
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rock Island Milan School District #41 Board of Education met May 31.

Rock Island Milan School District #41 Board of Education met May 31.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A special meeting of the Board of Education of the Rock Island-Milan School District was held Thursday, May 31, 2018 in the library at Rock Island High School. The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance and was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Linda Dothard.

Roll Call

Members: Ms. Marji Boeye, Ms. Linda Dothard, Mr. Kevin Nolan, Mr. David Rockwell, Mr. Gary Rowe, Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris and Mr. Terell Williams, and student members Kieran Benson, Morgan Harty and Jada Veasey

Others Present: Dr. Michael Oberhaus, Mr. Robert Beckwith and Mr. Egan Colbrese Executive Session

A motion was made by Mr. Gary Rowe and seconded by Mr. Terell Williams to move to executive session to discuss personnel. All member voting “Aye”, the President declared the meeting in executive session at 6:02 p.m.

Open Session

A motion was made by Mr. David Rockwell and seconded ty Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris to return to open session. All member present voting “Aye”, the President declared the meeting in open session at 8:28 p.m.

Personnel – Administrative Appointment

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the following administrative appointment:

Jeffrey Whitaker – Interim Principal/Rock Island High School/Salary $123,820.00

A motion was made by Mr. Gary Rowe and seconded by Mr. David Rockwell to approve the administrative appointment of Mr. Jeffrey Whitaker as presented. A roll call vote was called showing the following members voting “Aye”: Mr. Terell Williams, Mr. David Rockwell, Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris, Mr. Gary Rowe, and Ms. Linda Dothard. Mr. Kevin Nolan and Ms. Marji Boeye voted “Nay”. The President declared the motion carried.

Executive Session

A motion was made by Mr. Gary Rowe and seconded by Mr. Marji Boeye to move to executive session to discuss the Superintendent’s evaluation. All members voting “Aye”, the President declared the meeting in executive session at 8:31 p.m.

Open Session

A motion was made by Mr. David Rockwell and seconded by Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris to return to open session. All members voting “Aye”, the President declared the meeting in open session at 10:06 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Kevin Nolan and seconded by Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris to adjourn the meeting.
