
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Hampton Board of Trustees met October 23.


Village of Hampton Board of Trustees met October 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Members present: President Richard Vershaw

Trustee Jeff Heintz

Trustee Matt King

Trustee Mickey Van Dieren

Trustee Elise Goodman

Trustee Steffanie Adams

Treasurer Christine Lage

Attorney Graham Lee

Clerk Michelle Bergeson

Chief of Police Terry Engle

Public Works Supervisor Scott McKay

Fire/Rescue Chief Dave Johnson

Administrator Michael Toalson

Members absent: Trustee Kevin Hamilton

Others present: Chris Hicks, Dispatch/Argus;

President Vershaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Clerk Bergeson called the roll noting a quorum present and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 10, 2017: Motion was made by Trustee Heintz second by Trustee Goodman. Roll Call as follows: Heintz, Goodman, King, Van Dieren and Adams. Motion Carried.

Approval and Authorization of Payment of Bills: Motion was made by Trustee Goodman second by Trustee Heintz. Discussion, Trustee King inquired about the stipend payments to the fire department. Chief Johnson answered that they were 6 months behind on payments when he took over the department and he was just trying to catch them up, Treasurer Lage confirmed and printed out a report showing the deficiency that needs to be met. Roll call vote as follows: Goodman, Heintz, King, Van Dieren and Adams. Absent: Hamilton

Discussion regarding Sirens for the Village: Trustee Van Dieren was inquiring about a grant for the Village to have sirens. The board was under the impression that Missman would find a grant, however, they can do a study to determine what it will cost the Village to have sirens. That study will cost $7,500.00. Trustee Van Dieren would like Clerk Bergeson to check with our TIF attorney to see if this is a TIF eligible expense. Clerk Bergeson to contact Kathleen Orr and President Vershaw will contact Morgan Mays at Missman for further information on the study.

Discussion and Approval of the preliminary Tax Levy: Motion was made by Trustee Van Dieren second by Trustee Adams to approve the preliminary Tax Levy. Discussion, Clerk Bergeson noted there was a change in the previous worksheet as the insurance bill was received and an increase in the rate was noted. However, the overal tax rate will decrease by.02 cents. Roll call vote as follows: Van Dieren, Adams, Heintz, King and Goodman. Absent: Hamilton

Consideration and Approval to purchase envelopes for water bills in the amount of $779.88 from Quill: Motion was made by Trustee Heintz second by Trustee Goodman to approve the Clerk to purchase envelopes from Quill. Roll call as follows: HeintZ, Goodman, King, Van Dieren and Adams. Absent: Hamilton

Consideration and Approval of the Resolution 17-04 a Resolution in Support of Illinois Bicentennial Celebrations: Motion was made by Trustee Heintz second by Trustee Goodman to approve the Resolution in Support of Illinois Bicentennial Celebrations. Roll call as follows: Heintz, Goodman, King, Van Dieren and Adams. Absent: Hamilton

Discussion, Consideration and Approval of the proposal/scope of work from Electric Doctor for the Village generators: Motion was made by Trustee Heintz second by Trustee Adams. Discussion, Trustee Heintz inquired as to tax charge. President Vershaw inquired to the trailered generator and the generator at the well also why the fire station generator was not included. Trustee Heintz and Trustee Adams rescinded their motion to approve and motioned to table the matter until the following regular meeting. Roll call as follows: Heintz, Adams, King, Van Dieren and Goodman. Absent: Hamilton

Committee Reports.

Streets and Alleys: No report Trustee Heintz

Public Safety: absent Trustee Hamilton

Police Chief Report: No report Chief Engle

Fire Rescue Chief Report: Thank you to all that attended training. Chief Johnson

Finance: Met with Port Byron Economic Development committee, would like to discuss in detail next agenda as well as status of the newsletter. Trustee Adams

Administration, Insurance and Code Enforcement: Inquired on Clerk and Treasurers training in Des Moines, which went very well. Trustee Van Dieren

Village Clerk: no report Clerk Bergeson

Public Works: Clerk stated Verizon will be attending next meeting. Trustee King

Supervisor Report: Absent Supervisor McKay

Parks & Recreation: Trustee Goodman inquired about the alarm system with Heritage Center, not installed as of yet. Clerk discussed possibly changing internet to a business account as issues continue on a regular basis with Mediacom. Trustee Goodman

President's Report and Comments: President Vershaw has been in contact with a company in regards to possibly placing a fitness center outside at the park, similar to the ones located in the hospitals. He would also like to see a Frisbee golf course in our park. There was discussion about an ice rink. President Vershaw will look into this further. President Vershaw

Village Attorney Report: No report Attorney Lee

Acknowledgement of Visitors Who Desire to Address the Board:

Closed Session: None

There being no further business, it was motioned by Trustee King, second by Trustee Goodman, to adjourn until the next regular meeting, voice vote, All in favor: "Aye". None opposed. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.
