Orion Community Unit School District 223 Board met June 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Roll Call
2. Go into Executive Session in accordance with paragraph 42a of the open meetings act to discuss:
A. Personnel
1. Resignations
a. ESP Childcare Provider
b. Coach
c. Sponsor
d. Coach
e. Coach
f. Sponsor
2. Request for Leave of Absence under FMLA
a. Employee 62018
1. October 2018-March 2019
2. 2018-2019 school year
3. Granting of tenure in Orion C.U.S.D. #223 based upon completion of successful full-time probationary service
a. Elementary School Teacher
b. Middle/High School Teacher
c. Elementary School Teacher
d. Elementary School Teacher
e. Elementary School Teacher
4. Positions to be filled
a. Speech/Language Pathologist (Extended School Year)
b. ESP Childcare Provider
c. Coach
5. Revise Cook hours
6. Other
B. Review of executive session minutes
C. Other
3. Come out of executive session
4. Adjourn to regular meeting