 for 30 days. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Mulcahey, Miller, Rico, and Sallows. Opposed: Cheffer, and Almblade. Motion carried 5-2.

Resolution 17-55: A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of East Moline, Illinois, Authorizing Approval Of Replacement Police Officers For The City Of East Moline Police Department.

A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Sallows, to approve Resolution 17- 55. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried.

Committee-of-the-Whole (Alderman Rico):

Alderman Rico stated there were no items for discussion all items have been covered under the Consent Agenda, Ordinance or Resolutions.

City Staff Communication:

Each City Staff member present was given the opportunity to inform the City Council and those present of events in their departments:

John Reynolds, Police Chief – Chief Reynolds informed the City Council that next week the Police Department will be doing Fire Arms Training at the Correctional Center Range. The department will also be very busy this week with UTHS Home Coming Parade, and the Balloon Festival that will be held at the Rock Island County Fair Grounds.

Darrin Girdler, City Administrator – Mr. Girdler will be bringing a couple of things back to the City Council that they have been working on. Engine Braking being one of them, and the Abandon Vehicle Ordinance that they are still discussing with the City Attorney.

Mr. Kammler, Engineering Services Director –Mr. Kammler updated the City Council on construction projects that are on-going in the city:

• BNSF Railroad - has panels for the new crossings and has scheduled to close 7th Street and begin the replacement of tracks on 7th Avenue and 15th Avenue, beginning Wednesday, September 20th. There will be signs in advance showing traffic closure on that street. Within a week and good weather those crossings will be much improved.

• Downtown - all the street work in front of City Hall is done. They are now working on the sidewalks and curbs. The landscapers are waiting for some of that concrete to cure before they start their work.

• 12th Street - both sets of lanes have been completely paved. Some of the driveways have been done, but many have not.

• 11th Street- one of the lanes is paved and the other is not. Just about every driveway has lots of grade to it. The inspector has tried to spend a lot of time with each resident, making sure they are satisfied with the driveway they are getting, due to the change in grade.

• The Bend - had its first day of paving a real street, paved all the way from 1st Street to a point that’s even with just about where Bend Boulevard will come in and intersect with the hotel.

• Sealcoat Program – is still on-going around the city, scarifying old potholes streets, rolling and putting down two coats of oil and chips.

Mayor Freeman – asked Mr. Kammler if both sets of tracks going to be repaired on 7th Street? Mr. Kammler stated that both BNSF tracks will be completely repaired. The southernmost track was already milled and ground to be smoother it will be replaced in its entirety next year.

Mr. Lambrecht, Maintenance Services Director – Mr. Lambrecht informed the City Council that the UTHS Building Trades is out at Empire Park, finishing up the last shelter out there, as far as roofing it. The cost to the city was just the materials, all the labor is being donated by UTHS Building Trades. Once Empire Park is completed they will be going to Butterworth Park, to re-groom the shelters at minimal cost to the city.


A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Miller, to adjourn the City Council meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: DeJaynes, Miller, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried. 6:50 p.m.
