City of Rock Island Parks and Recreation Board met Dec. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance
Members Present: Fred Dasso, Bill Anderson, Mike Foley, John McEvoy, Paul Hansen, Venessa Taylor
Members Absent: none
Staff Present: Todd Winter, Assistant Director; Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager
Staff Absent: John Gripp, Executive Director
Audience: none
3. November Park Board Minutes
Mr. Anderson motioned to approve the minutes; Mr. McEvoy seconded. All voted yes.
4. Thank you from the Seton Catholic School, Mississippi Valley Quilt Guild, and Rocky Resource Room were recognized.
5. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of October
Admin cost is high due to a majority of depreciation in there. Most of the internal charges reside in Admin as well. Whitewater Junction is doing ok and will about break even at the end of the year. Golf courses are doing well. $600,000 for Highland Springs and $150,000 for the Carriage House projects were passed by council for ARPA funding. RIFAC is now positive and very busy heading into November and December.
6. Approval of the Bills for the Month of November: $343,884.23
Mr. Dasso: Aye Mr. Foley: Aye Mr. McEvoy: Aye Ms. Taylor: Aye Mr. Hansen: Aye Mr. Anderson: Aye
7. Director’s Report and other reports
Carriage House nearing completion. There was a back log on the doors to go in for the pass through but should come in soon. Plumbing is close to done. The estimated completion is February/March. The Highland Springs clubhouse ARPA funds were approved at council. January 16th is the estimated completion. Emily Jacobsen took a position in the St. Louis area. The Front Office Manager position will be vacant for now as the Office Manager and recreation team managers assist.
The Assistant Horticulture position has been filled and will start next month. This position will allow for assistance in upkeep of duties year round.
Fred mentioned an article stating the need to support parks and libraries more. The City Manager wants to look at the budget as more of a road map rather than each year. John is going to give a questionnaire to each of the council members and park board to get direction and meet one on one to take the findings back to get recommendations on the future of the department as it fits in the core values. The plan is to implement this in February.
Discussion ensued about the impact of losing services and how it negatively impacts citizens.
The theme of 2022 executive summary is “The Power of Parks”.
RIFAC will be seeing a few changes. A slight increase to membership fees. There will no longer require the one year commitment. Short term commitment memberships will be phased out. More pool hours have been added and the facility is open seven days a week year round. Supervisors are being reduced in some areas. Emergency Action Plan training was done for RIFAC staff.
Ash trees have been taken out of Highland and buried off the course and some were taken away. An increase to no mow areas is allowing for naturalized spaces. A fence is being installed at 7 and 12 by the tee boxes. Saukie has installed glass doors from the old Highland Springs clubhouse.
Grinch visits were this week and Santa visits are underway along with Santa letters. The preschool holiday program went really well with over 200 parents, family and friends. Schwiebert Park is looking amazing with lights and holiday decorations. Another change for RIFAC is the hallway towards preschool will now be closed off to preschool only for security purposes. With having three rooms, it was congested as well during class times and programming. Everyone else now goes through the member entrance. This has increased captures of sign ins for Silver sneakers as well as ensure all pickleball entrants are accounted and paid for. Pickleball players are now able to rent gym time outside of play hours.
Longview Park has a shelter space next to the conservatory that will be taken down and replaced with a shade feature and have some decorative benches and lighting.
8. New Business
Mower bids for zero turns. Staff recommends the Prairie State bid.
Mr. Anderson motioned. Mr. Foley seconded. All voted yes.
ARPA RFP updates. Highland Springs Clubhouse and Carriage House have been approved. Other ones are Denkmann Park which a collaboration with CED to use HUD funds is being put together to redo asphalt, add hoops and other renovations. RIFAC was approved to update all four locker rooms, add a window to open up the pool, replace the steam room and saunas and working on the best approach to replace tile and put in shower areas for the two lobby gender neutral bathroom spaces. Mel McKay pickleball will be dependent on OSLAD grant.
9. Other Business
10. Items Not on the Agenda
Todd presented the 2022 Annual Summary available at the park office in RIFAC.
Venessa presented a member concern that the weights and machines are not very clean at the base of them. Todd will follow up and make sure staff are cleaning.
Bill Ander will be virtual for January, February and March.
Motion to adjourn by Mr. McEvoy. Mr. Foley. All voted yes.
The meeting adjourned at 6:18 pm.