
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met April 18.

Webp meeting 04

Village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met April 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Village Board was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Bartels.

2. Roll Call

Present: Mike Bartels, Adam Bain, Dale Keppy, Stan Engstrom, Bruce Crowe, Kevin Stickell, Jake Hoyt. Absent: Establishment of a quorum.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Staff present at the meeting: Annette Ernst–Village Administrator and Deanna Hulliger-Village Clerk.

4. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Trustee Bain made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held April 4, 2018, the minutes of the executive session held April 4, 2018 and the minutes of the executive session held April 11, 2018. Trustee Crowe gave a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes- Bain, Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 6, motion carried.

5. Public Presentation/ Recognition and/or Public Comments.

Mayor Bartels introduced Derek Engstrom of the Corn Crib Nursey. Mr. Engstrom is here this evening to present a Route #6 screening option for the Village. Mr. Engstrom gave a visual slide show of the area and explained the various trees and shrubberies used. Mayor Bartels reminded the Board of the resident that was interested in establishing a beautification committee within the Village of Coal Valley and she recommended Derek Engstrom for the committee. Mr. Engstrom stated he would gladly be a part of the beautification committee. Mr. Engstrom has worked with the Botanical Center and other municipalities in the past with similar projects of beautification. Mayor Bartels also is hoping to partner with the new owners of the Mobile Home Park on the Route #6 screening project. The Mayor and Trustees would like to see some prices for the 7 sections of screening. Mr. Engstrom was asked to give a high- end price with full screening and some other options for lower prices on less screening. Discussion was held. The Board thanked Mr. Engstrom for the Presentation this evening.

6. Reports from the President and Other Officers (on matters not otherwise appearing on the Agenda)

A. President–Mayor Bartels has nothing to report this evening.

B. Trustees –Trustee Keppy asked about the rock stored at the 1st Street Municipal Park and wonders why it is not stored at the Municipal garage area. Trustee Engstrom explained the rock belongs to the Village and the Township (separate piles). Trustee Engstrom stated there is an empty salt bin at the Municipal garage that could possibly store the rock. Proceeds from the sale of the old Municipal garage along #150 could be used to help with this project. Mayor Bartels will have this looked into.

Trustee Crowe informed the Board that he is gathering information on sprinklers and will provide the information and web site links to the Board for their review while we are in the process of considering the 2018 Building Code edition.

C. Police, Public Works and Admin- Ms. Ernst reported the TIF Joint Review Board met earlier today and the TIF Board recommended approval of the amended TIF district to the Village Board. A Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 5:30 P.M. prior to the Village Board meeting.

7. Unfinished Business

A. Consideration and approval of Marketing Proposal for Village owned property at 103 E 3rd Street (former Church property).

Mayor Bartels mentioned that the Board tabled this item at the last meeting and the Mayor recommends removing this item for now.

Trustee Engstrom made a motion to remove agenda item A under unfinished business. Trustee Bain offered a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 6, motion carried.

New Business

A. Consideration and approval of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March 2018.

Trustee Engstrom made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March 2018. Trustee Hoyt gave a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes-Bain, Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 6, motion carried.

B. Approval of the bills presented for payment.

The bills for payment were reviewed by the board.

Trustee Keppy brought up a discussion of the Mid-American Energy bill for $3,078.31 for repairs the Energy Company made to a gas main that was hit when a water main break was dug up. Discussion was held. Ms. Ernst received some names from Mayor Bartels of people to contact at Mid-American Energy Company to discuss this invoice further. Ms. Ernst did state that the Village crew will take pictures prior to digging in the future. This invoice will be held until additional research is completed.

A motion was made by Trustee Keppy to pay the bills presented except for the Mid- American Energy bill totaling $3,078.31. Trustee Stickell offered a second to the motion. Roll Call: Ayes- Bain, Keppy, Engstrom, Crowe, Stickell, Hoyt. Ayes 6, motion carried.

8. Adjournment

A motion was made by Trustee Stickell to adjourn tonight’s board meeting. A second was given by Trustee Hoyt. Ayes 6, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:47 P.M.
