
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Annawan Unit District #226 Board of Education met April 24


Annawan Unit District #226 Board of Education met April 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Re-Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education of Annawan Unit District No 226 was held in the Unit Office on April 24, 2019 at 6:00PM. President Pre-Tem Matt Nordstrom called the meeting to order.

On roll call those present were Brian Childs, Jeff Gerber, Jerad Heitzler, via phone, Kim Park, Dwaine Shaw Jr. and Ted VanHyfte and Liz Wied.Others present were Wayne Brau, Chris Kidd, Dawn Heitzler, Scott Reakes, Dan Hakes, Ann Chapman, Matt Huber, AD.

Seating of New Board Members- Jeff Gerber, Kim Park and Liz Wied. All members recited the Oath of Office together.

APPOINT SECRETARY PRO-TEM- CHRIS KIDD- Moved by Shaw and seconded by Park to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.

Nomination of Board President for 2 year term-Childs nominated Dwaine Shaw Jr as President for a two year term. Seconded by Van Hyfte. Shaw accepted. Call vote. Motion carried.

Nominations for Vice-President- Shaw nominated Jerad Heitzler as Vice-President for a two year term. Seconded by Childs. Heiztler accepted nomination. Call vote. Motion carried.

Nominations for Board Secretary- Heitzler nominated Childs as Board Secretary for two year term. Seconded by VanHyfte. Childs accepted nomination. Call vote. Motion carried.

Appointment of School Treaurer- Suzanne Nelson-Moved by VanHyfte and seconded by Gerber to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.

Declare Depository- BankOrion and Peoples National Bank/Annawan Branch-Moved by Parkand seconded by Wied to approve. Voting YES were Childs, Gerber, Heitzler, Park, Shaw, VanHyfte and Wied. Motion carried.

Adopt District's Policy Manual, discipline codes, extra-curricular codes and all student and staff handbooks- Moved Childs and seconded by Van Hyfte to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.

Approve Custodian of Acitivty Fund - Moved by Van Hyfte and seconded by Childs to approve Wayne Brau through his last day and then appoint Dawn Heitzler. Voting YES were Childs, Gerber, Heitzler, Park, Shaw, VanHyfte and Wied. Motion carried.

Appoint Board Committees Special Ed- Jeff Gerber Finance Committee- Brian Childs & Liz Wied Transportation Committee- Ted Van Hyfte & Dwaine Shaw Jr A-W Co-Op Committee- Ted VanHyfte and Dwaine Shaw Jr Better Together Committee- Jerad Heitzler, with Kim Park and Liz Wled as alternates

Setting of Time/Date/ Location of Regular Board Meetings- Moved by Childs and seconded by Van Hyfte to set the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00PM in the Language Arts Room of the High School. Call vote. Motion carried.

Adjournment- 7:05PM–Moved by Childs and seconded by VanHyfte to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.
