City of Rock Island Beautification Commission met June 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Voting Members Present Roy Plasschaert, Bob Towler, David VanLandegen, Jane Tschappat, Wanda Lambert, Sue McDevitt, and Todd Linscott
Voting Members Absent Emily Smith, Sandra Hass, and Mary Ann Kuehnel
Staff Present Alan Fries
Guests none
Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Bob Towler called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and read the roll call.
Public Comment
There were no members of the public in attendance.
Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes
Roy Plasschaert moved to approve the minutes for May 13, 2019. Todd Linscott seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a vote of 7 to 0.
Old Business
Chair Bob Towler reminded Commission members to complete their Open Meetings Act training online. He said Kathy Douglass has offered the aid of a computer and her help at City Hall for those who have not yet done the training.
New Business
Chairman Towler said short biographies are needed for the membership renewal for Sue McDevitt, Wanda Lambert and Jane Tschappat. He asked them to provide the information to Kathy.
Chairman Towler passed around a Certificate of Appreciation and letter he signed and also the Mayor will sign to express the City’s and Commission’s acknowledgement of Betty Moran for her years of service to the Commission.
The May Yard of the Month was selected from a slideshow of nominees. The winner, 2535 35th Avenue, was decided by unanimous vote.
Chairman Towler passed out two photos taken during the landscaping project on June 6th. He said the planting of several hosta plants around the sculpture was well attended and a successful project for the Commission.
Other Business
Commissioner McDevitt said she misses the living calendar area that is no longer being located at the southeast corner of Longview Park. Several other Commissioners agreed and also said the new green painted freestanding lettering sign is hard to distinguish because it is adjacent to other green landscaping.
There was no other business.
Chairman Towler adjourned the meeting at 5:30 PM.