
Rock Island Today

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rock Island County Finance and Personnel Committee met June 12.

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Rock Island County Finance and Personnel Committee met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1) Call to order and roll call

Committee members present: Luis Moreno, Brian Vyncke, Richard Brunk, Dewayne

Cremeens, Don Johnston, Scott Noyd, Rod Simmer (arrived at 8:33 a.m.), Kai Swanson

Committee members absent: None

Others present: Kenneth Maranda, Kurt Davis, Hayleigh Covella, Bill Long, Larry Wilson, Bill Long, Darren Hart, Gerry Bustos, Louisa Ewert

2) Public Comments

There were no public comments.

3) Approval of minutes from the April 10, 2018 meeting

Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Scott Noyd

Voice vote

Motion carried

4) Reports to the committee


Ms. Ewert provided her monthly report of balances and investments. She asked the committee to make sure to read the cover letter because the cover letter will tell them what the county received in interest and any debts that are outstanding. The current interest for April is $31,096. The accrual for the year is at $838,695. The monthly interest is currently averaging 1.86%. The interest rate and the return on investments continue their upward climb and will exceed budgeted expectations.

Ms. Ewert explained that the monthly report gives the balances every month and asked the committee to note those that are in the negative at the end of the month. Those are usually the funds that the General Fund will have to carry as far as the balances. The report also tells the interest earned for each fund for the month of April. She wanted the committee to know that, for instance, Hope Creek, although they really don’t have any money, the county does invest short-term any time a fund has over $1,000 in it. They put that money into a money market investment. Even Hope Creek earned like $40 in interest. That’s just an FYI.

Mr. Simmer is present.

Ms. Ewert noted, in case you haven’t received your tax bill, that on Friday her office mailed 62,714 tax bills worth about $251,377,358.60. Ms. Ewert provided a handout with a pie chart to the committee and noted that she also has it posted in the elevators and in her office. That shows where the tax dollars go. Rock Island County’s piece of the pie is a little over 11% of the tax dollars that the county collects. Mr. Simmer asked if that 11% includes a lot of levies and stuff like that. Ms. Ewert said it’s all of the county levies. It also includes Hope Creek, IMRF, Social Security, the General Fund, and even the levies for the Illinois Extension Education and some other ones. Ms. Ewert reported that the General Fund balance this morning is $2,101,098.34. The county has not gotten supplemental sales tax yet. That’s why the committee doesn’t have that report. As soon as she gets it, she’ll send it out so the members can have it for County Board or maybe Committee of the Whole. Hope Creek’s balance is $369,644.44 this morning. They usually need about $380,000 to make payroll on Friday. They’ll probably squeak it in. They usually have deposits daily. They are not always big ones, but they should squeak it in. If they don’t, the General Fund can carry them for a day or two until they get that money.

Mr. Swanson said he understands that Hope Creek is in arrears to the Employee Health Benefits Fund $167,000. He asked if there is a plan for repaying that. Ms. Ewert explained that it’s caught in the backlog of their payments that are owed back to November. It’s caught in the backlog at this point and she’s sure EHB is not a high priority, although she understands Mr. Swanson’s concern.


Ms. Palmer noted, to back up to Mr. Swanson’s question, that the county pays itself last. Unfortunately, the Employee Health Benefits Fund happens to be one of the county’s. They do that so they can pay all the vendor payments they have outstanding of $1.75 million.

Ms. Palmer reported that they are wrapping up the audit in her office. She is getting ready for the presentation of the draft tomorrow evening at Committee of the Whole and next Tuesday she will have the final audits for County Board approval, hopefully.

There were no significant changes. Everything went really smoothly, but she’ll let that be told to the County Board by the external auditors tomorrow night so they can all be up to date on that.

Ms. Palmer reported that another significant change is her Payroll Specialist has found another job opportunity with much more pay and she is going to be moving up and on to better things, hopefully, for herself. Ms. Palmer is in the mix of trying to accept applications at this time and doing interviews to get that replacement put into position very, very soon. That’s going to be some major training and big changes. She asked everyone to please be patient because she may be doing payroll a couple times by herself again. That’s all she has for the committee today at this time. She will see everyone tomorrow night for her regular report.

Mr. Cremeens asked how much the Payroll Specialist position pays. Ms. Palmer said $17.50/hour, which is not quite enough in her opinion. That’s the lowest paid payroll position in the county, including the part-timers at the Health Department and Hope Creek.


Mr. Wilson noted that in the packet is his 2017 annual report for the year. If anyone has questions any time, feel free to call him. Mr. Moreno thanked him and said the report was very nicely done. He appreciates the information.

5) County Office Building updates

Mr. Davis reported that the county has started shifting the offices. They moved Veterans Affairs from the second floor back to their original location in the basement. They vacated that office to move Rep. Halpin’s office into there. The goal is to get the Recorder of Deeds into [the County Board] area on this side of the building. Mr. Moreno asked if after this meeting, they can walk over to where this [committee] room is going to be moved to. Mr. Davis said that is undecided at this time. The Board of Review Conference Room is available. They have also talked about maybe moving up to Room 320 or even using the Chambers for committee meetings. He noted that the County Board members can certainly look at those locations. Mr. Moreno said he thinks people are just curious as to what’s going on. He doesn’t think people care too much as long as they know what’s happening. When people start coming in with measuring tape and going over to Ms. McManus’s and Ms. Covella’s desks and start measuring things, that’s what causes concern with the County Board. It is the lack of communication. If there’s more communication and regular updates and the County Board members are kept in the loop, he doesn’t think there will be much of a problem.

Mr. Brunk noted that Mr. Davis mentioned using Room 320 or the Chambers. He asked about an actual workspace for the ladies and the Chairman. Mr. Davis said the old Board of Review conference room will be available. Mr. Moreno asked how it compares sizewise. He has never been in there. Mr. Maranda said it’s about the same size. Mr. Davis said it’s probably the same size, but maybe a little narrower.

Mr. Maranda noted that during the GHA meeting, this room was packed and overflowing out there. That’s why they talked about maybe moving to Room 320 or the Chambers. The Chambers is the biggest sore thumb the county has. It’s 3,100 sq. ft. that’s only used for three or four hours a month. That’s why they kind of discussed the utilization of that. Like he said, in the room over there where they moved the Board of Review out, there’s enough room for this table and chairs and some chairs on one side, he supposes. That’s over by the rotunda. He doesn’t know if it’s still locked up, but they can look at it. Mr. Wilson has a key. Mr. Maranda noted that Mr. Wilson tightened up everything. Everyone has had to make a little sacrifice.

Mr. Simmer noted that the Chambers is not a bad plan. They have the space and should utilize it. Mr. Maranda said that’s what they discussed. It’s the biggest room in this building and only gets utilized 4-5 hours. Ms. Ewert has sales up there and Ms. Kinney trains up there. Student Government Day will meet up there first on Friday.

6) Consider resolution and addendum to professional service agreement to increase minimum auction sale bid

Ms. Ewert noted that when she first started here, the auction bid started at $200. With increases in reporting fees and other maintenance, they want to increase it. She doesn’t see a problem with that. A lot of other counties start out with a minimum bid that would be comparable to this. Mr. Simmer asked what amount Ms. Ewert is looking for. Ms. Ewert said it will go from $600 to $750. Motion to approve: Kai Swanson 2nd: Brian Vyncke

Mr. Moreno asked if Ms. Ewert thinks the amount is sufficient and if she would like to see it higher. Ms. Ewert said she thinks it’s sufficient. If you’ve ever looked through the auction catalog, there are a lot of empty lots. About 75-80% of them are empty lots. Some of them are structures. The only people who are really interested in some of the empty lots, some of them are not even big enough to build on, are the neighboring properties. The goal of the auction is just to get them sold so and get them back on the tax rolls. Mr. Simmer asked if they go that cheap, $200-300. Ms. Ewert said that’s what the minimum bid used to be way back. They used to go that cheap. It just depends on what the building is. Commercial buildings can go for $100,000-200,000. This is the trustee recommending the change to cover the costs. It varies from county to county. Occasionally they’ll have an actual live auction at the Holiday Inn. They are still debating this year whether it’s going to be a live bid or a write-in bid.

Voice vote

Motion carried

7) Consider vacation time carryover request at Hope Creek

Mr. Davis explained that Ms. Baker has an additional 26 hours she would like to carry into next year for vacation time. She is having a hard time taking vacation right now, it’s so busy out there and so short-staffed. She’d like to carry 26 hours over. Mr. Swanson asked what Mr. Davis’s recommendation is. Mr. Davis said he thinks she should be allowed.

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Dewayne Cremeens

Voice vote

Motion carried

8) Consider payment of unappropriated outside counsel bill

Motion to approve: Richard Brunk

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Mr. Moreno said he guesses there is a little confusion as to what the bill is actually for. His understanding is that part of the discussion is that the bill is from Mr. Mielke’s conversation with outside counsel, Chapman and Cutler. Part of it, he also understands, is to be for the discussion between State’s Attorney Mr. McGehee and Chapman and Cutler. Mr. Moreno said he doesn’t know that he has all the straight facts, but it has to do with the county’s bond. Mr. Moreno opened the floor for discussion.

Mr. Vyncke noted that the bill didn’t give a breakdown, so that was kind of his thought too. They can only assume what it was for. It would be nice to get a detailed breakdown. He knows Mr. Mielke likes to talk, but he doesn’t think he could run up $2,500 by himself. Mr. Simmer said he thinks Mr. Mielke called and asked questions about the same thing being investigated at the time. He asked questions they were already looking at. These attorneys are $250-350/hour. He can talk a long time, but not that long. Mr. Moreno said that leads to his concern that he doesn’t know that any County Board member is allowed to seek outside counsel without prior approval from the County Board Chair or legal.

Mr. Maranda explained that the Chair doesn’t go out for outside counsel. It is strictly by state statute, and he has that state statute lying on his desk. He thinks Mr. Mielke and the whole County Board understands now that outside counsel is done by the State’s Attorney. If the State’s Attorney is incapacitated somehow or there is a conflict or whatever, the State’s Attorney does that by state statute. Mr. Maranda thinks everyone understands the realm of the deal is that they have to respect the State’s Attorney’s authority. The reason it’s at this committee is the $2,500 has to be paid, right wrong or indifferent. It was a learning lesson.

Mr. Noyd agreed that it’s a learning lesson, but they are kind of blindly paying something they don’t have any explanation for. Mr. Maranda noted that they got an email yesterday. Mr. Simmer noted that they got that yesterday, but should have had the information months ago. Mr. Maranda said he just got it yesterday too. Mr. Simmer said that’s Mr. McGehee’s fault, then. He should have gotten it to them months ago. That’s where Mr. Mielke’s interest on this came from. Mr. McGehee kept telling them about this letter. Nobody saw a letter. He doesn’t think anybody on this Board saw a letter saying it’s okay to demo that. That’s all Mr. Mielke was asking for. The County Board never got that. Mr. Simmer thinks that’s why Mr. Mielke may have gone above and beyond. If they don’t get an answer from the State’s Attorney, where do they go from there? The County Board has the authority for whatever goes on with this stuff, yet they aren’t getting the answers. It’s not that they’re not trying to, any of them…He thinks all of them are a little frustrated about where it’s at. Mr. Simmer said, “Show us.” That’s why it stopped. That’s why it was on hold. That’s why Judge Braud is getting frustrated. Mr. Simmer said he doesn’t care what the frustration levels are. Show him why and what bond counsel says. He’s good with it.

Mr. Cremeens noted that Mr. McGehee said he had a letter from them several weeks ago that said this was okay. Now he’s saying he just got the information this week. Mr. Simmer asked where the letter is. Mr. Maranda said he doesn’t know when Mr. McGehee got the information, but he’s not going to sit here and beat him up. The County Board/Administration Office got it yesterday.

[Overlapping conversations]

Mr. Moreno called for order and asked everyone to bring it back a little bit. His biggest thing was making sure everyone is following protocol. From what he understands, Mr. Maranda is the County Board’s contact for Elected Officials. They shouldn’t all be going to each Elected Official so that 25 of them aren’t going to Ms. Palmer, Ms. Kinney, or Sheriff Bustos. Mr. Maranda should be their first point of contact. In Mr. Moreno’s opinion, and it’s only his opinion, he would think anyone with questions or concerns about what the State’s Attorney is doing would at least consult with Mr. Maranda to see if they can talk to the State’s Attorney for some advice. He thinks that’s the direction they need to try to adhere to. If Mr. Maranda is refusing, that’s a different story. That’s an issue. He thinks they still need to follow some sort of protocol.

Mr. Johnston said that’s fine to a point, but no one is going to tell him that he can’t call the Sheriff or Ms. Palmer or any other Elected Official to ask a question. He will gladly go to Mr. Maranda and ask him first, but.Mr. Moreno said he is not saying, “Don’t talk to them.” He is saying that if you want to go to outside counsel.Absolutely, he talks to people all the time. He’s saying if you’re going to incur outside costs to the county, there needs to be some checks and balances. You can’t go blindly asking for legal counsel. Mr. Johnston said that’s the point. If something is going on with a law firm or something like that, he is going to call and ask questions, not asking for any written response. He would do that too. Mr. Moreno said as long as they’re not going to bill the county. Mr. Johnston said if they bill the county, then they bill the county; but he would call with the understanding that he is not trying to create any type of bill.

Mr. Swanson suggested that in this instance, and it was a learning experience and he agrees with what Mr. Maranda just said, but in this instance, it’s a case of a Board member asking for, in his own words, a “legal opinion.” That request, even if you don’t feel comfortable going to the Chairman, should go to County Board’s chief legal officer, and that’s the State’s Attorney. If it were the case that the State’s Attorney had a legal opinion that hadn’t been adequately shared, a simple request by any County Board member to the State’s Attorney would have produced that opinion. Unfortunately in this instance, a County Board member used unfortunate language in a request that was made extra-procedure to outside counsel.

Mr. Vyncke asked if anyone knows if this is the final bill. A lot of times they’re looking at 30 days. He doesn’t know when Mr. Mielke made the phone call. He asked if Mr. Mielke’s phone call is included in this. They don’t even know that. This may still be for the State’s Attorney’s dealings with them. Mr. Moreno asked if Mr. Davis has any idea if this is the final bill. Mr. Davis said he does not. Mr. Moreno asked Mr. Maranda. Mr. Maranda said he doesn’t know.

Mr. Noyd asked if there is no breakdown by hour. Mr. Moreno asked if they can request a breakdown. Mr. Maranda said that Mr. McGehee made the statement that he chatted with them previously. He doesn’t know how they came up with the $2,500.

Ms. Palmer said, if she’s not mistaken, that part of this may have to do with the Airport Authority. She thought Mr. Mielke had said he had questioned them on that too, or somebody. Mr. Moreno said then there may be another bill coming. This bill says “related to PBC revenue bond series 2016.”

Mr. Swanson said it would be nice to have, as Mr. Noyd suggested, a breakdown. Mr. Noyd said that would take all the question out.

Mr. Maranda said Mr. Mielke has talked to Mr. Strandlund, the attorney for the airport, and some watchdog groups. He doesn’t know how much he is involved with them or if they pay own bills. This is bond counsel for approval of the money to cover the project or whatever. Ms. Palmer said that’s a separate attorney, then. Mr. Maranda confirmed.

Voice vote

Motion carried

9) Consider Elected Official Salary Resolution

Mr. Maranda explained that in the packet is the resolution that’s produced every couple of years to set the salaries. Mr. Moreno noted that there are questions about what the committee received earlier versus what is in their hands now. He explained that the onein their hands is updated to include the County Board and everyone else. Mr. Maranda confirmed. He explained that the resolution has to be approved 180 days before the Elected Officials take office after the election, so in May they bring this to the table. This resolution is nothing new. The instances here should bring everybody in line with everybody else, which creates parity.

Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Scott Noyd

Mr. Cremeens suggested that this may not a good time for the county to be doing this. He asked if people shouldn’t be holding off on getting raises and said he can’t go along with this. Mr. Swanson said he appreciates Mr. Cremeens’s concerns. This is a case, though, where if they were to make that decision they would be perpetuating a mistake that goes back several years when a similar decision was made to say it’s okay to forego increases for three countywide Elected Officials while three others advance. He agrees that it’s hard to spend money in lean times, but this is a question of parity. The freestyle fiscal management that was done a few years ago made Rock Island County once again an outlier compared to other counties around the state of Illinois. Rock Island County set up a two-tier system for enumeration of the countywide Elected Officials. He agrees with Mr. Cremeens that in mean times, it’s hard to do something like this. He doesn’t see this as an advance, though. He sees it as a back fill. They’re looking at years where these people have had no increase, cost of living or otherwise, and they are trying to achieve parity. He appreciates Mr. Cremeens’s concern, but he is fully in favor of this motion.Mr. Vyncke added, building off what Mr. Swanson said, that the other issue they get into is when these Department Heads’ or Elected Officials’ subordinates start making the same money they do. That’s another issue. Their subordinates have been getting pay raises and catch up. The county has to keep some separation.

Mr. Noyd noted that he thinks it’s been six years of nothing. Ms. Palmer said it’s been nine. Mr. Noyd said if they don’t do it now, it will be another three or four years before they get an increase. It’s not fair for them to be so far behind. They have gone a long time without any increases. They deserve it.

Mr. Maranda said he thinks the other members covered everything. As far as the second half of the resolution, everything is staying level with the County Board members. He asked the committee to understand that quite a bit of the salary is covered out of risk management. It’s not a beating out of the General Fund, especially with the Sheriff. He has 50% of his covered. Ms. Kinney said 49% of hers is covered. Mr. Maranda said whatever the percentage, a lot is covered out of there. It’s not the big beating that it looks like.

Mr. Brunk added that, from a budget standpoint, there is some room to try to get everyone on the same page and at the same level and to bring them up to where they should be. Mr. Vyncke touched on compression. Mr. Brunk has had people approach him to discuss the compression in some of the different offices in the county and the issues that causes in the office and the issues it potentially causes in filling these positions. From a budget standpoint, he thinks they have room to get this corrected and get people to a level where everyone is on the same level.

Mr. Simmer said he remembers when they did this. At the time, they had to do it during the election cycle, so the other ones had to wait for their election cycle and the County Board passed them by again. At this point … these are okay, but they have Ms. DeYoung and Mr. Thorpe to think about too. The Department Heads haven’t been brought up for nothing. It’s ridiculous what they’re doing and what they have to pay their people. He asked the committee to keep them in mind next time, Ms. DeYoung and Mr. Thorpe definitely have people under them making better than they are, which is crazy, especially with the kind of work they put in. Mr. Maranda noted that those two are appointed. Mr. Simmer said they’re way down. Mr. Maranda said they’ll have to see when they get into the budget cycle. Hopefully the new Administrator…Mr. Simmer said they just need to be brought up too. He’d never do that job with his people getting paid more. Mr. Maranda said he thinks Mr. Vyncke mentioned that people under them are catching up and making more.

Voice vote

Motion carried

10)Consider Resolution Re: Stipend for the Supervisor of Safety for 2018 -2019

Mr. Maranda explained that this stipend is given to the sheriff for his management of the Emergency Management Agency (EMA). Sheriff Bustos said it’s for a lot of things. It’s for emergency management, disaster response at the airport and nuclear power plant, and homeland security issues. It is already part of his salary and is updated by resolution every couple of years. Mr. Maranda asked if that’s paid by the state. Sheriff Bustos said no. It’s paid from the county treasury. Motion to approve: Brian Vyncke

2nd : Kai Swanson

Voice vote

Motion carried

11)Consider delinquent tax resolutions

a. Permanent Parcel # (11) 4398 1627207006; Taxpayer ID 111734600;

Blackhawk Township

b. Permanent Parcel # (11) 4401 1627207003; Taxpayer ID 111734900;

Blackhawk Township

c. Permanent Parcel # (11) 4402 1627207002; Taxpayer ID 111735000;

Blackhawk Township

Motion to approve 11a-c: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Scott Noyd

Voice vote

Motion carried

12) Consider transfers of appropriations

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd: Richard Brunk

Voice vote

Motion carried

13)Consider appropriation resolutions for funds

Motion to approve: Kai Swanson

2nd : Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

14)Consider claims and TDs

Motion to approve: Rod Simmer

2nd : Richard Brunk

Voice vote

Motion carried

15)Consider Board member per diem/mileage report

Motion to approve: Rod Simmer

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

16)Update on AFSCME 2371 wage opener

Item 16 was discussed in closed session.

17)Update on County Administrator contract

Item 17 was discussed in closed session.

18)The committee may enter into closed session per:

• 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) – Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

• 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) – The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

Motion to enter into closed session: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Rod Simmer, Scott Noyd

Roll call:

Yes – Luis Moreno, Brian Vyncke, Richard Brunk, Dewayne Cremeens, Don Johnston,

Scott Noyd, Rod Simmer, Kai Swanson (8)

No – (0)

Motion carried

The committee entered into closed session at 9:08 a.m.

Motion to enter into open session: Kai Swanson

2nd: Brian Vyncke

Voice vote

Motion carried

The committee entered into open session at 9:21 a.m.

19)Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made)

Mr. Maranda noted that, like Mr. Simmer mentioned, the air conditioner is screwed up. Maintenance had Johnson Controls over and it’s got a leak. The crazy thing about it is they are so busy that it’s going to be the weekend or whatever before they. it will be an overtime or a weekend situation. They are so busy they won’t even come. Mr. Simmer asked if the county is bound to Johnson Controls. Mr. Maranda said basically. The county has a contract with them. They came over and looked. There were some complications, but it will be up and running before it gets hot.

Mr. Swanson thanked whoever put the FAQs on property taxes in the County Board member mailboxes. Ms. Ewert said those came from Mr. Wilson and Ms. Deaton.

Mr. Brunk said he wanted to comment on the resolution that passed Governance, Health, and Administration yesterday morning related to the intergovernmental agreement with the Public Building Commission (PBC) for the courthouse. That basically gets things back on track toward the direction the Board set in December under the terms that not only had the support of the vast majority of the Board, but were accepted by the PBC after consultation with the construction site manager. Mr. Brunk feels very confident in that fact and that they can move forward over the next two months with that window. Personally, he doesn’t see a last minute, Hail Mary option popping up for the courthouse, but that is direction the Board had set in December. Everybody was on Board with it and Mr. Brunk does not see an issue with it. If there are any questions related to that resolution and its origins, Mr. Brunk asked members to please call him. He also wanted to tell everyone at this point that the resolution is based on a conversation he had with Mr. McGehee following the full County Board meeting last month.

20) Adjourn

Motion to adjourn: Brian Vyncke

2nd: Rod Simmer

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. by Chair Luis Moreno




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