City of Silvis City Council met April 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Council Members present:
Tony Trulson, Larry York, Kathy Hall, Caryn Unsicker, Joshua Dyer, Bob Rockwell, Rick Lohse.
Also present: Tom Lupinski, John Winters and City Clerk Jim Nelson
Alderman Rick Lohse called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00pm. Alderman Lohse noted that this year in our budget the expenses are $90,000 more than the revenues. The plan is to use the carryover from FY2017-2018 to make up the $90,000. Also this budget lowers the amount of committed reserve we put away to $100,000. We are also increasing our contribution to the Police Pension Fund by $100,000.
Alderman Lohse asked if there were any questions hearing none he adjourned the 2018-2019 Budget Public Hearing at 6:07 pm