Wethersfield Community Unit School District 230 Board met Sept. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Bryan called the September 13, 2018 Regular Meeting to order at 6:35pm with the following members present: Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schlitz, and Bryan. Also in attendance were: Principal Friedman, Principal Griffith, Supt. Kazubowski, Tricia Lay, Hope Bennett, Savanah Evans, Paige Horrie, Colton Stauffer, and Star Courier correspondent Mike Helenthal.
Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Schiltz to approve consent agenda items: Minutes of the August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting and Executive Session; Financial Reports, Investment Report, Bills, and Student Activity Fund Report; Student Suspensions; and the staff/administrator salary-compensation report for 2018-2019. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kazubowski shared a thank you card from the Wethersfield Class of 1958 for providing a tour of our facilities and allowing the class to use our cafeteria for a class reunion luncheon. Mr. Kazubowski also thanked the Class of 1958 for the donation those in attendance made to the Wethersfield Academic Foundation.
Condolences were expressed to Sue Brody and her family on the passing of Sue’s father, Don Tomsic, who was a long time Wethersfield supporter and also served on the Wethersfield Chain Gang for close to 30 years.
Comments from Visitors
There were no comments from visitors.
Board Reports
President Bryan asked Board Members to share any reports on matters related to various committees and organizations. Angie Ryan reported the PATT fundraiser begins next Tuesday and that they are trying new products this year through Great American Fundraiser. Supt. Kazubowski reminded the board the Academic Hall of Fame Induction/Dinner would be taking place on Saturday, September 29 beginning at 6:00pm at The Dunes, and he communicated an invitation letter was in their board folder.
Adoption of FY 19 Budget
A motion was made by Newman and seconded by Baker to approve the FY 19 Budget as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
Approve District Concussion Oversight Plan and District Emergency Action Plans
A motion was made by Schiltz and seconded by Newman to approve the District Concussion Oversight Plan and District Emergency Action Plans that were updated by the District Concussion Oversight Team as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
BHC Dual Credit Update
Mr. Kazubowski provided an update on the dual credit courses high school students are enrolled in this school year. Mr. Kazubowski also reviewed the district policy on the manner in which dual credit tuition is reimbursed to students upon earning a “C” grade or higher in the class.
Moss Gym Roof Update
Mr. Kazubowski provided an update on the Moss Gym Roof Replacement. He indicated the contractor was on site last week to address the roof leak issue and that the issue appears to be resolved. He also reported the LTC member school banners have been re-installed in the gym and that the gym looks so much cleaner without the remaining banners hanging on the walls. Mr. Kazubowski gave an update on the installation of the heating coils to be installed in the gutters and the installation date for the new sound panels.
Mr. Kazubowski shared where we are at with the replacement of the concrete slabs damaged by the contractor’s crane and equipment. Mr. Kazubowski stated, that due to the cost we received from the contractor to replace our portion of the concrete. He shared we were only going to have the damaged portion of the concrete replaced by the contractor at this time, and we would reevaluate next summer to solicit bids from local contractors for the remaining work.
Other Old Business
Mr. Kazubowski thank board members for their attendance at the first ever Student Council/Board Member Meet and Greet event that took place in August.
June Board Meeting Date
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Schiltz to approve moving the June, 2019 Board Meeting date from Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 4:30pm to Tuesday, June 11, 2019 to 4:30pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
School Board Election
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board we have 3 board seats coming open at the April 2, 2019 School Board Election- those held by Tyrone Baker, Dan Bryan, and Dave Reeves. He communicated interested school board candidates can start circulating nominating petitions on September 18, and that petition packets could be picked up in the unit office during normal business hours beginning on September 18. Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board that petition paperwork had to be filed at the Henry County Clerk’s Office in Cambridge and the filing period begins on December 10 and ends on December 17. Mr. Kazubowski reported the information has already been sent to the local media in the form of a Media Release for publication.
Principal’s Reports
Principal Friedman and Principal Griffith answered questions on their board reports. Principal Griffith elaborated on the Good Goose Program she has implemented at the junior/senior high.
Other New Business
Mr. Kazubowski recognized our school personnel and the many students who participated in the Flying Geese Volunteer Day that took place on Saturday of Hog Days. Mr. Kazubowski also recognized other staff members and organizations who have engaged in community service work with their students since the school year started.
Mr. Kazubowski communicated the Flying Geese Construction Class completed their first project of the year- rebuilding the elementary walking bridge. He also reported the class, along with other projects they have planned, would also be partnering with Rebuild Henry County to assist with various projects for low income residents around our community.
Comments from Visitors
There were no comments from visitors.
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Newman to enter into Executive Session at 7:02pm for the purpose of employment of personnel, individual student matter, and student discipline. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Schiltz to return to Open Session at 8:04pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
Employment of Personnel
A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Newman to approve the employment of Ann VanWassenhove as yearbook sponsor, Heidi Merrick as track meet coordinator, Rick Feltner as high school speech coach, and Chrissy VanDeVelde as volunteer 5/6 grade volleyball coach as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Schiltz to accept the retirement letter of cafeteria supervisor Sherri Matuszyk effective June 30, 2019 as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Schiltz and seconded by Baker to adjourn at 8:05pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Baker, Newman, Ryan, Schiltz, and Bryan. The motion carried 5-0.