Wethersfield Community Unit School District 230 Board met April 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
President Bryan called the April 12, 2018 Regular Meeting to order at 6:30pm with the following members present: Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. Also in attendance were: Principal Friedman, Supt. Kazubowski, Tara Mosley, Scott Packee, Steve Faber, and Peggy Faber.
Consent Agenda-
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Ryan to approve Consent Agenda Items: Minutes of the March 8, 2018 Regular Meeting and Executive Session; Minutes of the March 14, 2018 Joint Board Meeting with the Annawan Board of Education; Minutes of the April 4, 2018 Special Board Meeting; Financial Reports, Investment Report, Activity Fund Report, and Bills; Student Suspensions; and Amended 2017-2018 School Calendar. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
There was no correspondence.
Star Courier Correspondent Mike Helenthal arrived at 6:33pm.
Comments from Visitors-
Steve Faber shared information about a request from various business located around the school district to place a gambling parlor, alcohol service, and carry out liquor within the business. He voiced his concern about having such establishments close to the school, and asked for input from our board about the requests.
Board Reports-
President Bryan asked Board Members to share any reports on matters related to various committees and organizations. It was communicated the annual Unit Dinner would be taking place at The Broken Chimney on Wednesday, May 23 starting at 3:00pm. Special thanks was provided to all who helped organize and all who participated in the Wethersfield Academic Foundation’s Music Trivia Night held this past Saturday. Allyson Schiltz reported the Music Boosters made the decision to combined this year’s Band and Choral Spring Concert with the combined concert taking place on Thursday, May 3.
Old Business:
IHSA Swim Team-
A motion was made by Reeves and seconded by Brody to approve high school boys’ and girls’ IHSA Swim Teams as presented with the understanding all costs associated with the swim team will not be paid for with district funds. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
FY 18 Amended Budget-
Supt. Kazubowski reported he is in the process of amending our FY 18 Budget due to changes in anticipated revenue and expenditures. The unknowns were even more escalated this year as the State did not have such things as Title funding and General State Aid calculations completed at the time we approved our original budget in September. After the original budget was approved in September, several projects and expenses have also been approved by the school board that were not part of the original budget.
Mr. Kazubowski stated he has set a Budget Hearing for June 14, 2018 at 4:30pm in the Unit Office and that the budget would be on display beginning May 11, 2018 in order to meet the requirement of having the budget on display 30 days prior to the hearing. He communicated that he would review the amended budget as well as provide board members a copy of the proposed budget changes at our May 10 board meeting.
PARCC Testing Update-
Mrs. Friedman and Mr. Kazubowski provided a summary of the various State mandated tests our grades 3-12 students participated in over the past month. It was reported that very few technology issues occurred during testing. Mr. Kazubowski once again thanked Diana Galloway, Jessie Seiden, Jason Phelps, Julie O’Riley, and staff members who administered the tests for all the behind the scenes work they did in making sure our technology and students were ready to go for testing.
Youth Football Sub-Committee Update-
It was reported the Youth Football Sub-committee held a meeting on Tuesday, April 2 for the purpose of establishing goals and outcomes for the future. Representing the Wethersfield School District at the meeting were Board Members Dan Bryan and Steve Newman, Wethersfield Coaches Brandon Johnston and Logan Willits, Wethersfield Parents Jon Hornback and Steve Newman, and Wethersfield Administrators Jeremiah Johnston and Shane Kazubowski.
It was communicated the sub-committee recommended greatly shortening the length of the elementary and junior high football season and reduce the number of games that are scheduled. The committee also reported Mr. Johnston is in the process of gathering information from members of the elementary football league to seek their input on moving from a tackle football format to a flag football format. Lastly, the committee stated discussions in regards to exploring fall IESA baseball and softball were also discussed at the meeting.
Summer, 2018 Technology Lease-
Mr. Kazubowski provided a summary of the proposed technology lease equipment that would provide Chromebooks for our incoming 7th graders and replace the computers in the ELC. Mr. Kazubowski shared the terms of the 3-year lease from Community State Bank were shared and the Lease Resolution he asked the board to consider.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Newman to approve the 2018-2019 3-year Technology Lease Resolution and Technology Lease Agreement with Community State Bank as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
FFA Trap Shooting Competition-
Mr. Kazubowski shared information about a non-profit High School Clay Pigeon Shooting League the Wethersfield FFA Trap Shooting team would like to compete in. Discussion ensued and questions were answered.
A motion was made by Newman and seconded by Schiltz to approve Wethersfield FFA’s participation in the Illinois State High School Clay Target League as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Other Old Business-
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board high school graduation is taking place at 2:00pm on Sunday, May 20 and 8th grade promotion at 7:00pm on Thursday, May 17. Board members were asked to contact Mr. Johnston if they would like reserved seating for either event. Mr. Kazubowski communicated we need board volunteers to help hand out certificates at 8th grade promotion, diplomas at high school graduation, and a board member to provide a short congratulation address during high school graduation. Steve Newman volunteered to hand out high school diplomas, Angie Ryan volunteered to hand out 8th grade promotion certificates, and Dan Bryan volunteered to conduct the high school graduation address.
It was communicated the new mini-split air conditioning unit for the elementary library was installed over Easter Break. Mr. Kazubowski stated the electrical hookup for the unit would take place prior to Summer Vacation.
Mr. Kazubowski reported calculations for the new Evidence Based Funding State Aid Model have been completed, and Wethersfield ended up being a tier 2 funding school district. As a result, the additional funding we will receive this year ended up being just under $59,000 and, because we just missed the cutoff for being a tier 1 school, we missed out on about $32,000 of additional funding. Mr. Kazubowski reminded the school board that based on how the new formula works, if the State budget funds the formula properly next year, our new hold harmless funding for next year will be our current hold harmless amount ($2,069,195) plus the additional tier funding of approximately $59,000. On top of that increase, we would also receive additional money towards the tier funding.
It was shared the Martin Engineering First Robotics Team is competing in International Robotics Championships in Detroit Michigan on April 25- 29.
Mrs. Friedman provided a summary of the various activities that are taking place the elementary this week for their Abilities Week.
New Business:
June 14, 2018 and July 12, 2018 Board Meetings-
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board that our June 14, 2018 school board meeting would have a 4:30pm start time.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Brody to approve cancelling our July 12, 2018 board meeting and authorize Mr. Kazubowski to prepare a resolution for board consideration that would authorize the Board President and Superintendent to review and approve July, 2018 Board Bills and Payroll and would authorize the Board President and Superintendent to approve Milk and Bread Bids. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Approve District Bullying Policy Updates-
Mrs. Friedman provided a summary of the process used to gather feedback for updating our District Bullying Policy as well as the recommended changes the Bullying Committee recommended. Discussion ensued and Mrs. Friedman answered several clarifying questions.
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Newman to approve the updated District Bullying Policy as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Approve Discipline Codes, Co-curricular Codes, and Athletic Codes for 2018-2019-
Mrs. Friedman and Mr. Johnston provide a summary and answered questions on the changes the respective discipline committees made for possible changes to our Discipline Codes, Co-curricular Codes, and Athletic Codes for 2018-2019.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Newman to approve the Discipline Codes, Co-curricular Codes, and Athletic Codes for 2018-2019 as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Student Printing Program and Printer Lease-
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Schiltz to approve a 5 year lease with Office Machine Consultants for a student management printer program and two student printers as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Security Camera System Upgrades-
A motion was made by Reeves and seconded by Newman to approve the bid from Integrated Technology Partners in the amount of $6,335.42 to install 3 exterior security cameras as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Approve 2018-2019 High School Graduation and Junior High Promotion Dates-
A motion was made by Newman and seconded by Baker to approve the Class of 2019 high school graduation for 2:00pm on Sunday, May 19, 2019 and 8th grade promotion for 7:00pm on Thursday, May 16, 2019. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Approve Board Policies 2-171, 10-200, and 11-110-
A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Schiltz to approve Board Policies 2-171, 10-200, and 11-110 as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Principal Reports-
Questions were answered on the principal’s reports.
Other New Business-
A special thank you was provided to Mr. Hagaman, Mrs. Hagaman, the Music Boosters, and the many volunteers for once again hosting a very successful and well run IESA Music Solo and Ensemble Contest on April 7.
Mrs. Rashid and the Wethersfield FFA were commended for the outstanding FFA Petting Zoo they hosted the Friday prior to Spring Break.
It was noted Mrs. Friedman was recognized in a State-wide publication for a scholarship she received as she works towards earning her Doctorate Degree.
Special thanks was given to Amanda Beam, who won a $100 gift card from Save-A-Lot in the recent FFA Meat Raffle. Ms. Beam donated the gift card back to our FFA Chapter for our Chapter to give to a person/family from our school district.
Amanda Blair and her English students were recognized for their Random Act of Kindness Campaign that has spread throughout our school district.
Mr. Kazubowski thanked Scott and Kara Packee for waiving the rental fee for usage of The Stables as our sophomore class plans for Prom, 2019.
Comments from Visitors-
There were no comments from visitors.
Closed Session:
A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Baker to enter into Executive Session at 7:37pm for employment of personnel, individual student matter, contract negotiations, and student discipline. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Open Session:
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Baker to return to Open Session at 8:12pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
Mr. Johnston arrived at 8:15pm.
Employment of Personnel-
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Schiltz to accept the resignation of Ann VanWassenhove as Quill Sponsor effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year and thank her for her service to our district, and to accept the resignation of Kristen Balfour as Annawan Football Cheerleading Sponsor effective immediately. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Ryan to approve a 1.62% pay increase for Wethersfield Educational Support Staff for the 2028-2019 school year as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Schiltz to approve Dennis Kenney, Kirstie Ramsey and Rachel Cook as summer maintenance helpers and Jack Reynolds as summer technology helper for summer, 2018 as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
A motion was made by Newman and seconded by Brody to approve with regrets a resolution authorizing the honorable dismissal of Amanda DeValkenaere as part-time classroom aide support personnel for the 2018-2019 school term as the result of a decision by the Board of Education to reduce the total number of educational support personnel employed by the District and discontinue some particular type of educational support service in the District pursuant to Section 5/10-23.5 of the Illinois School Code. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Schiltz to approve with regrets a resolution authorizing the reduction in hours of full-time classroom aide support personnel Michelle Slater for the 2018-2019 school term from 7 hours per day to 5 hours per day as the result of a decision by the Board of Education to reduce the total number of hours of classroom aide support personnel employed by the District and discontinue some particular type of classroom aide support service in the District pursuant to Section 5/10-23.5 of the Illinois School Code. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Newman to approve the transfer of Eva Harlan as classroom aide working in a one-to-one setting to classroom aide working in the upper elementary and junior/senior high as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.
a.High School Play: Friday, April 13 and Saturday, April 14 at 7:00pm in HS Gym
b.Midterm for 4th Nine Weeks: Friday, April 20
c.Junior/Senior Prom: Saturday, April 28 from 8:00-10:00 at The Kewanee Dunes
d.High School Honors Breakfast/Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, May 2 at 8:30am
e.Spring Band and Choral Concert: Thursday, May 3 at 6:30pm
f.Next Board Meeting: Thursday, May 10 at 6:30pm
A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Ryan to adjourn at 8:15pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 7-0.