
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Kewanee Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 16

City of Kewanee Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Zoning Board of Appeals convened at 5:00 p.m. February 15, 2023, in the Council Chambers at Kewanee City Hall. ZBA members Peart, Brackett and Martinez were absent. For business, there was one variance petition application upon which to conduct a public hearing.


600, 608 & 614 N. Main St., A variance of 15 feet to the required 20 feet rear setback AND a variance of 11 parking spaces to the required 46 spaces.

Background Information:

Jordan Ryan, of Kinetic Design & Development, contacted me regarding the construction of a new retail store (Dollar General) to be placed on the subject properties. Upon review of the plans that were submitted, I discovered that the proposed building would be 15 feet too close to the rear (east) property line. I advised Ryan that a variance to allow the building to be constructed with a 5 feet setback would be required. The plans also showed 35 parking spaces which is 11 less than required by city ordinance. Ryan forwarded this information to their engineering group to see if redesigning the plans is an option.

Rodney Parrott, of Overland Engineering LLC, contacted me a few days later and advised they would need to request a variance for the setback and the parking spaces.

The Subject Property:

Address: 600 N. Main St.

Legal Description: LTS 3 & 4 MOLLIE LYLES SUB OF LTS 3 & 4 & NW COR LT 6 SW SE SEC 28 CITY OF KEWANEE [EZ], County of Henry, State of Illinois.

Address: 608 N. Main St.

Legal Description: LT 5 LYLES SUB OF LT 3 & 4 & NW CORNER LT 6 SW SE SEC 28 CITY OF KEWANEE, County of Henry, State of Illinois.

Address: 614 N. Main St.

Legal Description: LT 6 LYLES SUB OF LT 3 & 4 & NW CORNER LT 6 SW SE SEC 28 CITY OF KEWANEE, County of Henry, State of Illinois.

Location: Norteast corner of E. 6th St. and N. Main St.

Zoning: B-3 Business Service & Wholesale District.

Dimensions: 227.5 feet North to South by 164 feet East to West, 37310 Sq. Ft area. Existing Buildings or Uses: Metal post frame building, Single-family dwelling and detached garage.

Existing Land Use Map: Commercial.

Proposed Land Use Map: Commercial.

The Surrounding Area:

Zoning District(s): Surrounding land is zoned B-3 Business Service & Wholesale District and M-1 Manufacturing District Limited to the South.

Uses of Land:

The surrounding land contains business uses.

Variance Requested:

A variance of 15 feet to the required 20 feet rear setback.


A variance of 11 parking spaces to the required 46 spaces.

The City has no objection to the variance request.

The Public Hearing:

At 5:00 p.m. February 15, 2023, the hearing on the variance request at 600, 608 & 614 N. Main St. was held. Dean Chalkey of Chamlin & Associates was present to represent the petition.

Edwards read the background information to the Zoning Board.

Edwards said he had discussions with Public Works Manager Kevin Newton who stated there is a sewer line in the alley to the East of the subject property but the variance causes no concern with access to it should the need arise.

Edwards said the City has no concerns about the parking space requirement variance as well. The plans show 2 ADA compatible parking spaces as required by Chalkey said that the proposed building would be placed at a similar setback to where the Casey's building exists to the North and that the 35 parking spaces is typical to other Dollar General locations.

Raymond Salisbury, of 112 E 6th Street, spoke in favor of the variance requests. Salisbury said that the new building and fence would help keep trash from blowing into his yard from Main Street and would also keep snow from blowing into his driveway.

There was general discussion about the new Dollar General location being a good addition to the North side of Kewanee.

Dan Kuffel from Kewanee asked about the entrances to the parking lot. Chalkey stated there would be entrances off Main Street and 6th Street and that delivery trucks will be able to enter the parking lot for unloading without blocking traffic in the roadway.

There were no objectors.


After discussing the facts and testimony presented, the Zoning Board of Appeals recommends, based on the authority of $33.062 of the City Code, by a vote of four in favor of the application, none opposed and three absent, that the City Council grant the variance request of 15 feet to the required 20 feet rear setback. Additionally, by a vote of four in favor of the application, none opposed and three absent, that the City Council grant the variance request of 11 parking spaces to the required 46 spaces.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
