City of Keithsburg City Council met June 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Henshaw opened the Meeting at 6:30 PM Pledge of Allegiance
Alderman Physically Present: Bill Pinger, Jan Occhi, Donnie Cox, Tom Litwiler, Ronnie Brock, and Don Truitt Others present: Cindy Diehl, Treasurer; Kelly Parker, Clerk; and Troy Brock, Police.
MSA Grant Project Updates: None
Public Comments: Shaun Tippie addressed the council concerning a dip in the road from the work Valley Construction completed. Allen will contact MSA.
1. Minutes from last month’s meeting: Bill made a motion to approve minutes, Donnie seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
2. Cash Receipts: Jan made a motion to approve, Bill seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
3. Cash Disbursements: Donnie made a motion to approve, Don seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
4. Water and Sewer
• Total gallons pumped 1,009,000 with an average of 32,000
• Billy Pinger addressed the Hydrant Flushing questions that were brought to his attention. This document will be available on the city’s website.
• Dewatering at Jackson and 16th Streets will start Monday, June 15th. Tom will be available to run pumps through the night.
5. Streets and Sidewalks
• Dale Parker addressed the council regarding the repairs needing to be made on the city’s tractor. The tractor cannot be used until repairs are made. Work will take about a week to complete.
6. Fire Department
• The brush truck had repairs made which made the truck safe to drive. Fire Department and City both paid half for the repairs.
• A light on one truck is broke due to tree limbs. Allen will hire someone to trim trees around town.
• Fish and Chicken Fundraiser is planned for September.
7. Police
• New computer has been installed in car.
8. Campground
• Campground is doing good
• Bathrooms will need work done before they will be opened in the next phase of reopening.
9. Zoning
• None
10. Resolutions and Ordinances
• The Cannabis Ordinance was set aside until the City’s lawyer can be present at a future meeting.
11. Other Business
• Donnie made a motion to have Blucker, Kneer & Associates complete the yearly audit for year ending June 30, 2020, Jan seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
• OSLAD Grant bids were opened. We received two bids for the concrete work and one bid for each water, sewer, and electrical work.
Donnie made a motion to approve Rush Cement Finishing bid of $29,650, Jan seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
Donnie made a motion to approve KGS Electrics bids for the water, sewer, and electric totaling $67,426.15,
Ronnie seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
• Donnie made a motion to go into closed session, Bill seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
• Donnie made a motion to approve the termination of an employee, Bill seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
• Donnie made a motion to advertise the Maintenance position for two weeks, Jan seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.
12. Donnie made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Ronnie seconded. Motion carried with all “Yes” votes.