Wethersfield Community Unit School District 230 Board met Oct. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Vice President Baker called the October 11, 2018 Regular Meeting to order at 6:33pm with the following members present: Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. Also in attendance were: Principal Friedman, Principal Griffith, Supt. Kazubowski, District Auditor Tim Custis, Star Courier Correspondent Mike Helenthal, and: Andy Koehler.
Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Schiltz to approve consent agenda items: Minutes of the September 13, 2018 Public Hearing on the FY 19 Budget; Minutes of the September 13, 2018 Regular Meeting and Executive Session; Financial Reports, Investment Reports, Student Activity Fund Report, and Bills; Student Suspensions; and acknowledgement of Freedom in Information Act Request and Response. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
A thank you card from the family of Don Tomsic was shared with the board.
Comments from Visitors
There were no comments from visitors.
Board Reports
Vice President Baker asked Board Members to share any reports on matters related to various committees and organizations. Angie Ryan communicated PATT voted to stop producing an elementary yearbook. She also reported the fall fundraiser with the new company went very well, and there was a great turnout for McTeacher Night that took place on October 1.
Approval of FY 18 Financial Audit Report
District Auditor Tim Custis from Gorenz and Associates was in attendance to review the FY 18 audit and answer board questions. Mr. Custis communicated the revenue and expenses for our operating funds indicating the district ran a surplus in the four operating funds. Mr. Custis noted our ISBE Financial Profile Ranking was a 3.80 which places Wethersfield in the State’s Highest Category- Financial Recognition. Mr. Custis stated Wethersfield is doing a good job of controlling expenses from year to year, and he shared that the cost per pupil at Wethersfield was $9,796 compared to the State Average of $12,720 where he communicated he felt our taxpayers are getting a good bang for their buck in educating our students. Mr. Custis also noted district revenue was up $338,242 and expenses were down $332,318 compared to last fiscal year.
A motion was made by Reeves and seconded by Newman to approve the FY 18 Audit Report as presented and authorized Supt. Kazubowski to submit approved copies to ISBE and the ROE by October 15th as required by law. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
Moss Gym Roof Update
Mr. Kazubowski provided an update on the Moss Gym Re-roofing Project. He indicated the new sound panels have been installed, and that they made a tremendous difference in regards to noise reduction. He did note the panels do reduce the brightness of the lighting in the gym. Mr. Kazubowski also communicated the venting work for the heating system has been finalized, and the gutter heater system installation has begun. He reported that due to being close to the winter frost, we were going to wait until next summer to repair the damaged concrete and that we are still working with the architect in regards to cost responsibility for the contractor.
LED Lighting Replacement Update
It was reported Ameren visited our district and officially certified our LED Lighting Replacement Project is complete. Mr. Kazubowski shared that we would be receiving our reimbursement check from Ameren based on the established incentives for upgrading to LED Lighting.
Standardized Test Data/2018 School Report Card Report
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board that by law we are required to provide a summary of our school report card and standardized test data. It was reported that we are still waiting on the State to complete the school report cards and finalize test data. Mr. Kazubowski shared the timeline the State established for releasing the final testing data and school designations based on the new ESSA rules.
Mr. Kazubowski, Mrs. Friedman and Ms. Griffith provided a presentation that reviewed the State’s new accountability system based on ESSA rules and they also reviewed the measures that would be used to determine a school’s final accountability designation. Preliminary data and trend data was used to show the accountability designations they felt our elementary and junior/senior high would receive based on the ESSA rules, but they reminded the board that final designations would not be made available to the public until the end of October. Mr. Kazubowski communicated a letter went out to parents and the media letting them know the test data and school report cards can be found on our website and to contact the unit office if they would like a hardcopy of either.
April 2, 2019 School Board Election
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board and public that Petition Packets for anyone interested in running for school board could be picked up anytime during normal office hours at either the Wethersfield Unit Office or the Henry County Clerk’s Office in Cambridge, and that as of today we have had 3 petition packets picked up from the Unit Office. He also noted that election paperwork had to be filed at the Henry County Clerk’s Office beginning Monday, December 10 and ending Monday, December 17. He reviewed that we have three open seats, each for a four-year term up for election in April- the seats held by Tyrone Baker, Dan Bryan, and Dave Reeves.
Grow Rural Education Grant Presentation
Monsanto and the local farmers who nominated Wethersfield Elementary School to apply for a grant were thanked for the $10,000 grant we received to implement an Innovative Learning Classroom in our elementary. Mrs. Friedman provided a summary of the check presentation that took place at halftime of last Friday’s football game, noting the presentation involved introducing our local farmers who nominated us for the grant. Mrs. Friedman also reviewed what the Elementary Innovative Learning Classroom will look like once it is completed.
OSF St. Luke Medical Center Flu Vaccine Clinic
OSF St. Luke Medical Center and their staff were recognized for once again partnering with Wethersfield to hold an on-site Free Flu Vaccination Clinic for our students and staff. Mr. Kazubowski noted the clinic took place on October 3 and we had 227 students and 59 staff members receive free flu vaccinations. Mr. Kazubowski also communicated a follow up date has been set for October 19 to vaccinate students and staff who were absent on October 3 as well as to allow for additional sign-ups to receive a flu vaccination.
Senior Career Day
Mr. Kazubowski shared that our seniors would be taking part in the 2nd Annual Kewanee Kiwanis Club area career day on Tuesday, October 23. He communicated that Mrs Seiden surveyed all of our seniors for career interests. Based on each student’s career interest, the students have been assigned to a group that will shadow and learn more about the career.
Other Old Business
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board this year’s school board convention takes place on Thursday, November 15 through Sunday, November 18. He asked board members to check the reservation information and let him know ASAP if their plans change so that he can make adjustments accordingly.
Special thanks was provided to the Wethersfield Academic Hall of Fame Committee for putting on another successful induction ceremony on September 29 at The Kewanee Dunes. Mr. Kazubowski noted this was the tenth induction class into the Hall of Fame, and that this year’s class was just as impressive as the previous nine induction classes.
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board our current district financial software would no longer be supported as of June 30, 2020. He communicated that in the next few months there would be an agenda item for the board to consider approving the purchase and transition costs for us to move to a new financial software package.
Ms. Griffith provided an overview of a recent PowerSchool Conference she and Mrs. Herridge attended where they learned about an on-line student registration program that works in conjunction with PowerSchool. It was communicated a demonstration of the program has been scheduled with district secretaries and that more information would be shared with the board at a later date. It was communicated that it was our goal to move to an on-line registration process for next school year.
Approve Board Policies 6-850/7-270/7-400/7-800/9-500
A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Newman to approve board policies 6-850, 7-270, 7-400, 7-800, and 9-500 as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
Principals Reports
Principal Friedman and Principal Griffith answered questions on their board reports.
Other New Business
Wethersfield staff members and students were congratulated and thanked for putting on a very successful homecoming week.
It was reported the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony would be taking place on Monday, October 22 and that thirteen students were selected to be inducted into NHS this year.
Junior High Cross Country Runner Coy McKibbon was congratulated for advancing to the IESA State Country Meet that will take place this weekend.
Mr. Kazubowski reminded the board that this year’s Veteran’s Day Program would be taking place on Friday, November 9 with a luncheon starting at 12:30pm and the program starting at 1:30pm.
It was shared that Mrs. Rashid and her Introduction to Agriculture Students recently won the Monsanto Fantasy Farmer Challenge where they competed against 18 other schools. As a result of their first place finish, Wethersfield FFA will receive a $1,000 donation from Monsanto.
Mr. Kazubowski shared that our co-op committee consisting of Steve Newman and Dave Reeves would be meeting with Annawan on Friday, October 19 and to please let either Steve or Dave know if there is anything you would like them to communicate or discuss during the meeting.
Mr. Kazubowski congratulated Mrs. Friedman and the elementary staff for being selected as a “Feature School” based on the test score improvement from last year to this year. As a result of their selection, they will be recognized at the upcoming State-wide “Raising Student Achievement Conference” that takes place in early December in St. Charles, Illinois. It was noted that Wethersfield Elementary has also been selected to present at the conference based on the fact they were chosen as a “Feature School”.
Comments from Visitors
Andy Koehler commended the Hall of Fame Committee on another successful induction ceremony and he recognized Wethersfield graduate Natalie Fargher for the nice job she did in introducing the inductees. He also reminded the board of the scholarships that are available to sons, daughters and grandchildren of Veterans.
A motion was made by Newman and seconded by Brody to enter into executive session at 7:46pm for the purpose of Employment and Evaluation of Personnel, Student Discipline, and an Individual Student Matter. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
A motion was made by Brody and seconded by Ryan to return to open session at 8:40pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
Employment of Personnel
A motion was made by Schiltz and seconded by Ryan to accept the resignations of Hannah Safiran as AFS Sponsor effective immediately and Ben Foster as volunteer head junior high football coach effective immediately. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
A motion was made by Newman and seconded by Ryan to approve the employment of Jaxon Ince as Volunteer Head Junior High Football Coach to finish out the 2018 season, Taylor Ross as Junior High Pom Pom Coach with position paid by the Booster Club, 5th grade volunteer boys’ basketball coach Jon Hornback, 6th grade volunteer boys’ basketball coach Bob Shrum, 7th grade boys’ basketball coach Jaxson Ince, 8th grade boys’ basketball coach Cody Phillips, junior high volunteer assistant boys’ basketball coach Jacob Boswell, and volunteer assistant high school cross country coach Michael Rosales as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.
1:45 Dismissal for Staff In-service Training: Monday, October 15, 2018
1st Nine Weeks Ends- October 19
P/T Conferences: October 24: 4pm-8pm (1:45 dismissal)
October 25: 8am-8pm (no school)
October 26 (no school)
Veteran’s Day Assembly: Friday, November 9- Details to Follow
Next Board Meeting — Thursday, November 8, 2018
A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Brody to adjourn at 8:41pm. On a roll call vote the following members voted “Yes:” Brody, Newman, Reeves, Ryan, Schiltz, and Baker. The motion carried 6-0.