
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Silvis City Council met December 19.

Meeting 06

City of Silvis City Council met Dec. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1) Pledge of Allegiance

2) Roll Call

3) Proclamations:

4) Guest Speaker:

5) Public Comment:

6) CONSENT AGENDA BY OMNIBUS VOTE: (All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Alderman so requests; in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda

A) Motion to approve 2018 Silvis City Council Meeting Schedule

B) Approve payroll for 7 December 2017 in the amount of $130,655.03

C) Approve Minutes from 21 November 2017 & 5 December 2017 Regular and Committee of the Whole Meetings

D) Approve all bills bearing proper signatures.

E) Resolutions:

7) Approve any items removed from the Consent Agenda

8) Special Non-Consent:

A) Parks Building & Grounds Item

1) Purchase a portable ice skating rink Motion to purchase of a portable Mega Ice skating rink at a cost of $5,643.00.

B) Ordinance

Item 1) Ordinance to allow for monthly billing in the Utility Department 3rd Reading of Ordinance 2017-43 an ordinance to place billing cycle definition. Motion to adopt Ordinance 2017-43 an ordinance to define billing cycle definition.

Item 2) Ordinance to allow for the transfer of balances between established accounts. 3rd Reading of Ordinance 2017-44 an ordinance allowing for transfers from one account to another in the water billing department Motion to adopt Ordinance 2017-44 an ordinance allowing for transfers from one account to another in the water billing department.

B) Economic Development

Item 1) Allow certain Economic Development projects to use funds from Public Benefit Motion to allow Tap 22, Weber Storage and Weber Wheel Alignment to have $10,000 each for Economic Development with a 5 year forgivable loan.

Item 2) Sale of Public Safety Building located at 1040 1st Ave as Surplus property Motion to allow the Mayor to sign the purchase agreement to allow for the sale of the excess surplus property located at 1040 1st Avenue.

9) Mayor's Report:

10) Attorney's Report:

11) City Administrator's Report

12) City Engineer’s Report

13) City Treasurer’s Report

14) City Clerk's Report

15) Call for adjournment from Regular Meeting

16) Call Committee of the Whole to Order & Roll Call

17) Comments from the Audience

18) Agenda items for discussion

A) Public Works

Item 1) Purchase a used Gator Discuss purchase a used 2016 gator at a cost of $16,500 Motion to place purchase of a used gator at a cost of $16,500 on the 2 January 2018 agenda for approval.

Item 2) Purchase a used service van Discuss the purchase of a used 2007 service van for the water department at a cost of $9,000 Motion to place purchase of a used 2007 service van to be used in the water department at a cost of $9,000 on the 2 January 2018 agenda for approval.

B) Economic Development

Item 1) Ordinance 2018-01 an amendment to Phlypo (Dragonfly Endeavors) RDA Discuss Ordinance 2018-01 an ordinance approving & authorizing the execution of a 1st Amendment to the TIF Redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Silvis and Dragonfly Endeavors Inc. and Tim & Loree Phlypo. Motion to place for approval Ordinance 2018-01 an ordinance approving & authorizing the execution of a 1st Amendment to the TIF Redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Silvis and Dragonfly Endeavors Inc. and Tim & Loree Phlypo on the 2 January 2018 agenda for approval.

C) Negotiations, Personnel & Employee Insurance Item

1) Ordinance 2018-02 an Ordinance Prohibiting Sexual Harassment within the City of Silvis Discuss Ordinance 2018-02 an Ordinance mandated by the State of Illinois to prohibit Sexual Harassment within the City of Silvis. Motion to place Ordinance 2018-02 an Ordinance mandated by the State of Illinois to prohibit Sexual Harassment within the City of Silvis on the 2 January 2018 agenda for approval.

19) City Staff Reports:

A) Fire Department

B) Inspections Department

C) Police Department

D) Public Works & Parks 20) Comments from the Alderpersons

21) Executive/Closed Session if needed

22) Adjournment
