
Rock Island Today

Friday, November 22, 2024

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met March 7

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met March 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Wanda Roberts-Bontz to call the  roll. The following Aldermen were present: Larry Toppert, Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Jayne  O’Brien, Rhea Oakes, Maria Tapia and Jose Rico. 7:08 p.m. 



RAVINES C & F SEWER ACCESS – CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT (Mr. Tim  Kammler, Director of Engineering)  

Access construction for Ravines C & F will require construction survey staking for line and  grades of the proposed road, drainage features, and other appurtenant items. Layout will include  stakes delineating the limits of the easements acquired from homeowners for this project so  these lines are clear for the contractor during clearing and grading operations. Staff does not  have the ability to perform the required surveying services; as such, a professional services  proposal has been obtained from Abbitt Surveying to assist the city with this work. A copy of  the proposal including detailed scope of services is attached for review and consideration. 

Staff continue to seek a consultant that can provide capable construction inspection assistance to  help oversee East Moline's full plate of FY'22 construction projects. Once a satisfactory  proposal for inspection services is obtained, this contract will be brought to COW for review  and consideration. 


This is a budgeted item.  

Line Item# 270-4547-452.0 Title: Sewer Capital Improvements  Amount Budgeted: $2,185,000.00 

Actual Cost: $12,750.00 (est.) 

Funding Sources: Sewer CIP Funds 

Departments: Engineering 

This is a CIP. 


Approve contract with Abbitt Survey to perform construction layout services for the Ravine  C & F Access ways.

A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey to concur with the  recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, O’Brien,  Oakes, Tapia, Rico, Toppert and Almblade. Motion carried. 

RENEWAL OF FACILITIES (POOL) JOINT USE AGREEMENT (Mr. Doug  Maxeiner, City Administrator)  

United Township High School (UTHS) and the City of East Moline have jointly operated the pool  facility at UTHS since 1979. The agreement was last renewed in 2017 and expires April 30, 2022.  Superintendent Morrow and City staff are proposing an extension of the agreement for another  five-year term. 

The pool facility (exclusive of the real estate on which it is built) is jointly owned by the City and  UTHS with each party owning a 50% share and operations controlled by a Pool Board consisting of  two members from each entity. The current (2022) budget for the pool shows an expenditure budget  of $330,030 which includes a $30,000 contingency and $10,000 capital equipment line item.  Revenues are $302,750 comprised of a $95,000 contribution from both parties to the agreement  ($190,000 total) with the remainder generated by user fees, rentals, memberships, and concessions. 

The only changes to the proposed extension are the dates and a proposed limit on the requirement  for a contribution to the reserve for equipment replacement. Previously, a minimum of $10,000  (and a maximum of $100,000) is required annually for equipment replacement. The proposed  language eliminates the requirement for any annual equipment reserve contribution if the balance of  the reserve fund is $75,000 or greater or if the balance is less than 25% of the operating budget,  whichever is greater. As of the end of 2021, the Pool had a reserve of $145,272. 


This is a budgeted item.  

Line Item# Fund 540 Title: Pool Fund 

Funding Sources: City and UTHS contribution with user fees 

This is not a CIP. 


Staff recommends approval. 

A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Rico to concur with the  recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, O’Brien, Oakes,  Tapia, Rico, Toppert and Almblade. Motion carried. 

UPDATED OF CITY CODE – ARTICLE 7, CHAPTER 4 PLANTS AND  WEEDS (Mr. Doug Maxeiner, City Administrator)  

The City's Health Inspector has been assigned tall grass and weed enforcement for the City.  After a quick review of the municipal code, she is proposing some minor modifications to  Article 7, Chapter 4 on Plants and Weeds. Specifically, the proposed changes include an update  of the fee associated with a lien on a property from $30 to $51 to better reflect the City's cost. 

The enforcement period is being expanded to start two weeks earlier on April 15th. In addition,  gender specific language in the code is changed to gender neutral. 

A redline draft of the changes is included as an attachment. 


This is budgeted item.  

Departments: Inspections - Health 

This is not a CIP. 


Staff recommends approval. 

A motion was made by Alderman Rico, seconded by Alderman Toppert to concur with the  recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, O’Brien, Oakes,  Tapia, Rico, Toppert and Almblade. Motion carried. 


A motion was made by Alderman Rico, seconded by Alderman Almblade to adjourn the  Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, O’Brien,  Oakes, Tapia, Rico, Toppert and Almblade. Motion carried. 7:15 p.m. 
