City of Aledo City Council met July 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Aledo met in Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall building on July 01, 2019. MAYOR HAGLOCH called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. The roll was called, whereupon the following answered present:
Also present were CHRIS SULLIVAN, Interim Administrator / Chief of Police, JUSTIN BLASER, Director of Public Works & Utilities, and JAROD DALE, City Clerk.
An attendance sheet has been marked Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. The media was represented by Cala Smoldt, Rock Island Argus and Aledo Times Record, and Jim Taylor, WRMJ.
The meeting was opened in prayer by Pastor Daren Dietmeier, Trinity Presbyterian Church. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Fulton County Deputy, Troy Chisum.
Appearances: No Report.
Communication & Correspondence: No Report. Requests & Petitions: No Report.
Public Works Activity Report:
Streets: clean-up of minor storm damage; replacement of “no parking” signage in the SE quadrant; storm drain and catch basin cleaning; mowed property adjacent to the bike path; removal of dead trees.
Water: JULIE’s; investigate two (2) water leaks; and Illinois-American Water training.
Gas: JULIE’s; adjust valves in the high school parking lot for the re-paving project; locate gas and water services for Phase VI; assist W/S Division with various items; calibrate CGI’s; continue digital mapping; investigate a sink hole at the Aledo Cemetery.
Cemetery: Two (2) funerals occurred. Mowing and weed eating.
DPW: Centennial Contractors continue to make progress on Phase VI. They did have another issue with two (2) more concrete Ameren light poles. One of the excavators struck a guide wire, causing them to fall. Ameren was contact immediately and had the power supply removed. Ameren has reported that they have a grey colored fiberglass pole. Illinois-American Water has begun operating at the WTP, with the distribution side starting on 7/1.
Aledo Police Department Activity Report: CHIEF Sullivan reported the Department is beginning the process of creating an officer candidate list. The prior list has been exhausted. In the event of any future openings on the Department, having a list of candidates who have applied for a position as a police officer, and passed all of the necessary testing, would speed up the process of filing job openings.
The Department participated in a debriefing of the LEAD program at the Mercer County Health Department. The LEAD program ends on June 30, 2019. It was grant funded. The decision was made not to apply for additional grant funding and to phase out the program. The criminal justice system diversion can be accomplished without a separate program.
The wires have been pulled for the all the cameras that will be installed at the Police Department facility. The camera installation will be the next step in the process. The scope of the project had to be changed as it will require some additional cameras to get proper coverage of the areas where surveillance is needed. The angles of the walls and some of the interior structures interfere with visibility and limit the field of the cameras.
Officer Brown is progressing rapidly through the FTO program and should be released to solo patrol duty in July.
The Department is seeking quotes for replacement of the entrance doors on the west and north sides of the office portion of the building. Those doors and entryways date back to the 1960’s and they are no longer functioning. We had the west side door repaired last year and it has failed again. The garage doors for the two (2) bays used by the Department are also failing. We will be attempting to get quotes to repair those doors.
Administration Report: CITY CLERK Dale provided reports regarding utility billing and payroll for the month of June. Also, quarterly reports for the 2nd quarter of 2019 were provided as well regarding sales tax revenue and building permits.
CITY CLERK reported applications / resumes for the position of City Administrator were received until June 28th. A total of eight (8) resumes were received with the selection committee needing to convene to review those applications.
The “Are you an Entrepreneur?” Workshop Open House to be held at the Aledo Depot on July 24th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. There, they will learn about the upcoming 6-week workshops where they will be able to put their business idea on the path to success.
Mayor’s Report: MAYOR Hagloch provided on the report and status of the Aledo Liquor Licenses issued as of July 1, 2019. Class “A” – Club has two (2) licenses issued; Class “B” – Package has three (3) licenses issued; Class “C” – Tavern has four (4) licenses issued; and Class “D” – Restaurant has five (5) licenses issued.
MAYOR reported the applications for City Administrator to be reviewed by the selection committee on July 3, 2019 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at City Hall.
Committee Report: ALD. Chausse reported the Joint Ordinance & Police and Personnel Committee met on June 24, 2019. The committee discussed and approved the creation of the police officer applicant list and reviewed current police department staffing. Also, the Committee discussed the position of School Resource Officer.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
Motion was made by ALDERMAN CHAUSSE and seconded by ALDERMAN HOLMES to approve the meeting minutes of June 17, 2019 as presented. A Roll call vote was recorded as follows:
YES: Bertrand, Bewley, Chausse, Cooper, Dixon, Holmes, Kopp, and Sarabasa. NO: None. Motion carried. 8 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion was made by ALDERMAN BERTRAND and seconded by ALDERMAN SARABASA that the Invoice Listing, which has been marked Exhibit “B”, attached hereto and made a part of these minutes, be authorized and checks issued. A Roll call vote was recorded as follows:
YES: Bewley, Chausse, Cooper, Dixon, Holmes, Kopp, Sarabasa, and Bertrand. NO: None. Motion carried. 8 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion was made by ALDERMAN CHAUSSE and seconded by ALDERMAN KOPP to approve a First Amendment of Development Agreement, by and among 3D Associates Inc., and John W. Kelly. A Roll call vote was recorded as follows:
YES: Chausse, Cooper, Dixon, Holmes, Kopp, Sarabasa, Bertrand, and Bewley. NO: None. Motion carried. 8 yeas, 0 nays.
OLD BUSINESS: ALD. Chausse voiced his concerns regarding the Downtown Street/Sidewalk Project – Phase VI and the temporary closure of Ariana’s Café located at 209 S College Avenue. CHIEF Sullivan and DPW Blaser met with the owner of Ariana’s Café and she expressed concern on the low-traffic count at their establishment. Parking and walking down to the establishment was voiced as difficult.
CHIEF reported the project does appear to be 2-weeks ahead of schedule. Each of the businesses within the project area will benefit from ADA compliant entrances and also have new water & sewer laterals.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion on the Replacement of Three (3) Downtown Concrete Light Poles: DPW Blaser reported the City had two (2) options for pole replacement with either a wood pole or a fiberglass pole. A photo showing the fiberglass option was provided to the City Council for review.
After the first (1st) pole was replaced, the contractor requested a 50/50 share between the contractor and the City. But, after the second (2nd) and third (3rd) poles came down the contractor is well aware they will be paying 100% of the replacement costs.
Plaques that were on the poles to be addressed and the current bend of the plaques to be addressed. Also, the City Council noted to consider looking at moving the plaques to a different pole as well.
The City Council provided a consensus to move forward with the fiberglass pole option for replacement of the downed concrete poles within the project area.
ALD. Cooper requested the City consider taking over the fireworks display in year 2020. CHIEF reported a private company could be researched to retrieve estimates and costs for the display show and if a cost-savings would be possible. Debate was held regarding the costs of hiring a new company vs. the purchasing the fireworks and allowing the Aledo Fire Department to shoot off the fireworks for the City.
It was suggested to look at J & M Displays, of Yarmouth, IA as a possible option.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, motion was made by ALDERMAN CHAUSSE and seconded by ALDERMAN HOLMES that the meeting be adjourned. A Unanimous voice vote followed in agreement. Meeting was adjourned at 6:52 P.M.