City of Colona City Council met Jan. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order: 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Public Comments:
1. Presentation by Mike Devita, Landmark Dividend
2. Presentation by Harrison Bailey, TowerPoint
Mayor’s Report:
Approval of Minutes:
Approve minutes from December 28, 2020 council meeting
Consent Agenda:
1. Approve payment of bills for the period December 29, 2020-January 11, 2021
2. Approve payroll for the period December 26, 2020-January 10, 2020
3. Approve Treasurer’s report for December 2020
Committee Meetings:
Public Works Committee: (Alderman Swemline, chair; Aldermen Feliksiak, Jones, members; M. Stephens, I. Crew, staff)
Discuss/Approve purchase of a salt spreader for 1-ton truck
Clerks Report:
Old Business:
Discuss/Approve canal crossing street project
New Business:
1. Approve Business License for Colona Storage on 4th Street pending receipt of State approval and payment
2. Approve sale of 703 6th Street
Closed Session
Per 5 ILCS 120/2, from Chapter 102, Paragraph 42, Section 2. Open Meetings, Paragraph (c) Exceptions, subparagraph (6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body