
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met November 20.

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Village of Port Byron Board of Trustees met November 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order By Mayor Peterson

Roll Call / Establishment Of Quorum / Pledge Of Allegiance

Roll Call #1: Present: Trustees Brian Bitler, Patty Lindley, Wayne Oney, Dustin Sloan, Wes Wells

Absent: Gerry Meade

Mayor Peterson declared a quorum present

Also Present: Sarah Gorham, Attorney;

Manny Rivera, RICO Sheriff’s Dept;

Comments From The Mayor:

Thanks to Trustee Oney and Bob Wilson for traveling to Dixon for an IDOT meeting. One of the furnaces at Village Hall has failed, so three bids are forthcoming. Mayor is desirous of having a goal-setting meeting to plan ahead to best utilize resources.

Gallery (Comments must be limited to 5 minutes per person, 30 minutes per subject.)


Committee Reports

A. Public Information/Finance Committees

1. MSA

a. Downtown Plan

1) MUCH discussion about possible changes for downtown parking and downtown bike path, as impacting the ITEP grant application

2) Also discussed boat dock parking areas at length

b. ITEP Resolution

1) Mayor Peterson asked if Board would want a special meeting next week, before submission of the ITEP Grant application

2) After much discussion and polling the Trustees, it was decided no meeting

Trustee Sloan made a motion to approve Resolution for ITEP grant with the understanding that there will be further discussion with downtown businesses and owners to clarify plan, seconded by Trustee Oney

Roll Call #2: Ayes: Sloan, Oney, Bitler, Wells, Lindley

Nays: None Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

2. Irdc Committee Patrick Strobel/ Gerry Meade

a. MSA J Fluhr spoke about the extent of their efforts, and the costs they are incurring by going over the budgeted times and expenses devoted to projects

b. He will be submitting additional requests for payment, guessing $6000 more

c. Trustee Oney asked how costs could have been reduced – J Fluhr said lack of efficiency at meetings and lack of decisions increased costs

d. They will hash out some issues at P & Z meeting(s)

3. Village Finance Committee Wayne Oney

a. Trustee Oney reviewed and explained FY18-19 Tax levy possibilities b. Will decide and vote next meeting

4. Economic Development Wes Wells

a. Minutes from 10/17/17 Meeting (C/A Item B)

b. Trustee Wells shared updates on Christmas Walk Friday, December 1, 2017

c. There is a Holiday Lighting contest going on, judging to be 12/9/17

d. Work is continuing on old gazebo, but may have to wait for Spring to finish

5. Planning/Zoning Committee Gerry Meade

a. Minutes from 10/11/17 P & Z meeting (C/A Item C)

6. Ordinance, Grants & Audits Patty Lindley

No updates

7. Personnel Patty Lindley

No updates

8. Public Health Dustin Sloan

No updates

9. Green Committee Sarah Ford

a. Meeting had to be moved to November 29

Public Works Don Loy/Eric Sikkema

No updates

1. Recycling And Refuse Dustin Sloan

No updates

2. Water/Sewer Brian Bitler

a. WWTP repair Trustee Bitler made a motion to approve payment of $516.60 to Cummins for repair at WWTP, seconded by Trustee Lindley

Roll Call #3: Ayes: Bitler, Lindley, Wells, Sloan, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

b. Water service to Strub house at 1522 N High Street

1) When water was run to property, it conflicted with sewer system

2) Fault of MSA, per Trustee Bitler

3) Estimated cost to fix is $4900 – who is responsible?

4) Realtor Wainwright said that the placement was obviously in error, as the aeration system is very observable

5) RICO Health inspector has examined as well

Trustee Wells made a motion to approve payment of $4900 to reimburse Mr. Strub for repair change in water hookup, with the understanding that the Mayor and Village Attorney try to negotiate a settlement, seconded by Trustee Lindley

Roll Call #4: Ayes: Wells, Lindley, Sloan, Bitler, Oney

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

3. Bldg. & Grounds/Streets & Street Lights Brian Bitler

No updates

4. Cemetery Gerry Meade

No updates

5. Administrative Bruce Peterson

a. Minutes from the November 6, 2017 Board Meeting (C/A Item A) b. Sale of Village land to IDOT

1) Small strip of land along Route 84, State will pay Village $3500 for it

Trustee Wells made a motion to approve the paperwork and sale of Village land to IDOT to allow repair of large culvert on Route 84, seconded by Trustee Sloan

Roll Call #5: Ayes: Wells, Sloan, Oney, Bitler, Lindley

Nays: None

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved

c. State of Illinois Bicentennial Proclamation (C/A Item D)

1) Will have flag-raising at Village Hall on 12/4/17

Review Items On Consent Agenda

Item; Action; Description:

A; Approve; Minutes from the November 6, 2017 Board Meeting

B; Receive; Minutes from 10/17/17 Economic Development Committee meeting

C; Receive; Minutes from 10/11/17 P & Z meeting

D; Approve; State of Illinois Bicentennial Proclamation

Trustee Sloan made a motion, seconded by Trustee Wells, to approve the Consent Agenda

All “Ayes”, no “Nays”

Mayor Peterson declared motion approved


Mayor Peterson read a “Thank You” letter from the Fire Department for Halloween donation

Mayor also shared a letter from IDOT that they are installing 2 signs coming into town to recognize the Riverdale Golf Team for their State Championship, and to recognize Tyler Bussert for being the State Golf Champion

Old Business:

Trustee Bitler asked why cemetery retaining wall has not been completed – will be addressed next meeting

Trustee Oney expressed opinion that each project of Village should be assigned to a Trustee to monitor and report on

New Business:


Gallery – Questions, Comments:



Trustee Sloan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Bitler

All Ayes, No Nays - Mayor Peterson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm
