
Rock Island Today

Friday, January 24, 2025

Moline Public Library Board of Directors met February 13

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Moline Public Library Board of Directors met Feb. 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

PRESENT: Sue Blackall, Regina Nelson, Diane Sommers, Scott Bull, Gary Koeller, Wayne Smith, JoAnn Waldron, Dee Runnels

ABSENT: Colleen Rafferty

STAFF: Bryon Lear, Sue Wheatley, Kelly Giovanine, Lisa Williams, Christina Conklin, Jennifer Christiansen, Deborah Shippy, Marta Timbrook

GUESTS: Tari Weeks Board President Friends of the Library, Alison Fleming HR Manager

I. Business Meeting Called to Order

President Blackall called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m. in the Platinum Room of the Moline Public Library.

II. Roll Call, Sue Wheatley, Recorder

Roll call was taken with Blackall, Nelson, Sommers, Bull, Koeller, Smith, Waldron and Runnels present. Absent: Rafferty

III. Approval of Minutes 9 January 2020 Regular Board Meeting

Runnels moved to approve the minutes from the 9 January 2020 regular Library Board meeting previously distributed by e-mail/mail to each Trustee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

IV. Correspondence

Included in Board packet.

V. Director’s Report (Lear)

· Lear introduced Tari Weeks, Board President, Friends of the Library.

• The Naturalization Ceremony held at the Library was met with rave reviews. A tentative ceremony is being planned during the summer.

• The lime stone benches have been removed from the lobby without any issues. The floor looks good but will look better after the floor is stripped and waxed in the spring.

· Lear reported the 2019 library financials came in under budget after using only $55,000 of the $150,000 reserves that were projected to be used in budget.

· Beginning this month, the statistics in the board packet are being represented in a new easier to read format.

· Early voting will take place at the library from March 2 – 13, Monday through Friday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.

· The library is partnering with the census2020 to support the efforts to make every person count.

VI. Financial Reports

The Board of Directors reviewed the list of library bills as of 31 December 2019 and 31 January

2020. The payment of the individual bills, totaling $8,832.48 for December and $9,551.21 for January, was approved and ratified upon the motion of Nelson. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

VII. Committee Reports

A. Executive Committee (Blackall, Nelson, Sommers)

No meeting.

B. Building and Grounds Committee (Bull, Waldron, Smith, Koeller)

President Blackall appointed Gary Koeller to the join the Building and Grounds


C. Policy Committee (Runnels, Rafferty, Sommers)

No meeting.

D. Art Committee (Nelson, Rafferty, Runnels)

No meeting.

VIII. Unfinished Business

A. Strategic Plan Summary 2017/2019

Lear distributed an end of plan summary to the Board. In the next few months, Lear will report back to the board plans to begin the process for the next Strategic Plan. Lear will make the 2017/2019 summary available to the public.

B. Other


IX. New Business

A. In-Service Date

After discussion, Runnels motioned to approve closing the library on 6 August for the library in-service. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

B. Other

Nelson, Lear and Zahn met with Nathan Augustine, John Deere Art Manager, to discuss using artwork from the John Deere collection. Augustine will pick pieces from their collection for approval to display at the library.

A new easier to use app is in the process of being developed and will not be available for several months.

X. Public Comment


XI. Executive Session

The adoption of the following was moved by Sommers, seconded and unanimously approved:

RESOLVED that pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of Illinois, the Executive Committee of the Moline Public Library go into closed session at 12:40 p.m. for the purpose of:

Purchase, or Lease of Real Property, [5 ILCS 120/2(C) (5)] and Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees, [5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1)]

The Directors voted as follows:

Blackall Yes

Sommers Yes

Bull Yes

Koeller Yes

Smith Yes

Waldron Yes

Runnels Yes

Nelson Yes

The Board of Directors of the Moline Public Library reopened the meeting after the closed session at 12:55 p.m. upon the motion of Runnels, seconded and unanimously approved.

The Directors voted as follows:

Blackall Yes

Sommers Left at 12:53

Bull Yes

Koeller Yes

Smith Yes

Waldron Yes

Runnels Yes

Nelson Yes

No action was taken in closed session.

XII. Adjournment

There being no further business brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.
